stray freedom thoughts

So much effort extended here lately writing about how to free ourselves from tyranny.

That makes me happy, because a blog where that does not happen, is a blog full of frightened people who fear to bring up the subject, especially if it comes too close.

Yell louder! indeed.

Okay, now that we’ve done that, for this round; here we are. I really like it that we can just do that, and then here we are. No big repercussions.

We don’t get killed by yelling, we are still extant. We don’t go away when we yell louder.

It makes us stronger, being able to do that. It’s like engaging in calisthenics.

Well, not really. Bad simile, really. But this really is what freedom is about, being able to yell louder, without worrying that one will be taken away.

Anybody been taken away here lately?

I hope not. My plate is overfull, far as people being taken away goes.



    • Edger on September 27, 2009 at 18:02

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