April 2009 archive

Docudharma Times Thursday April 2

 So, the Republican’s Gave

The U.S. A Budget

Was It Ground Hog Day Or

Fools Gold


Thursday’s Headlines:

Many Medicare patients end up back at hospital

Iraq disbands Sunni militia that helped defeat insurgents

Palestinian orchestra leader deported after death threats

Tough talk at G20 as the EU awkward squad demand rapid results

Protests rock London as leaders open G20 meetings

Taliban in policy shift on beards and burqas

BJP leader Jaswant Singh claims election payouts ‘were charity, not bribes’

As Mexico Battles Cartels, The Army Becomes the Law

China Vies to Be World’s Leader in Electric Cars


Published: April 1, 2009

TIANJIN, China – Chinese leaders have adopted a plan aimed at turning the country into one of the leading producers of hybrid and all-electric vehicles within three years, and making it the world leader in electric cars and buses after that.

The goal, which radiates from the very top of the Chinese government, suggests that Detroit’s Big Three, already struggling to stay alive, will face even stiffer foreign competition on the next field of automotive technology than they do today.

“China is well positioned to lead in this,” said David Tulauskas, director of China government policy at General Motors.


U.S. Urges GM to Consider Bankruptcy

Government Plan to Split Ailing Brands From Stronger Ones Is an Option, Firm Says

By Peter Whoriskey

Washington Post Staff Writer

Thursday, April 2, 2009; Page A14

The Obama administration’s auto task force has pressed General Motors to consider a form of bankruptcy that would split the company in two, with one entity containing the unprofitable units and the other in essence becoming the new GM consisting of the company’s more successful brands, people familiar with the matter say.

The company prefers not to ever enter bankruptcy because the mere word would stir fear among consumers and further damage sales. But GM will be forced to do so if it fails to win concessions from its bondholders, union and dealers within 60 days. Then bankruptcy court would compel GM stakeholders to make sacrifices, rehabilitating the company by clearing away billions of dollars of debts from its balance sheet.

“They’re all options. They’re all being studied,” Kent Kresa, GM’s new chairman, said in an interview. “The preferred [option] is to do it outside of bankruptcy.”

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

An Opened Mind VII

Art Link

Solid Fire

When it burns

It is not ours

We only

borrow it

thinking that we

control it

we have killed

to possess it

’til it is

our master

The fire consumes

clear, sterile

and then waits

for  life anew

It will have

the last word

The fire was here

long before

life began

We only live

on its skin

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–January 3, 2006

Late Night Karaoke

Nikai Thursday

Echoes in Eternity

What we do in life echoes in eternity.  

What we’ve done as individuals, what we’ve done as a nation that tortured human beings, will echo in eternity.

John Donne, Meditation XVII . . .

All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated.  

What language were we speaking when we locked human beings in cages?  What language were we speaking when we tortured human beings to death?  We were speaking the same language Inquisition torturers spoke, the same language Stalin’s NKVD torturers spoke, the same language Hitler’s SS torturers spoke, the same language Khymer Rouge torturers spoke. That’s the language we were speaking.

It’s a sadistic language, a degenerate language, an obscene language only psychopaths speak.  Yet we as a nation spoke that language.  We spoke the language of torture.  We did not stop what was being done in our name.  We were all holding the leash . . .

Abuse Ghraib2 Pictures, Images and Photos

In which I make a prediction

The other day I was asking some questions about the alternatives to the current bailout plan by the Obama administration. I thank you all for your input. I have continued to read a fair amount about what’s going on and I want to make a fool’s prediction on what I think the next steps will be from the administration. I know this is dangerous territory. You all will have a written record on the intertubes to rub my face in when/if I’m wrong. But just imagine if I’m right – none of you will be able to abide the gloating that will ensue. LOL

We all know that the current plan is for the government to entice the private sector to buy bundles of the toxic (or so-called “legacy”) assets held by the big failing companies. As thereisnospoon so well described in an amazingly helpful diary at dkos this week, no one knows the value of these things and that is what’s freezing the credit markets right now and crippling the economy. I think the administration’s plan is to try to get someone to take those assets that “might” be worth something and get them back out into the economy to get the ball rolling.  

