Is it just me or has the swine flu pandemic panic been a very fortuitous occurrence for one Richard B. Cheney and his fellow war criminal scum. It was only last week that the horrors of the torture memos were the order of the day and a pitched battle was being fought by activists and patriots over the waffling Obama administration’s ongoing failure to enforce the law. But then the word went out that we were all going to die and the media mongrels quickly snapped up the bullshit biscuits and stood on their hind legs begging for more. The torture memos are now a part of history, cast down the memory hole. It’s time to just move along as the Pope of Hope says, nothing to see here. We have work to do on our national rejuvenation you see and any sort of restoration of the law would be seen as a partisan witch hunt and reek of vengeance. Besides, our very own Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, your illustrious and feckless Democratic leaders were privy to it all anyway.
Not to minimize the dangers of a global pandemic, especially not in a day when the world is run by hard core criminals, financial jackals and eugenics freaks. Anyone with a good feel for history and the way that the fuckers think has to be on alert every time that a potentially devastating and population reducing virus rears it’s head. Hey, I’ve read the white papers, am very cognizant of the seething disdain for the teeming masses that one still sliming around the planet Henry Kissinger once referred to as “useless eaters” and have this wild hair up my ass lately about the culling. But right now, with the country in panic mode but still with only isolated cases to this point it smells very badly to me, and not the sweet smell of the decomposing corpses laid low by Captain Trips in Stephen King’s epic post-apocalyptic novel The Stand. This smells like yet another of those fear and sensationalism media events that so often seem to swallow real and important news stories, relegating them to the shredder of memory and well out of the attention span of the average ant-brained American over-consuming, maxed-out sheep.
Being a suspicious person by nature and then turned into an even more hardened cynic by the abominations of the Bush-Cheney reign of terror and the feckless corporate toady Dems who enabled their every illegal act, I am not convinced by all of this fear mongering. One week’s pirates is another week’s pandemic and there is nothing like a massive distraction that our lazy, inept, careerist legions of media charlatans and hacks find to be easier work than blowing every morbid event out of proportion. You sure as hell aren’t going to find any of those twits who found the money to be better acting as shills rather than as true reporters out doing the hard work like getting to the bottom of the international criminality of the Bush administration, Jane Harman and others treasonous fornication with AIPAC and other agents of foreign governments or even the mass looting and wealth redistribution now entering stage two as Wall Street strikes back. No, they would rather circle like lazy vultures, slowly picking the flesh from molested and murdered children, masturbating over missing white teenaged females or drooling over the latest lurid celebrity sex scandal.
The opportunism here is incredible already and never forget that there is money to be made over mass panics, look at the windfall for Bayer when the still unsolved Anthrax attacks back in 2001 for example. Both Gilead and Roche the developer and manufacturer of the Tamiflu stand to make out very well as do Glaxo and Relenza and the stock is shooting up right now, that’s what you just gotta love about American capitalism, there is never any shame over profiteering over pestilence. Conversely, the storyline is already out there that a pandemic would severely damage the wondrous economic rejuvenation that is now under way as a result of the hugely successful coordinated public relations coup that was patterned after the General Petreaus SURGE and assisted greatly by both the changing of the mark to market accounting rules as well as the Wall Street mole filled Obama administration’s ongoing capitulation to the big boys of banking.The four-flushing financial oligarchs are now going to have it both ways, they can blame any loss of confidence in their Ponzi schemes on the pandemic while gambling on pharmaceuticals.
Reich wing squawkers like Glenn ‘General Bethlehem’ Beck raged that it was all a liberal plot by that hated commie Obama to pressure the Republican dead enders to cave on their filthy filibuster and confirm Kathleen Sebelius as HHS Secretary. Sebelius was of course confirmed yesterday after the fascists were blindsided by the news that Arlen ‘the magic bullet’ Specter changed his party affiliation to Democrat – one P.R. disaster a day is enough for the American brownshirts. Other flaming propagandists of the fascist right like Michael Weiner-Savage to no surprise blamed it all on the illegal aliens “Make no mistake about it: Illegal aliens are the carriers of the new strain of human-swine avian flu from Mexico.” It was all in a day’s work for the rabid right and the carefully selected editors who use their filtering ability in order to control what Americans see and hear in the cesspool that is the corporate media.
While I remain skeptical about his latest national panic given the long and sordid history of fear mongering in Der Heimat I also am wary, this could be the real thing. After all, there are stories floating around that I find to be extremely disturbing and make me want to run out and stockpile canned food, bottled water and more ammo. Take for example the revelation that three vials of viral material went missing from Fort Detrick, MD recently, I am still creeped out over that story about the Georgia Guidestones that was recently sent to me by a friend and there is always that dread about exactly why did all of those microbiologists die under strange circumstances in the aftermath of the big wedding? Then there was that NPR interview where an allusion was made that the swine flu was spliced together with different strains that may have been cooked up in a laboratory, like I have already said, I would put absolutely NOTHING by these bastards who run the system and want to keep it that way.
As I finish this up over my morning cup o’ joe (coffee not that asshole talking head in whose office a dead intern was found) it has just been announced that the first American death from the swine flu virus has been confirmed. Maybe this is the big one, it is just impossible to make any sort of informed decision on anything that comes from the corporate media. Shit, just who the fuck can you trust anymore?
Now in closing, if any of you readers do happen to contact this nasty virus it is imperative that you act quickly so as to ensure that you are able to do the right thing while you are still strong (and alive for that matter) please be encouraged to go and hang out in one of the following places (the more the better) –
1: Evangelical Christian Megachurches
2: Gun Shows
3: Monster Truck Shows
4: Teabagger Gatherings (double bonus points for this one)
Then go get your meds!
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— Homeland Security To Quarantine Swine Flu Carriers
You will give me a shot over my dead body. I shall stab you in the eye with that needle.
Not since repeated HLN, a bastard child of CNN, reported this flu as a combination of four viruses in one. I sat here and watched it. That unlike EVERYTHING “they” want you to hear,know and subliminally take as gospel is normally repeated a bazillion times Goebbel style.
The Illuminati watch boards already have people tracking strange vaccine shipments from underground silos in New York no less. North Carolina reports “involuntary isolation” note specifically avoiding the word quarrantine.
We don’t make anything HERE anymore and that certainly includes the mandatory government paid for vaccine dose now being distributed for you and me.
April 5,2005 was the vaccine application date.
April 17,2005 was the vaccine acceptance date.
Short study and clinical trials, ya think?
What else happened in 2005?
Immunity from prosecution for big pharma, the infrastructure of “protection” in this
post 911 world
Yup, trucking on down to the Apocalyptic horses.
needs to be thrown into a FEMA camp until we sort all this out.