What really pisses me off

(11 am – promoted by ek hornbeck)

You know, after spending time in law enforcement, dealing with irate people in intense situations, you might think that I could handle anything.  I can’t.  There is one thing that really pisses me off — when people think to question my word, my integrity, or my credentials.

Yeah, I get it, on the internet everyone can be anybody.  All the guys are single, rich hunks.  All the women single models.  Unfortunately, that is the way it is — for many.

Not for me.

So, you’ll forgive this rant…

There are some blogs you simply expect opposition.  You expect idiots to worm their way out of the woodwork when you go against the conventional wisdom of the blog.

I get it at Daily Kos when I post diaries documenting the failures of the Obama administration.  Am I right?  Yes.  Do the idiots at DK care?  No.  They are simply idiots.  I know that.  They don’t want to hear about Obama’s failures, or, the Democratic Party’s failures.

I would get it at Redstate if I thought posting there was worth my time.  I don’t.  The GOP and its supporters are idiots.  They aren’t worth my time.

But, there are blogs I do comment on when a story is posted.  One of them is balloon-juice.  John Cole finally saw the light.  Like me, he saw the GOP turn into what it has become, and, like me, he got sick of it.  So, imagine when dougj at balloon-juice made an article about the boy in the balloon, and, the responses to it.

I’ve been laughing about this all day, pretty certain that Balloon Boy was okay, but I held off on posting it until I knew for sure: this is the funniest Tweet I’ve read in a while, though maybe that is/was just the mid-day Via/evening Guiness talking.

If you lower the balloon tax, the boy will come back down willingly. To create jobs where he lands.

Now that got to me.  Sure, you held off ALL DAY waiting so you could make a joke?  HUH?  The comment section reads like something out of Redstate, and, yes, I had to weigh in.

You think it’s funny? People didn’t know if the boy was in it, or not… whether he had fallen out of it, or not.

You think it’s funny?

Well, needless to say, it went downhill from there.  Yes, they thought it was funny.  And how dare someone say otherwise.  From dougj:

Uh, that’s kind of my point. It’s funny now, because he was just a kid playing a joke. It wasn’t funny before.

Joke or not, it’s not funny.  Period.  There were a lot of cops trying their damndest to find that kid.  They had helicopters in the air tracking the balloon.  The national guard had to put up a helicopter.  Police cars were trying to criss-cross states, avoiding normal traffic, trying to track this balloon because there could have been a little kid in it.

But, you see, having been a cop, I know that.  It’s when I pointed that out that the true idiocy began.  And, why this is the one thing that truly pisses me off.  People decided to try and call into question who I was, what I have done.

I have sent John Cole and dougj scans of the pertinent documents.  I use my real name here, so, I have no problem sending documents that have my name on them.

Yeah, it may seem like a “my dick is bigger than yours”, but, it isn’t.  It’s about my integrity, honesty, and who I am.

So… yes… this is the one thing that truly pisses me off.


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  1. in the ever expanding anti-New World Order resistance network.  I know that sounds delusional and very CT because of all the factions, counter factions and genuine raving loons the topic brings up.  There are a few though who are egalitarians just attempting to sort out the whole mess.

    http://www.projectcensored.org is one.

    And if you can accept that move on to


    Digesting those will make some sense of the real world.

  2. “your dick is bigger than mine”.

    Hope that clears that up, vs pissing you off further.


  3. A psyop to build cynicism and hostility toward the citizenry into the Police Corps and National Guard? Not sure if that’s really the case, but that shoe certainly does fit well, doesn’t it?

  4. You know and state in your essay this fact:

    There are some blogs you simply expect opposition.  You expect idiots to worm their way out of the woodwork when you go against the conventional wisdom of the blog.

    A corollary of this in blogs is that whenever you or anybody else, regardless of credentials, says “X” somebody will immediately argue for “not X.”  You know that.  That’s just how it is.

    You also know that even when you send credentials to folks it doesn’t matter one little bit.  Why?  Because they don’t f*cking care, they just want to yell “not X, not X, not X.”  And jump up and down and enjoy the commotion.  Don’t ask me why.  I don’t know why.  It’s just the nature of the beast, at least in places other than dd.

    I wish it weren’t so aggravating.  But I wish a lot of things.  

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