Pony Party: Pootie & Furbutt LOLs

play fetch

Pony Party is an open thread.  Please not to rec the party.

Torture:Justice :: Are We There Yet? new weekly Action series

UPDATE: now up at the orange.


Are we there yet? No, of course not. Don’t be ridiculous. In fact, it’s gonna be a long haul. So. What can we do? What can we get going … ya know, now-ish…?

Well. We begin here, and other inner circles. We read, learn, watch, listen. And talk with one another. And we do that with the same respect and care that we like to believe is at the core of the values that we hold so dear, that have been so brutally violated and betrayed. We start with each other. Then, ripple out.


I’m creating this place, this series, to be something of a landing zone for us, any of us in the progressive community who feel the grief, who wish to contribute in some way to this growing call for justice, and/or who want to stay tuned in to any ACTION activities that emerge around this cause. I will publish every week, on Thursday’s. I invite you to join me around the bend.

Four at Four

  1. The LA Times reports the U.S. and Russia reopen talks on nuclear arms. “The United States and Russia have agreed to reopen talks about curtailing their arsenals of nuclear warheads, marking the first major arms discussions since 1997, with President Obama saying today that he has accepted an invitation to travel to Moscow in July.”

    In Moscow, “the leaders plan to discuss a possible replacement for an expiring 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which limited the world’s two largest nuclear arsenals to between 1,700 and 2,200 nuclear warheads. That agreement, known as START, expires on Dec. 5.”

    The NY Times adds Obama and Russia’s President Dmitri Medvedev “sought to warm what had become an icy post-cold war relationship, agreeing to cooperate on issues ranging from the war in Afghanistan to efforts to rein in Iran’s nuclear ambitions. A four-page statement released after the hourlong meeting promised a ‘fresh start in relations between our two countries'”.

    “We, the leaders of Russia and the United States, are ready to move beyond cold war mentalities,” the two men said in the joint statement. “In just a few months we have worked hard to establish a new tone in our relations. Now it is time to get down to business and translate our warm words into actual achievements of benefit to Russia, the United States, and all those around the world interested in peace and prosperity.”

  2. The AP reports the FBI finds No forensic match to Blackwater for ammo in Baghdad massacre. FBI researchers were unable to match bullets fired in the 2007 Nisoor Square massacre to guns allegedly fired by Blackwater Worldwide mercenaries. The FBI laboratory report leaves “open the possibility that insurgents also fired in the crowded intersection.”

    “Five Blackwater guards face manslaughter and weapons charges for their role in the shooting, which left 17 Iraqis dead and inflamed anti-U.S. sentiment abroad. Prosecutors say the contractors launched an unprovoked attack on civilians using machine guns and grenade launchers. The guards maintain their convoy was ambushed by insurgents.”

  3. The NY Times reports Five suicide bombers attack Afghan provincial council.

    Five suicide bombers stormed a government office here Wednesday morning during a seminar hosted by an American democracy promotion organization, killing 13 people, including two provincial government officials, and wounding 14 others.

    One militant detonated a car bomb at the entrance gate of the provincial council office, as others stormed the compound in the center of Kandahar city with assault rifles and hand grenades, shooting at officials and guards inside. Seven civilians and six police were killed in the 20-minute gun battle, which ended when two of the militants blew themselves up inside the main hall, the provincial police chief, Matiullah Qati, said.

  4. The Republicans offer a more detailed budget plan, according to the Washington Post. The House Republicans want to “cut taxes for business and the wealthy, freeze most government spending for five years, halt spending approved in the economic stimulus package and slash federal health programs for the poor and elderly.” Their plan still requires $3.1 trillion in new borrowing.

    According to The Hill, the Republican budget makes permanent Bush tax cuts set to expire next year. Their plan would further reduce taxes on the wealthy so they would pay less than the highest rate under Bush. In addition, the Republicans “would repeal most of President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus. And it would reduce Medicare and Social Security benefits for wealthy Americans age 55 and under.”

