
Pity her, she does not see what is coming down the tracks. Palin scared the living hell out of me. After the first five minutes of her acceptance speech, I was in sheer horror. There it was, crying a cross and everything, couldn’t be wrapped tighter in an American flag.

Fascism of the stupidz. The worst kind.

Someone I knew saw it from the side stage, she called me during the end of the speech and gave me a play by play of the crowd. They freaking loved it. For a few days, Senator John McCain looked like a genius, until the world found out just how stupid Palin can be at times.

And Palin can can her elitism, because she is the stupidz in front of camera, repeatedly. I saw this as a redneck from southern Brazoria County. We have never been so flattered as to be called the elite, unless we’re talking taking care of business and kicking ass.

Even when Palin, herself, isn’t giving a ee cummings like response to incredible softballs that float in on balloons, some absurd antics are going on in the background.

Remember this gem:

I could understand not seeing it, if it was on Palin’s blindside, but how could you not hear it?

America should thank its lucky stars Palin is stupid.

If she was as smart and as savvy as she appeared on the night of her first speech, her finest hour, we would probably have a President McCain.

The Republicans realized something though, their based had a streak of populism in them that they had yet to tap. Their search for a populist began!

The first replacement for Palin, who had shown her red baboon ass in a parade that led to a national crisis in absurdity.

I still think this ended McCain’s campaign:

Right here:…

Here is the whole segment, you want 3m55s.

Maked up like a clown on national tv, during a time of crisis.

He lost the rabble right there.

He was no longer a maverick, he was a politician.

The dream Maverick/Rogue team crash bombed into the ground.

The Maverick went back to God’s Waiting Room, otherwise known as the Senate. Palin went full rogue.

The Republicans thought they found their man to replace her in their populist slot.

He’s unveil was epic.

This Jim Hanson muppet come to life was a big flop. He was full on Barney Fife instead of Andy Griffith. He was also an idiot.

Not quite the stupidz like Palin, but definitely an idiot.

The Great Elephant went fishing, and I think they got their Moby Dick.

Because this dude is a huge Dick.

Not that Dick, but first they had to get rid of the snowbilly.

Bill O’Reilly: Let me be very bold and fresh again, do you believe that you are smart enough, incisive enough, intellectual enough to handle the most powerful job in the world?

Sarah Palin: I believe that I am because I have common sense and I have I believe the values that I think are reflective of so many other American values, and I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the uhm, the ah, a kind of spineless, spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite, Ivy league education and, and a fat resume that is based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles. Americans are could be seeking something like that in positive change in their leadership, I’m not saying that that has to be me.

A hatchet job? On Palin? At Fox News?

See the whole interview and more here:…

Fox News knows framing, they know exactly what they are doing here. They are undermining her credibility and her base which each frame of this interview.

They are creating room, oxygen space, for a new challenger to appear.

You know him, you love him, Lou Dobbs!

Dumb as Palin doesn’t even realize what’s coming down the tracks, how she will be discard and in five years a walking joke, but she will be getting everything that is coming to her.

That is the saddest part of all.

That and Ailes is gonna fund Lou Dobb’s presidential campaign as a populist Republican and use Fox News as the propaganda tool.

That’s gonna be pretty sad to watch, too.

But we will always have the memories of the horror. The Horror.


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    • Miep on December 11, 2009 at 07:56

    I kinda got bored of her awhile back.

    But that Argentina documentary you posted earlier this evening was fascinating.

    • Inky99 on December 11, 2009 at 11:12

    You’re assuming we actually have two parties in this country, and that the REAL right wing, the actual powers-that-be of the right, are unhappy with Obama.

    They are not, they are THRILLED with Obama.   After all, they selected him.

    The selection of Palin was a deliberate act of Hari-Kari by the Repubs.   They didn’t want McCain to win.  He’s an old man with cancer.   But he could have won had he picked a tolerable running mate.  

    So they picked this nutjob as a running mate, a nutjob who would push the Overton window forever right-ward and would send everybody frothing at the mouth who wasn’t to the right of Ted Nugent.  

    And that way, when Obama was President, no matter how corporate and military he was, everybody could breathe a sigh of relief and say “well at least Sarah Pain isn’t President.  He’s better than SHE would have been!   Thank God!”

    We’re being manipulated several levels higher up than most people realize.   They are that far ahead of most of us.

    So they don’t really give a crap who’s “next” in line.   It’s not a serious issue right now.   Obama is the guy who’s really inline, he’s gonna be for the next seven years unless we primary him from the left.  

    And even then, it would probably have to be in another party, because, let’s be real, the Democratic Party is NOT going to primary Obama.  They might make a stupid little show of it but they’re not going to do it for real.

    That’s up to us.  

    There is one party rule in this country, and if you keep that in mind, everything makes a lot of sense.  

    Lou Dobbs might “run” but only to give his new Fox show better ratings.   You know, like Huckabee.  

  1. I mean none of this shit even bothers my mind at all anymore.  None of it.  It’s just theater, crappy, evil mind controlling neuro-linguistic programming for the unwashed peasant masses of sheeple.

    I would much rather watch these guys.

    • Xanthe on December 11, 2009 at 14:21

    they want safety, mommy’s lap.  During these times – hell, yes.  She’s simplicity itself!  It can work- don’t discount the presidency of Obama – there will be a backlash and voters like me are too dispirited to even engage in voting.  (To think it took me 50 plus years to “get it” – it doesn’t matter all that much – what matters are the people behind the curtain.)

    Don’t discount Palin.  It’s not about intellectual gifts, or hard work- it’s about “reality” shows; it’s about American Idol.  She’s a star.  Get her the right puppetmaster – scary.

    I continue to watch the “free clinics” on tv.  The shame of our country.  We continue to go to war.  That’s way expensive. And we herd our citizens into these clinics.  Disgusting!  

    A friend of mine said:  well, what do you propose.  Six years of a presidency and only one term – so the president can’t begin running for a second term of Day 2.  Clinton spoke of this, didn’t he?  or my own favorite:  It could be a reality show.  Get on the #22 bus in Chicago (Clark Street) and pick out some people to sit on the cabinet or put a few in the Senate.  You may even get a lawyer.  Give them a week or so, see how they do an go from there.  Next stop:  The Michigan Avenue Sheridan Express – a tonier bus line.      

  2. My first, maybe second, thought at the time, when they launched Palin, was… they just handed us (Obama) the election, wrapped up.

    and I completely thought this at the time too:

    I still think this ended McCain’s campaign: {LETTERMAN appearance stood up}

    Anyway… that was then. This is now.

    Pinche… we’re neighbors. I wonder if folks here know how to say your username right! lolol

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