Last Chance For The Republican Myth

Tonight is the last debate, Senator McCraaazy’s last shot at convincing America that there is something….anything! redeemable in the Conservative myth of America.

And myth it is. And under their stewardship, the myth has died.

Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble.

Joseph Campbell

They based their myth, their religiosity towards their version of the myth of America, on false metaphors, false precepts, and when they came up hard against reality, their myth was proven to be a lie. Reagan’s ‘Shining City On The Hill’ has been sacked, looted, and tarnished by his successors. The people who believed in American Exceptionalism have proven to be unexceptional, and in fact, incompetent at making their myth …work.

Perhaps the problem lies in the concept of a God granting you that Exceptionalism, in this case Jesus, and then violating everything that your God preached.

There will be plenty of fingers pointed after the Republicans are buried under the landslide of the man that they called the Antichrist. But you can rest assured that they will not be pointed at the myth itself. It will be determined that men failed the myth, not that the myth failed the men.