Tech Today

Synthetic telepathy.…

Well engineering students have shown they can to the process in reverse.

They can controll a wheelchair using commercially available off the shelf equipment.…

While it is great the private sector is taking up the noble cause of helping disabled people I still ponder what DARPA and the other alphabet soup “intelligence” agencies are cooking up, with unlimited funding no less.

Tazers are fine but what is needed is Star Trek’s version of wireless total and absolute incapacitation.  The VMAD it seems is just to large expensive and bulgy to be completely usable for “crowd control”.  Let’s throw money at creating a handheld alternative shall we.…

Now the problem associated with high power microwave generation are only that the process is not efficient.  Much like the conversion of light to solar electric energy or the same process in reverse.  It is a simplified expanation but then again look at how often you all have to buy a PC because it’s obsolete.

About a year ago there was also a major breakthrough in something called terahertz wave generation.  Terahertz waves are responsible for those new “you are naked” airport “terrorist” scanners.…

Point is that only a few short years ago the impossible is now routine.

Orwell was in fact twenty or more years late.…

For a few bucks you too can buy your very own James Bond crap.

Now is everybody in tech a control freak asshole, well not really.

Or better yet can energy be extracted from hydrogen.…

It all rests on faith after all, and in this purposefully being deconstructed place we used to know as America bullshit is in fact a household word.  It is accepted as told by lamestream media complete with it’s blacklisted topics, stories and memes.

No Jet Setting, partridge hunting, spa attending CEOs were inconvienienced in the writing of this dairy.  The market didn’t crash extensively because bonehead did not speak before the opening bell.  



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