How Do You Feel?

I had a few subjects, deep and dark and complex and existential, that I wanted to write about today. But I couldn’t. I tried, but I just couldn’t. Why?

Because I feel too damn good.

It is a warm sunny day, I have plenty to eat and a roof over my head…and The Republicans are about to have the shit crushed out of them in an election that I consider a turning point in human history. Everything I was going to write was about the past. About how Republicans and their icky mindset and meanness and hatred have fucked everything up.

I couldn’t do it. I feel too good to go there today. I don’t want to think about the past eight years and what a nightmare they have been. I am too on edge, too excited, while trying not to be, too happy, while trying not to be, too relieved. That’s it, too relieved. I want to forget that the last eight years ever happened and start building the future. I want to breathe free again, without having the outrages and crimes stuck in my throat at every breath.

It is perhaps the worst attitude possible, for someone who wants to make sure that the last eight years never happen again. Because The Powers That Be are certainly going to feel the same way. It will soon be “time to move on and not dwell on the past and point fingers.” And we just plain can’t do that.

So I am jumpy, it is hard to concentrate. I am stuck between emotions.


Fuck it!

I am going to go ahead and be happy!

Ding Dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked old witch!


But………..wait! We have SO much work to do! We have proven blogging works in changing the public discourse! It is our responsibility to keep pushing, pushing, pushing, both to make sure Bush doesn’t escape justice and that Obama doesn’t sell out! We need to make sure that we use the little bit of power we have to move the world in the right direction! This is critical!!!! It is less than three weeks til the election, something could still go wrong! How DARE I indulge in happiness, dammit!


So….how do you feel, here, now, poised on the brink of history and a new world? Has it sunk in yet?


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  2. …glad to hear of happy people!

    Today I could buzzkill jesus at the ressurection.  Little children down the hall cry when I speak, dogs cower under mattresses, and optimists, idly playing with string, find themselves holding a noose.

    But, happy is good!  And in the spirit of happy…

    • Edger on October 15, 2008 at 20:34

  3. and probably timely to take a fresh breath today, find a little ledge to rest upon, and ponder how far you’ve come (dude, we get to vote for a black guy!!!  i, for one, never thought i’d live to see the day….politics aside, that rawks!!)

    the outcome of this election could very well directly affect the well-being of my family… emotionally i’m pretty raw about the whole damn thing.  i have a dad who will keep working while he starts to collect s.s. this fall, a brother who works for g.m., one who works for a defense contractor, and one who was laid off this summer and is still looking for work….i have a disabled adult daughter whose future will be determined by the health of s.s.i. and the health care system, and another who wants to go to college in 3 years….

    i’m gonna vote so fucking hard that dick cheney’s “heart” will skip a(nother) beat…..

    • Edger on October 15, 2008 at 21:02

  4. You have got to be joking…

    New World….?

    The economy of the world is in the middle of collapsing…the floors above your head are pancaking down on you ….you just haven’t been hit yet…

    And you think it’s going to be better.

    That’s what amazes me about “progressives” and “liberals” as well as conservatives….you don’t have a clue as to what’s going on around you….you refuse to see..

    Obama is an Arab Killer…so is McCain…one wants to do it slower, the other wants to speed it up…

    That’s their stated position…Obama…wind it down in Iraq and turn it up in Afghanistan…even though it’s be shown to be a illegal war.

  5. Oh and… lets truly fuck the Republican party out of existence for a long, long time.

  6. . . . that this would be a 1932-like election.  It wouldn’t have mattered if the GOP had nominated Mitt or Rudy, or even if either of them had named an actual sentient human being for a running mate.  The economy was always going to do it.  A collapsing economy always seems to be the price we have to pay to get a working majority of Americans to see reason, and their own self-interest, at least for a little while.  I think it’s worth it, so I’m feeling buoyant and almost optimistic.  We’re all going to be broke for a while–and we’ll be better off for it.

  7. So….how do you feel, here, now, poised on the brink of history and a new world? Has it sunk in yet?

    The election hasn’t been held yet, so for me there’s really nothing that needs to sink in. On Nov 5, yeah, I’ll come to grips with it. But not yet. Not yet.

    As to the larger question: yeah, I’m feeling pretty darn good at the moment. Working from home this afternoon, have the back door open and can hear the pattering and occasional thumping of acorns and pine cones hitting the ground. Mother nature, that eternal optimist, is throwing them out as bets that next year will be worth living in as well. Got a mint julep working. Been to a couple of avant garde plays this week; got in late and felt like crap when that alarm went off at 4AM the next morning, but well worth it. I’m trying to live in the here and now and not think about the next 3 weeks. There’s no real anxiety in the current political (as opposed to economic) situation for me in either case. If Obama wins, I’ll be putting my shoulder to the wheel to help build a progressive America that will be so good that the idea of going back to the neocon days will seem repugnant to all Americans. If McCain wins, I’m emigrating. (and please spare me the Kumbayatic “we forge ahead to victory in 2012” rhetoric; we all know that if McCain wins, the Supremes will be loaded with hard-right partisans for the next 30+ years, so who wins the Presidency in 2012 won’t really matter.)

    • RUKind on October 15, 2008 at 21:44

    You’re supposed to skin them and cook them first. 😉

  8. I’ll let you know on January 21, because I won’t be truly happy until these creeps are finally no longer in charge.

    Until then, ‘cynically hopeful’ is the best I can do (whatever that means).

