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The Senate Committee on the Judiciary Holder Confirmation Hearing has just begun a few minutes ago with Patrick Leahy and Arlen Specter making opening comments.
You can watch the hearing live on CSPAN3 (Windows Media Player) or through the committee’s Real Player Live Webcast.
To save time I’ll quote here BarbinMD’s post this morning at DKos:
Holder has the support of the Democratic Senators on the Judiciary Committee, along with the backing of Orrin Hatch, the endorsement of three former Deputy Attorney Generals, not to mention former Senator John Warner introducing and offering his support at today’s hearing, along with testimony from Louis J. Freeh, the Former Director of the FBI. And while the level of support Holder will enjoy might cramp attempts to delay his confirmation, it certainly won’t stop the Republicans from trying.
Taking the lead in these efforts has been Arlen Specter, who went from not having “taken any position” on Holder, to denouncing him on the Senate floor, comparing him to Alberto “I don’t recall” Gonzales, and Chuck Grassley, who has attempted to tie Holder to the scandal-plagued Rod Blagojevich. Throw in the Republican requests for documents related to Clinton’s impeachment, fund-raising by Al Gore, and the case of Elian Gonzalez, and you can see that the attempt to force Obama “to spend political capital early,” is on.
By all means, every Senator should ask the hard questions, explore the pardon of Marc Rich, or any other areas of concern they may have. But the Republican Senators may want to consider two things: the overwhelming support that Obama enjoys and how the last two elections have worked out for them. If they overplay their hand here, they might find themselves hoisted by their own
petardpeg.A complete witness list for today’s hearing is available here.
If anyone watching the hearing has not yet signed the Formal Petition to Attorney General-Designate Eric Holder to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute any and all government officials who have participated in War Crimes… please sign it now.
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please do!
I have some appointments to deal with this morning so I’ll be in an out and can’t do it myself.
John Warner is speaking right now…
two minutes ago, who is live blogging the hearing:
I don’t see him as someone who’s overly partisan, so I may be wrong, but I don’t see his objections as obstructionist. And his arguments are all over the place. Like he’s concerned that Holder won’t support the Patriot Act and “enhanced interrogation” and yet he has taken a pretty strong stand against torture (for a Republican).
What keeps coming to mind is that he’s scared.
pardon. Specter apparently is very concerned about “politicization” (as defined by himself) when it involves a Democrat–when it involved 8 years of politicization by the republican bushies in the DoJ–not so much. Neither is Specter concerned about his own politicization when it comes to the good of the nation vs the good of the GOP–he’ll continue to put the GOP first as he always does.
Specter has dates, times, etc, ect concerning Quinn & Holder. Too bad he wasn’t as up on or “concerned” about the firings of the 8 US Attorneys by the bushies or about Gonzo’s law breaking as AG or his extreme “memory loss” under Congressional questioning. What a self-serving GOP’er jackass Specter is.
Almost 2000 overnight.
sorry for yelling, but wexler posted diary at dk about how obama will ban torture in the future and recommmit US to complying with Geneva Conventions.
so i posted this comment:
good thread to ask him more questions!
I hope everybody will continue to blog about the hearing today? Holder said something concerning things in reply to Hatch’s questions… maybe somebody can analyze that?
legitimizes GWOT.
Inevitable but disappointing.
talking about Joe Biden, is this the correct c-span channel?
Acknowledges GOP suppression tactics
Parts of War on Drugs (crack cocaine) unfair. Agrees with “tough on drugs” tho…
world! lol ah yes, “terrahists!” “clinton!” “sex!” (wait, has he mentioned sex yet?)
amazing how fast my blood pressure shoots up while watching this stuff, which is why i had to quit. mutherfucker.
i’ll shut up now. muterfuckers. 9/11. fur fucking sakes.
“ticking time bomb” vs “waterboarding”
Hypothetical, iow…..myth. Under ticking time bomb bullshit would you waterboard.
Holder says torture only gives what we want to hear. we have other techniques.
Won’t accept waterboard is only way…..Cornyn LET’S PRETEND IT IS the only way
defintitely got the sense that they were sharpening their knives. i think he is on our side. now we see..
Waterboarding IS torture
Streamlining…..is below legal standards….
Holder…must be perceived as fair and be fair.
everybody gets due process, commit to it
Due process is a test for America
Durbin, will you review?
will you uphold the current laws?
Holder, duh…it is THE LAW
More change from Bushco, lol!
Check this out
Bushco lies!
Go Sheldon!
c-span3 on-line cutting out too often to make sense of anything. teeveetubes onto something else. sigh. someone call brian. why is this on c-span3?!
that he wants him to go ahead with prosecutions?
Brownback on. on-line coming in clear! Leavenworth.
Grab yer barfbags!
officials that lied to congress. Called some of them ‘cold-blooded’ lies.
students will leave if gitmo is relocated to leavenworth!
it is messing with the primary mission! arg! cutting out again! but gist is mission is harmed if gitmo is moved to leavenworth. because it’s bad for business, apparently. not that the idea concept and physicallity of gitmo is bad. no, business.
not a great answer, from what i can tell inbetween the cutouts.
now downs syndrome. really wish this was being televised. damn intertubes!
on and off, but haven’t been able to comment.
But did I just hear Brownback right???
He wants to apply the ADA to fetuses????????????????
Oh my F’ing Gawd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ADA for fetus’s…..OY!
When does life begin question.
Holder, I will follow the law, doesn’t fall for trap
Back to Rich
Our ass is covered now, right?
I was able to get, now I can’t get it!!!???????
plane downed by flock of geese.
Or maybe it is C-span 1
where does politics end and basic law begin? So we have these sacred documents the ones we started with the ones we’ve managed to keep intact through politics horrendous, civil war, world wars, and endless assaults from those who seek to minimize our democratic roots. Seems we have taken this to a point where we no longer even respect the basic tenets of international law. We instead insist our safety, security, whatever that is , is more imporatant then our human rights or all humanities human rights. I Smell sulfur. Be it from O bama, Bush, Gonzo, or Holder, any asshole who tells me justice is negotiable to ensure my safety or my politics. It actually is the opposite as all rights are human rights and the ‘enemy’ becomes us.
I don’t know when this started again but I just saw the tail end of DiFi’s questions.