He’s Not Your Boyfriend

I am utterly sick of all this carrying on here about how people are not allowed to criticize Barack Obama.

He’s not your boyfriend.

(crossposted from naranja)

He’s your President. You should be holding him to account. You should be scrutinizing him very carefully.

You HIRED him to be President.

You VOTED for him to represent your best interests.

I don’t care how pretty he is, or how pretty his family is.

That’s NOT the point.


He’s not a family member.

Yes, I know; some here spent a huge amount of energy getting him elected. That was a good thing. I’m proud of all of you for that.

But ENOUGH of this flaming people for saying; “Hey, quit being so defensive of this elected official!”

Quit hide reccing good bloggers off this site for doing so.

You accomplish NOTHING good by doing so. All you do is encourage censorship.

Is that what you want, Kossacks? More censorship?

I’ll freely grant all of those of you who busted your butts to get Obama elected, kudos. I think it needed to be done.

But WTF is all this hysterical shit about where people get hide recced for saying they are not happy with elected officials?

Barack Obama is an elected official. If we do not allow criticism of him, we are no better than any authoritarian group.

Deal, people. Those of you who keep doing this are KILLING the democratic party, not to mention us leftists, whom you seriously need if you want our President to win another term.

Barack Obama is alienating the left, and he will not win votes from the right by catering to them. Because the right is rift with racists.

Think about it. Do you really need the right that much?

Because you’re losing us, the left; Kossacks. You’re losing us bigtime.


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    • Miep on December 10, 2009 at 09:45

    and slink tipped my tip jar in about five seconds.

    That’ll work.

    Onwards into the breach!

    • Miep on December 10, 2009 at 10:03

    but those of you who find it of interest might take a peek, when you arise.

  1. I’m reading his Empire of Illusion book, it’s a must read, IMO, he nails it on every page.

    • Miep on December 10, 2009 at 10:31

    I’ll leave this to the morning crew then.

    I don’t know how much work it’s going to take to explain to people that the POTUS isn’t our boyfriend. Srsly, this would never have occurred to me, that this would become a problem.

    Go figure.

    • Miep on December 10, 2009 at 10:32

    I’ll hang for a few more minutes. The site hangs for several minutes then (2:30 mountain time)

  2. hasn’t been HRed. So that’s progress. 🙂

    Good rant, Miep.

    • k9disc on December 11, 2009 at 01:45


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