December 19, 2009 archive

Docudharma Times Saturday December 19

Saturday’s Headlines:

Many Goals Remain Unmet in 5 Nations’ Climate Deal

Rising prices spark a new gold rush in Peruvian Amazon

In health-care deliberations, Senate is a surreal world

No longer the New Orleans Ain’ts

Karzai to keep half of cabinet including warlords

Myanmar’s generals plow a rich furrow

Neo-Nazis suspected of raid on Auschwitz ‘to rewrite history’

French court fines Google for scanning books

Gaza must be rebuilt now

Iranians accused of seizing Iraq oil field

Morocco allows Western Saharan hunger striker to return home

Filming ‘El Traspatio’ was a death-defying act

Peace Prize Winner Declares Historic Victory (GBCW)

Update: See ya! Y’all go on blaming America for the all world’s problems without me. I’m sure my departure won’t cause you to miss a blame America-first beat! The idea that any American could suggest the United States is evil is simply mind-boggling.

Meaningless drivel….this way…

Obama’s Epic Fail. The Wapo is scathing:

President Obama helped broker a climate deal with a group of leading nations that provides for monitoring emission cuts by each country but sets no global target for cutting greenhouse gases, and no deadline for reaching a formal international climate treaty.

I Claudius and Caligula’s Victory over Neptune. The UK Times ridicules President Peace Prize for making the same bombastic claims. The Times made no effort to blunt the scale of the President Puff-ball’s defeat:

The United Nations climate change summit ended last night without setting any emission reduction targets.

President Obama forged a non-binding agreement with his counterparts in China, India, Brazil and South Africa but it was unclear whether all 192 countries would accept the compromise text….

The agreement merely repeated an aspiration to keep the global temperature increase to 2C without explaining how that would be achieved. The final text also failed to mention any deadline for turning it into a binding treaty.

Obama’s climate accord fails the test If you thought the right-wing press was harsh, check out Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor of the reflexively right-wing Independent.

…the accord is not legally binding, merely a political statement.

The key timetable for turning it into a legal instrument by this time next year, which is what the world desperately needs so that cuts in CO2 emissions really are carried out, was dropped from the text during the immensely difficult and seemingly-intractable talks which lasted all day and late into the evening. In effect, that makes it toothless.

Copenhagen ends in failure Hey, wait a minute, I thought this an unprecedented breakthrough, an historic agreement. What’s up with the Guardian?

Lumumba Di-Aping, chief negotiator for the G77 group of 130 developing countries, said the deal had “the lowest level of ambition you can imagine. It’s nothing short of climate change scepticism in action. It locks countries into a cycle of poverty for ever. Obama has eliminated any difference between him and Bush.”

John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace UK, said: “The city of Copenhagen is a crime scene tonight, with the guilty men and women fleeing to the airport.

Dropped from the text Gee, where have we heard that phrase before? Oh yeah, from the LA Times: “After days of secret talks, Senate Democrats tentatively agreed tonight to drop a government-run insurance option from sweeping health care legislation, several officials said, a concession to party moderates whose votes are critical to passage of President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority.” Our champion is now back in Washington to take on the snowstorms sweeping the eastern seaboard. Mr Obama himself admitted that a binding deal would be “hard to achieve”.

No kidding.

Climate summit recognises US deal

Delegates at the Copenhagen summit have passed a motion recognising a US-backed agreement on climate change.

But correspondents say it is not yet clear whether the motion is unanimous or what its legal implications are.

Delegates at the climate summit had been battling to prevent the talks ending without reaching a final deal.

Earlier, a US-led group of five nations – including China – tabled a last-minute proposal that President Barack Obama called a “meaningful agreement”.

However, it had been rejected by a few developing nations which felt it failed to deliver the actions needed to halt dangerous climate change.

The majority of nations had been urging the Danish hosts to adopt the deal.

“The conference decides to take note of the Copenhagen Accord of December 18, 2009,” the chairman of the plenary session of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) declared on Saturday morning, swiftly banging down his gavel.

To be accepted as an official UN agreement, the deal needs to be endorsed by all 193 nations at the talks.

