The Stars Hollow Gazette

The populist case against corporate media

C’mon, you’d rather read this.

Fundamentally the entitled class sees their entitled position as a product of merit and diligence rather than birthright even though to an amazing degree they are mostly legacy members of Delta House.

That was Dartmouth.

Much as I love Bluto the fact that he “grew up” to become a United States Senator is hardly a ringing endorsement of Randian world views of dignity and self importance.  This culture of courtiers, these Versailles Villages don’t know how close to storming the Bastille we are.

And I mean that in a collapse of the Soviet Empire kind of way.

Are you looking for News in Truth?  Or Truth in News?  In your country, does it watch you?

Traditional Media has no credibility anymore.  And you know how it’s manifesting itself?  People ain’t buying your crap.

Verdict of the marketplace of ideas baby, I feel so Stephen Colbert.

They are voting right now with their eyeballs and you are losing the culture war.  Perhaps that explains your profane identification with the party of war profiteers, torturers, murderers and thieves.

Or perhaps it is about the dead presidents.

You know why sports stars make the money honey?  They entertain every day.  They fill the seats.  Put butts and bucks in the bucket.

I’m so very sorry cricket is not such a popular game.  I find it as fascinating as polo.  I have more faith in the WWE.


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  1. Original content.

  2. and came over here!

    Great diary.

    My comment:

    Individual or collective web sites

    supported by reader donations?

    I wonder how I thought of that, lol!

    • rb137 on June 7, 2009 at 22:19

    I’ll settle for facts. I’d settle for a distinction between opinion and fact, even.

    But here is the thing about corporate media — the thing that really galls me. The damage they do by spreading misinformation pales compared to the damage they do by teaching people to operate by inverse critical thinking.

    People listen to these propgandist constructions like drones day in and day out, and they learn to respond to them. Every day they watch Fox, they are turning themselves into gullible putty for corportate manipulation.

    And it is past my understanding that so few people actually see this happening.  

    • Edger on June 7, 2009 at 22:31

    How can you get paid with rec’s… without a rec button?

  3. I’m so very sorry cricket is not such a popular game.

    Forgive me for saying so, but this is so wrong.  Cricket is a wildly popular game in certain parts of the world.  Sure, not the US.  It is extremely popular in India, Pakistan, Australia, England, the Caribbean (former UK islands).  And during the World Cup of Cricket (yes, Virginia, there’s a World Cup of Cricket) entire nations come to a halt.  Not this nation.  Other nations.  Nations that have more people living in them than the US.  Nations that are not the US.

    That having been said, any media that are going to survive into the 21st century need to have a global perspective and a local one.  An example, just today, of not having either for quite a long time.

    • kj on June 7, 2009 at 23:30

    for the link to the diary on DailyKos.  well worth the read.

  4. a couple times in the beer n bowl night. I think I should stick to my real job. But your advice about leading with the non-dominant foot/leg was useful. One of the spouses was a ringer and killed all of us.

  5. Currently on the rec list with a zillion trivial comments is a diary glorifying the latest issue of Newsweek for tearing Oprah a new one with her anti-traditional medicine guests.

    Regardless of individual opinion of Suzanne Somers and Jenny McCarthy, there is no sentiment whatsoever in the diary or the comments that Newsweek is one of the leading shills or corporate lamestream media.

    Point: of the 31 ad pages in this glorified issue, 10 are from Big Pharma.

    Gee, in the same issue that slams alternative medications and treatments. Go figure.

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