  9. that cat eating vampire speaks in the morning the Dow crashes.

    Speaking of the dark, bizzare,deep,complex and I would add spiritual.

    Has Pelosi been “replaced” by a shapeshifting reptillian?

    Well, it would make more sense than having a cognitive dissonance warped personality, would it not.

    Yes, it is a nice day here too yet I have to spend it doing construction work instead of having a wonderous day with the horses.

    • Robyn on October 15, 2008 at 23:00

    Not until.  There will be GLBT folks who will feel that the Party sold them out if it passes.

  10. rendered in every which way! The information coming through my tin foil is so scrambled that I stumble towards hope only to retreat when the madmen on the TV tell me black is white. Then there is my kin folks all quaking in boots, followed by the Stu’s of ‘can’t happen’. Like you Budhy I see the light yes I do. I’m also exhausted having spent 8+ years freaking. So tired of the threats cooked up! But joy real joy is for the first time in years creeping into my being. Hardships will ensue as these bastards depart but joy and hope for now is seeping through. I can once again perhaps kindle relationships of friends and relatives who considered this American or blew away all concern. The thing I want gone is FEAR. No fear just hard work sounds good.      

  11. yet tempered with reluctant awareness that I did not design a fantasy political universe so while I will be pleasantly cheered if and when McCain/Palin go down there are other considerations.

    If Obama wins and I am not assuming anything until the polls close on election day I will be vaguely hopeful about the possibility that a few of the old libs on the Supreme Court will be able to retire and get replaced by young libs who are pro-choice and interested in protecting individual interests over corporate ones.

    But…. being beat always plays into the persecution complex the right has about themselves so expect them to go on attack before Obama inhales and exhales his first breath as President. Obama seems like a decent sort to me although in the era of manufactured ideas and images it is pretty difficult to make any broad philosophical guesses about our leaders. He is basically an MOR dude and that is what you will get. Now after eight years of relentless right wing crapitude and graceless incompetence tempered by indignant denial of said stuff I am sure it will feel for a short time like we actually have a President who is progressive. Because almost anybody would be in comparison.

    I will be happy for the people who worked so hard to make it happen. But…. We have a rotted economy that can’t be easily fixed and energy concerns and demands that will be complicated to negotiate. We will be entering a belt tightening era and the right will forever blame the Dems even if it is the necessary thing to do. Americans don’t like having to put on sweaters and ditch eating out and cancel the shopping trips designed to soothe emotional pain.

    I Have a wait and see attitude mixed with a smidgen of relief.

    • Valtin on October 16, 2008 at 00:19

    Fall of the Roman Empire.

    Just sayin’.

  12. uncertain economy.  

    We have been fighting this pork plant for over three years, opposing it for all the right reasons to no avail….I am feeling Unf*ucking  believable JOY today at the news that is it on hold.  

    If we are going to be in a depression and I am going to lose my job and maybe my shelter, at least when me and my kids have to sleep it a tent we won’t have to smell the CAFO sh*t spread on farm fields or the stench of 1000s of pigs trucks carry CAFO hogs to slaughter…..I feel great for today!

    • on October 16, 2008 at 06:13

    just rounding the corner on the home block

    but i can see a candle in the window

    so smile

    its been many miles


    • on October 16, 2008 at 07:25

  13. The administration has already used the threat of martial law to get the 700 850 000,000,000 dollar giveaway passed. I believe it was davidseth that raised the somewhat rhetorical question, paraphrased here, “Does any one really think that after gathering so much power to the unitary presidency, they (the Rs, cheney/bush, the neocons, who else?) are going to peacefully hand over the reins of that power?”

    We now have ,what, a brigade of combat weary, ptsd infected, hair trigger troops on duty in our country for crowd control. Crowd control weapons (think of microwave guns cooking you) and detention centers are scattered all over the country.

    We have a populace that is so divided, the two sides are barely civil to each other. And that extends all the way down to the level of the individual, not just the politicos. This country is so divided, I have heard those on the right calling for violence, calling for guns to be drawn and used on their fellow citizens, not just on candidates.

    This country is so, soooooooo primed for riots, I can barely eat, literally, I have lost about 10 lbs in the last month. What is it going to take to light the fuse? The faint ray of hope I see is the economy being in the toilet. People are more concerned right now by the slide of the market than they are with the election, and as a consequence the polarization necessary for the riots has not ripened, yet.

    I may be the biggest fool in the country, and I will gladly own that name if things don’t blow up, but just saying, hang on, don’t celebrate yet. Celebrate the first of February.

    Peace, pray for peace, pray like you have never prayed before. The collapse of America due to rioting would put the environmental movement so far behind the eight ball, all those tipping points everyone talks about would speed by like the SST Concorde going through your living room. So…………

    Peace, pray for peace, pray like you have never prayed before.

  14. … Energy Independence are on the march in California, organizing a last minute campaign of lies and half truths against the High Speed Rail bond proposal, Prop 1A.

    So Californians out there … don’t get so complacent about your Electoral votes heading to the centrist candidate instead of the right wing extremist that you forget to get fighting for a reorientation of your state’s oil-hungry transport system.

    • Temmoku on October 17, 2008 at 04:33

    it arrives!

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