For Buhdy

Sometimes I forget what’s important.  I forget that the world is made of love.  I forget it. That’s human.  I do it.  My consciousness springs a leak and I forget.  Ut oh.  I do it frequently. And then, after a while, something happens to remind me, gently I hope, sometimes with ferocity, of what’s important, that the world is made of love.  I then hold the realization like a glistening diamond for a second, or a minute, or an hour.  I’m delighted, amazed, I’m filled with joy.  And then, too soon, too soon, I lose it again, forget it, cannot remember where I put it.  It’s gone.  Where’d it go?  I know I had it, I remember what it looked and felt like, but, alas, it’s gone.  I know it’s gone.  I admit it.  I’m sad.  I wish it were here.  I’m afraid it won’t return.  Despair is coming.  And then, maybe, in the sound of the wind or the song of a bird or a dream, I hear it again, a hint, a reminder, an echo.  There it is.  It’s in me, it’s in all of us.  We’re all made of it.  It’s a world of love.  Everything is made of it.  We’re all connected, we’re all in everything else.  And then, poof, it vanishes again.  Where is it?  Sometimes it stays gone for a long, long time.  Sometimes not. And then, isn’t it wonderful? it returns.  And when it returns, when the joy and ecstasy and unity and wonder and love and abundance and bliss return there’s only one thing to do.

Here is an example of the one thing to do:

There are, of course, other things to do also.  There are as many things to do as there are people.  There are 6 billion things to do.  I like celebrations and ceremonies and drumming and dancing and chanting.  Why?  Because it’s the love we’re made of that’s most important and all of that expresses bhakti.  And, yes, there are 6 billion other expressions of it.

May your world, and all of our worlds be filled with abundant love.  And may we all celebrate it, each in our own chosen way, in bliss.


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  1. A Tibetan lama once taught a farmer how to chant a mantra.  The farmer had great devotion and wanted to attain wisdom, so he chanted regularly.  The lama returned after a decade and heard the farmer chanting the mantra as he worked in the fields.  But something was wrong with the mantra.  The farmer was chanting, “Om mane padme cow,” and the mantra was supposed to be “Om mane padme hum.”  The lama approached the farmer, perhaps to correct the words in the mantra.  But when he saw his face, he knew that he had achieved bliss beyond all suffering. It was the farmer’s intention and devotion that mattered far more than his words.

    • RiaD on July 14, 2009 at 02:06

  2. Om your manna is good chow

    om your manna is good chow

    Food from heaven

    • robodd on July 14, 2009 at 06:12

    Who knows, but that the universe is not one vast sea of compassion actually, the veritable holy honey, beneath all this show of personality and cruelty?

  3. An interesting observation I ….um …observed, a few years ago…

    When I am in the phase of ‘remembering’ that the world is made of love, I actually learn very little and do not ‘progress much. It is kind of, though far from completely, a ‘static’ state.

    When i forget that the world is made of love and get down in the mud of the world, that is where I learn, and hopefully, lol, progress. As I have, hopefully, lol, learned and progressed through all that has happened during this phase.

    So I think we need to inhabit both states.

    Until we don’t.

    And are always in the state of Love.

    At which point, being on earth is no longer ‘useful,’ lol.

    “You know when your work on this planet is done…..if you are alive, it isn’t.”

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