Coalition building… how do we do it?

I’ve had many thoughts and reactions that I never got around to articulating. Yesterday,  I left off one in particular in mid – thought: “What if…?”


Im posting this Essay to provide a space for brainstorming … ideas, strategies, tactics…  

Okay, kids, there’s gobs of meta things happening concurrently and of course it’s all inter-related. And yes, lots of it has to do with the “step-child” status that DD has in its relationship with GOS. And of course, some interactions and relationships with members of that community, this community, and the larger community of “progressives” all.


I am … well, I went back and re-read the DD FAQ’s and Mission Statement, for one thing. And I’ve said many times, that I think it’s essential that we have clear ideas of our goals & common dreams, in order to establish some common ground.  Here’s a snippet of Docudharma’s Mission Statement:

Passion, politics, poetry, prose and ponies. Silliness, snark and a serious effort to frame the future. A river of words, thought, philosophy and action that nourishes and transforms the political cultural and social landscape through which it passes. That is the spirit behind this “place”.

Sounds good.

“Blogging the future.”

No small task.

Among other things, well, I am not a rabblerouser hellraiser, I’m more subversive style which, okay I admit, can be a little smartassy sometimes. But I always try to go back to a basic review of Is It Helping? Is it moving us progressively forward to a goal, the goal? Is it effective and productive? Thats the standard. For me.

So. What if…. we work toward coalition building. Building up instead of tearing down. Let “it” fall down or burn to the ground of its own failure, or not. (“it” can be any number of things here). What if… we deploy Docudharma for the greater good, or even The Perfect. Ya know… wtf, why not?

Excerpting snips of a most excellent comment from KH yesterday:


Be excellent


Be excellent is not a suggestion for when on the blog here, but a call to strive for being excellent in life & in any interaction with others.


This place has already grown with immigrants from close & far, & will continue to if it remains excellent.


The more excellent the people the better the collective ability to effect the change.


I do think the outfits are nice in an excellent way, but here it`s always casual dress.


At the moment I only have one idea and Im afraid it’s probably a really bad idea. heh. UPDATE: Okay it needs some work. Help me out here.

There’s GOS, a unique place, then there’s teh lefty blogoshere at large. For starters, now still, many of us are still active or engaged somewhat at GOS. And Mr. Blades…well… I say he is behind the eight ball, in his role there as Kop. I do believe he is an ally.

What if we invite MB here, in a clearly defined format, with clearly stated goals, and open up some discussion? A Peace Treaty detente. making sort of thing. Working toward better understanding and some solutions. Just us.

Deoliver in BlackK0s has tried to get the ball rolling on coalition thinking, a week or so ago.

I wonder how DK4.0 will affect any of this.

Needs work. Gotta go pick up my kid. Jump in.



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  1. be late.

  2. What are they making, Duke Nuke’em Forever, The Blog?

    Not sure on the coalitions, last time I threw one of those together we accidently on purpose created Teabaggers.  

    • rossl on December 9, 2009 at 00:07

    should adopt a few (literally two or three or four) policies to work toward and possibly agree to support only candidates that are supportive of those policies.

    I’m not sure what those would be.  I think one would be equal marriage rights for everyone.  I don’t know what other issue could be not divisive.

    • Joy B. on December 9, 2009 at 01:04

    1. Return to Constitutional law and respect for rights that apply equally to all citizens. Real prosecution for violators and their official covers (under color of law). Serious prison reform. Etc.

    2. A foreign policy that relies on diplomacy rather than military force. Absolute prohibition of wars of aggression for resources, empire or as proxy for any other nation.

    3. Open government. Really. Some meaningful sunshine laws with no loopholes beyond personal privacy and legit national security.

    4. Dismantling the MIC to the extent that it now consumes more of our GDP and debt than any other sector. Diversion of a large portion of MIC welfare toward infrastructure, health care, education and jobs.

    5. Serious regulation of the financial sector, including the Fed. Prohibition of “Too Big To Fail” and enforcement of anti-trust laws.

    6. Real investment in green energy technologies, green building technologies, and prohibition of corporate buying of patents on new technology for the purpose of preventing development. More investment in retrofits to mitigate climate change, including requiring white roofs (enough of these will offset lack of ice caps).

    7. Immediate freeze on new coal generation, MTR mining, and nuclear hornswaggles. Right now demand is down so far we aren’t using the capacity we’ve got. A perfect time to change course as a matter of policy and stick to it.

    Off the top of my head, though there’s lots of detail work on these. I’m sure there’s more…

    • banger on December 9, 2009 at 17:09

    Do you mean a coalition with people at KOS or what? Let’s face it (and I’m surprised of the interest over here with what goes on at KOS). Isn’t obvious that the Democratic Party (and KOS is a part of the Democratic Party) doesn’t give a shit about what what leftists think? We should be pulling people out of KOS and bringing them here where we  are not a propaganda and disinformation arm of the “left” side of the Democratic Party (which is the equivalent of the East German opposition — for those that don’t know was yet another arm of Stasi).

    I don’t believe KOS is worth dealing with in any shape or form except as a place for fishing for souls to get them out of the weird fascination with a Democratic Party than is in perhaps the most thoroughly corrupt portion of its long career.

    If we should be building coalitions it is with other non-Democratic Party blogs or, as I feel is worthwhile, libertarians and even the paranoid right. After all, they were sort of right about their “New World Order” rants in the 90’s.

    But mostly we should be as we are a home for people who are interested in finding something approaching truth.  

    • Diane G on December 9, 2009 at 22:23

    very little room to reach those who make a living out of cutting us out of their herd.

    I hate to be negative.

    And truth be told I have read none of the meta, going through the hell of my own meta.

    All I think we can do is keep trying to reach the undecideds, advertise, get new readers and listeners, and hope even one mind at a time is changed just by hearing something that resonates.

    ///slithers back off to lurk mode///

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