Sympathy for the Devil: Torture Remix….. Part two

Part One

When last we left our hero George, the towers had fallen and he was fleeing in panic on Air Force One. Meanwhile Cheney was in the bunker (his natural habitat) directing the defense of the country from 19 guys with box cutters.

According to reports, the Bushies were already trying to spin this into an attack on Iraq. Within a short time, Ashcroft and others were gathering all of the years of republican Think Tank proposals on how to make America into a Police State to Protect ze Homeland. We know and live under the fruits of their totalitarian labor as The Patriot Act, passed on October 26, 2001. Less than two months after 9/11. Which apparently, no one who voted it into law actually even read, the national panic was so high.

In our panic, we rounded up any stray Arab looking folks, imprisoned them without charges and according to some reports beat them up ….or even tortured them…while they were in custody. The stage was set, the panic had kicked in, and in what was absolutely hysterically seen as an existential threat to ze Homeland…the Rule of Law was thrown out with the bathwater. The came the anthrax attacks…After 9/11, White House Told FBI To Blame Anthrax Attacks On Al Qaeda. Game on.

On 9/17, 2001, Bush says he wants Bin Laden “dead or alive.” Years later he stated he should not have used such harsh words.

On October 7, 2001, less than a month after 9/11, the United States invades Afghanistan. And starts taking prisoners…er, starts “detaining illegal enemy combatants.” With the rush to war, there is no clear plan on what to do with them.

Panic strikes again.

(CBS/AP)  A former State Department lawyer tells The Associated Press that the Bush administration panicked after 9/11 and tortured prisoners.

Former President George W. Bush denied anyone was tortured. But Vijay Padmanabhan is at least the second insider to publicly describe as torture the so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques” used by the U.S.

Padmanabhan was the department’s chief counsel on Guantanamo litigation. He says it was “foolish” for the Bush administration to declare that detainees were beyond the reach of U.S. and international laws and the Geneva Conventions.

He told the AP Friday that “Guantanamo was one of the worst overreactions of the Bush administration.”

Let’s go to the timeline:   (courtesy of emptywheel)

January 20, 2002: Bybee to Abu Gonzales memo specifying that common article 3 of the Geneva Convention does not apply to “an armed conflict between a nation-state and a transnational terrorist organization.”

Late 2001 to early 2002: Ibn Sheikh al-Libi captured. After being tortured, al-Libi made up stories about Al Qaeda ties to Iraq.

January 2002: Supplemental Public Affairs Guidance on Detainees affirms Geneva Convention wrt media photographs.

March 28, 2002: Abu Zubaydah taken into custody.

March 31, 2002: Abu Zubaydah flown to Thailand.

May 2, 2002: The US “un-signs” the International Criminal Court treaty.

May 8, 2002: Jose Padilla taken into custody based on material warrant signed by Michael Mukasey and based on testimony from Abu Zubaydah.

June 25, 2002: Moussaoui arraigned.

(Editor’s note: July 23, 2002, the Downing Street Memo, evidence that the decision had already been made to invade Iraq, is written.

August 1, 2002: “Bybee Memo” (written by John Yoo) describes torture as that which is equivalent to :the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death.”

August 2002: CIA begins to use torture on Abu Zubaydah (including waterboarding).

August 12, 2002: CIA cable reporting water-boarding of Abu Zubaydah.

September 11, 2002: Ramzi bin al-Shibh captured, purportedly as a result of intelligence gained through torturing Abu Zubaydah.

November 10, 2002 (approximately): Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri captured.

November, 2002: Afghan detained in Kabul freezes to death in CIA custody.

America was terrorized, terrified, and confused in the year after 9/11. In the days following 9/11 the entire world reached out a hand to America. Americas responded with bloodlust, revenge and panic.


Because the leaders of America were consumed by bloodlust, revenge and panic.

We began rounding people up and then began paying bounties on other human beings in order to round up more people. We suspended the Geneva Conventions and Habeas Corpus. We made America into something with a striking resemblance to a police state with the Patriot Act. We began an organized program illegal detention and torture. In the case of Jose Padilla, even on American Citizens. All based on legal opinions written to ‘fix the facts around the intent.’ Based on what amount to legal lies.