This agreement isn’t a move towards achieving a reduction in CO2 out put or other forms of pollution which have contributed to global warming. Its just another way of avoiding any real changes in the behavior of the worlds nations or its people. After all with no verification there was no reason to even call this an agreement.    

The Army of the Amazons

Deleted to avoid crazy woman

Late Night Karaoke

Open Thread


I think we might be all in need of this prescription, judging from the events in progress

Take a few images as needed, to distract you for a little.

Smack a few down with a little wine or a beverage of your choice.

May heighten the effects of herb, or versa vice.

Safe for all ages, but do see a good friend if your erection or pheromone release lasts for more than 6 hours, but do not necessarily wait that long.

I would also like to thank you for all the good wishes on Teri`s behalf.

She is doing well, but mending slowly, which I think is best anyway.

I compiled all the wishes (almost 4 dozen) on a word doc. & presented it to her.

She was very surprised & wondered who all you people are, to be so thoughtful.

Thank You All.

Here in Sunny California, this is the flag we fly.

Please stay safe warm & dry for all of you in possible harms way from the present weather.



We’re Keeping Score Too, Brother

That’s what President Obama evidently said to Representative Pete DeFazio based on his voting against Obama’s legislation, including the stimulus bill, the climate change bill, and one of only two democrats to vote against the bank bailout.  According to The Hill:…

“DeFazio has emerged in recent months as one of the most vocal liberal critics of the Obama administration, blasting the president’s team for not getting tough enough with Wall Street. He’s also taken on his own party for failing to move left-leaning legislation through the Congress.”

According to reports, it appears this president and administration is just as, if not more, sensitive than the previous  president and administration.

“Obama himself has taken notice.  “Don’t think we’re not keeping score, brother,” Obama told DeFazio during a closed-door meeting of the House Democratic Caucus, according to members afterward.”

To President Obama:

Ya brother, go ahead and keep score.  You and your sidekick Emanuel.  It appears Emanuel may exhibit symptoms of a classic Napolean bully, only picking on those who he knows he can beat up.  A little chickenshit who only spouts off his mouth when his big brother is standing behind him.    

“But Emanuel, known for his blunt manner and ability to bend members of his party to his will, did not raise his voice with the Oregon Democrat.  “Rahm does not yell at me,” DeFazio said, “because he knows that I yell back.”

Well, brother, I can call you brother can’t I?    You can call me brother just as you called Representative DeFazio brother.  I’ve always thought all men were created equal, which means to me that I only have to call you Mr. President out of respect, if I choose.  Sometimes I do, but you brought the brother thing up.  You and your sidekick want to keep score do ya. Kind of like Nixon’s “Enemies List”?  Did you get some kind of presidential playbook?  We know what that means, you don’t say it for nothing.  It means you will get your revenge.  It was, pardon my french, a fucking threat.  You will do something about that DeFazio dude for having the audacity to vote against your bills.   Of course I don’t believe you have the guts, pardon my french again, to do shit.  To that I say, go back to high school, brother, if you want to play those games.  Eleven dimensional chess my ass.  That’s pure bullshit.    

Sincerely,  Underdog.

Obama, the brother dude, is on the verge of becoming one of the tragic figures in history.  Every dig of the shovel is creating a bigger hole with which he will not be able to climb out of.  It appears his overall maturity level is not in keeping with the important responsibilities he has been assigned.  He has proven to be a caretaker of the system, one whose only goals are to retain power and feed the corporate, MIC and Wall Street cash cow for himself, his cronies, and his interests, and lie his ass off to do it.  And if anyone gets in the way, he is keeping score.  

Back to the President:

Well, brother, we’re keeping score as well.  So far, you’re behind.  It’s only the first quarter of the game though.  But you’re far behind now.  You have your Obamabots, but they’re dropping like flies. You will retain a low 20 percentile just as Bush did.  And the real left, and I’m talking about the real left, not those that think they are left, forget it brother.  They’re gone.  You aint getting them back without some kind of Hail Mary pass now.  I don’t think you have it in you for a comeback.  I think you’re outta there in four years man.  And deservedly so.        


