Now Doggone It, Let Me Explain!

(noon. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

The liberal media is just goin’ positively goofy today about the $150,000 worth of clothes the Republican National Committee bought for me.  Well, gosh, what were they supposed to do?  Those nice men at the RNC didn’t want me goin’ around naked!  And I would look pretty stupid if Tina Fey looked better than me every week.  I’m not about to be caught lookin’ stupid, that’s for gosh-darn sure.  Besides, the Democrat Party does this kinda’ stuff all the time.  Why, I heard that Barack Obama spent $542,000 to have his ears pulled away from his head for that “liberal Harvard elite” look.

But let me address this directly without the filter of the liberal media.  First, I don’t plan to keep those clothes.  I’m going to donate them to charity.  You see, like all good Christian people I like to spread the wealth arou . . . errr, ummm, I like to help those less fortunate than myself.  So I’ll be giving all those clothes to the Salvation Army, where poor folks can go in and get something nice to wear whenever they have to give a speech in front of 10,000 people.


Second, don’t let the liberal media change the subject from the important issues of this campaign!  I’m speaking now of Joe the Plumber.  God bless him and the rest of those patriotic folks in our seventeen real states!  Joe needs strong leadership — not some socialist who will raise your taxes.  If Barack Obama gets elected, he and those liberals in Congress like Reid and Pelosi are going to increase the size of government, because liberals always do.  They’ll add new government agencies, add new social programs, increase the deficit, nationalize our banks . . . all kinds of things that good Republicans would never dream of.

Third, the liberal media should mind it’s own business.  None of this would have been a problem if they wouldn’t always be pokin’ around askin’ questions about things they don’t understand.  Why should I have to deal with some reporter asking about the Constitution when it’s obvious they never even read the second amendment?  Oh sure, they like to ask about their precious FIRST amendment and about the Constitutional duties of the Vice President.  But you know what?  When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution in 1776, he was a lot more concerned with the rights of those hockey moms out there than the rights of nosy reporters.  And if Barack Obama was a real man he might understand that.  But he’s more like 3/5 of a real man, which was another thing Jefferson understood pretty well.

I know it can be hard to understand the day-to-day problems of a woman running for high office.  Our wardrobes are constantly scrutinized by the liberal media for any flaw.  And it’s not just me.  Remember that guy from Arkansas who got elected President?  You know, the one right before President Bartlett?  Well, his wife is a senator now, and she likes to wear these awful pantsuits that everyone HATES!  I don’t want Chris Matthews to make fun of me the way he did to her.  Wouldn’t you rather have me send a tingle up his leg?  And if I can change the leftist mind of someone like Alec Baldwin the way I did on Saturday Night Live, aren’t we all better off?  

And if the liberal media is going to be fair, they need to look at the actions of Barack Obama too.  I was campaigning in Virginia just the other day (and I’m talkin’ about down south in the REAL Virgina, not in that shithole part up north) tryin’ to tell those nice patriotic folks the things about Barack Obama that the liberal media won’t.  For example, did you know he recently paid a million dollars to have his way with Lenin’s corpse?  No, you didn’t know that, because the liberal media won’t tell you about Obama’s socialist tendencies.  That’s what this campaign should be about, not about a few shopping trips that some nice, friendly guys at the RNC took me on.  And they’re so patient while they watch me try on all those pretty outfits.  What a great bunch of patriots!


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  1. for listening to me, rather than gettin’ hoodwinked by the liberal media!

    • Edger on October 22, 2008 at 21:53

    is much better at impersonating you. You trying to impersonate her impersonating you isn’t helping your image at all, you know Sarah. It’s just confirming it.

    Don’t stop! 😉

  2. TerranceDC over at BooMan Tribune calls your spending spree a “stimulus package.”

    • Valtin on October 22, 2008 at 23:08

    The haters in the Democratic Party and the socialist, liberal elite, will never understand you. They want to destroy you, so they can have their way with this country, this brave and good country, land of the free and home of the brave. Dare I say, they want to drink the blood of the fine people in Real America, and if you are made President of the Senate, you, and your good friend, the maverick John McCain, will bring change to America.

    Then we will be able to watch American Idol without worrying that the terrorists or someone like “that guy” will disturb us, as we sit around the big TV, one big loving, beer-drinking, chuckle-headed family, and proud of it and of our heritage. Long live America! And may Alaska prosper.

  3. and leader. You know Bush sez good Americans go shopping when times are hard.

    How many Nieman Marcus stores can you see from your house?

  4. if ya wanna run the Senate.

  5. Thank you Mr. HornedBeak.

    That’s very fair and balanced of you, considering the liberal poison you usually promote!

    • Robyn on October 23, 2008 at 18:56


    • Robyn on October 23, 2008 at 19:12

    Benny Benson

    Designer of the Alaskan state flag and our ex-sister-in-law’s step-father.

  6. I want to address the Chris Matthews/pant suit issue.  I used to like Hillary, but the pant suit business turned me sour. I wear a lot of pant suits, too, and I was disappointed that Hillary didn’t deal with Chris Matthews’ attitude like she dealt with Vince Foster’s.  

    By the way, when I run into Chris Matthews at the mall, I generally duck into the wig store.  He hardly ever goes in there.  I thought this might be useful to some of your fans.

    Sassy Asseigh

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