And on March 20, 2003 we invaded a sovereign nation based on lies. Lies and evidence manufactured by the same panicked leaders.

In the face of an actual crisis, George Bush and Dick Cheney panicked.

They overreacted, used the the same lying tactics they had used to “win” the election in the Supreme Court to shred the Constitution, begin torturing and lead us into two wars. In their panic, they committed us to a course of action that we are still mired in to this day, seven and a half years later. These panicked decisions have cost trillions of dollars, the lives of nearly 5000 American soldiers and up to a million Iraqis and Afghanis. All while the presidents cronies and friends in the MIC, Halliburton and Blackwater etc. have made billions and billions of dollars. And continue to do so.

But we have still not come to terms, not even begun to meaningfully address these panicked acts that have cost our country and the world so much. The politicians in Congress that enabled all of this are mostly still in power. Excuses are still being made, asses are still being covered.

No one has been held accountable for any of it.

Our media, “The Fourth Estate,” has moved on. Our President is urging us to “move forward.”

We are pretending, instead that none of it really happened, or that these were merely “policy differences.”

We are in effect, exhibiting sympathy for the devils who, when entrusted with the safety and well being of our nation, turned us as a nation into monsters.

With each passing day, the Memory Hole grows larger and we are sucked further into the abyss.

When will America come out of denial and deal with what has been done in our names? Or is this who we are now?


Member of the Ruling Class Brought to Justice!!!




The Justice Department on Wednesday asked a federal judge to drop all charges against former Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska.

A jury convicted Stevens last fall of seven counts of lying on his Senate disclosure form in order to conceal $250,000 in gifts from an oil industry executive and other friends. Stevens was the longest-serving Republican in the Senate. However, he lost his bid for an eighth full term in office just days after he was convicted. Since then, charges of prosecutorial misconduct have delayed his sentencing and prompted defense motions for a new trial.

“After careful review, I have concluded that certain information should have been provided to the defense for use at trial,” Holder said in a statement Wednesday. “In light of this conclusion, and in consideration of the totality of the circumstances of this particular case, I have determined that it is in the interest of justice to dismiss the indictment and not proceed with a new trial.”


Obama’s Afghanistan Surge: What’s Going On?

Crossposted from Antemedius

Today in “The secrets of Obama’s surge” Pepe Escobar says that “the President is not exactly telling all that’s going on in AfPak”, and argues there are many more strategic issues at play than meets the eye – and the President and his team’s spin:

President Obama’s highly anticipated new strategy for what the Pentagon now calls AfPak – Afghanistan and Pakistan – is full of grey areas.

Most extra troops will be deployed to poppy-growing areas, not to fight al-Qaeda, the President’s stated number one objective.

The President talks about building trust – but as the US cannot trust the Pakistani ISI, the Pakistani people don’t trust the US or even their own government.

Joe Stiglitz: The Only Way The Geithner Plan Works is if Taxpayers Lose

Joseph E. Stiglitz is a professor of economics at Columbia who was chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers from 1995 to 1997 under President Clinton.  He was awarded the Nobel prize in economics in 2001.  He has been crtical of globalization and his willingness to stand up to Larry Summers during the Clinton adminsitration likely led to him being forced our of the World Bank.  

He is also the former Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank. He is known for his critical view of the management of globalization, free-market economists (whom he calls “free market fundamentalists”) and some international institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.


At the World Bank, he served as Senior Vice President and Chief Economist (1997 – 2000), in the time when unprecedented protest against international economic organizations started, most prominently with the Seattle WTO meeting of 1999. He was fired by the World Bank for expressing dissent with its policies.


Stiglitz always had a poor relationship with Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers. In 2000, Summers successfully petitioned for Stiglitz’s removal, supposedly in exchange for World Bank President James Wolfensohn’s re-appointment – an exchange that Wolfensohn denies took place.


And he has a Nobel Prize for his work:

Stiglitz’s most famous research was on screening, a technique used by one economic agent to extract otherwise private information from another. It was for this contribution to the theory of information asymmetry that he shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 2001 “for laying the foundations for the theory of markets with asymmetric information” with George A. Akerlof and A. Michael Spence.


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