Random Japan


The Japan Communist Party’s official newspaper, the Akahata Shimbun, enjoyed an increase in circulation for the first time in 21 years

Bosozoku motorcycle gangs saw their numbers dwindle to 11,500, from a high of 42,500 in 1982

Local governments across the country are setting up miniature torii in places where illegal garbage disposal occurs in an effort to “appeal to the better nature of even the basest trash dumper”

Fashion-conscious but cash-strapped Japanese women are renting handbags for use on special occasions

Koban in Tokyo have begun installing women-only toilets and “nap rooms”

Seafood and produce falsely labeled as being of Japanese origin are “rampant” in Taiwan

At least one out-call sex service in Tokyo specializes in married women in their 40s and 50s

Won’t get fooled again! Again.

1979 San Francisco.  We were working on a hard-fought rent-control ballot initiative.  Hard-fought between the coalition of tenant organizations and the Democratic Party stalwarts on one side (seemingly) against the landlords and downtown developers who ran City Hall under Mayor Dianne Feinstein.

Even more hard-fought was the struggle between the tenant organizations which had created the campaign in the first place and ran the campaign’s district committees (I chaired District 6, the Mission), against the Democratic Party’s consultants (the little wigs) and Democratic clubs and official leftists, over whether the campaign would be a consultant-based media affair, or grassroots tenant-based.  The underlying question was whether the district committees would last beyond election day.

The money went to the consultants and for TV ads, while the district committees were starved.  The measure had been gutted even before the campaign began, in order to appease a few prestigious Democratic clubs that in the end actually opposed the initiative.  In the home stretch, it became clear that Prop R was going down.

Now a whiny voice pipes up from the back of the room.  “Hey, old guy, is this gonna be another of your boring stories about how you had to walk 20 miles through the snow to get to an SDS meeting?”

“Shaddup, kid, there’s a point here somewhere!”

As I was  saying, in the final weeks, the campaign bosses went into a pseudo-frenzy.  Once more to the barricades, voter registration, lit drops.  The campaign came down to getting a slate card under every door in the city.  No volunteer was to be left standing as the polls closed.

What Is This Thing?

The UK Telegraph Friday December 18, 2009

UFO pyramid reported over Kremlin

A giant pyramid which appears to be a UFO hovering over the Kremlin has caused frenzied speculation in Russia that it is an alien spacecraft.

The object has been compared to an Imperial Cruiser in the Star Wars films and witnesses estimated it could be up to a mile wide.

Two film clips exist which appear to show the same object and footage has been repeatedly playing on Russian television news channels.

The shots, one taken at night from a car and one during the day, were both filmed by amateurs.

The ‘craft’ was said to have hovered for hours over Red Square in the Russian capital.

The clips of the ‘invasion’ have gone to the top of the country’s version of YouTube.

The identity of the shape has not been confirmed. Russian reports ruled out a UFO but police refused to comment.

Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen

It’s official.  Obama ordered a brand new spanking fresh kill of his very own, in Yemen.  In US Presidential jargon, he’s been made.

On orders from President Barack Obama, the U.S. military launched cruise missiles early Thursday against two suspected al-Qaeda sites in Yemen, administration officials told ABC News in a report broadcast on ABC World News with Charles Gibson.

The Yemen attacks by the U.S. military represent a major escalation of the Obama administration’s campaign against al Qaeda.

The main trouble with the “Al Qaeda” cover story is that the attacks are aimed at Shiite rebels.  

Among other things, this is a signal to Iran.  The more things change…

(update: I removed the word “terrorists” for my cut and paste title from ABC news, for obvious reasons, ie., just because we attack someone does not make them terrorists.)  

Health Care Regulation Will Work!

Didn’t you get the memo?  There are regulations in the health care bill!  These new regulations will make the health care industry give American families a fair deal.

There is now, absolutely, no reason to hold up this health care bill.  These new regulations will work just as they worked for credit card companies.

You don’t believe me?  Read on…

(cross-posted at Daily Kos)

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