another view of voting against self interest

time for some tearing-down-walls

i’ve been reading some of the “other side”

guess what? they’re fucking angry at pretty much the same things we are.

heh. and i’ve been talking to some of them as well.

my aunt said she’s ashamed she voted for bush… TWICE! she says everyone in washington needs to go. she is livid because she thinks the bailout is bailing out the greedy bastards on Wall Street.

and i tell her, yeah! aunt kathy. we need more and better citizen politicians seeking to serve their country, not power.. yeah, she agrees. the whole thing has gone to shit we say in tandem.

and yet. and yet she is going to vote for john mccain because “he is an honorable man.” i kid you not. i spit out my coffee. really.

i tell her: there is a track record. none of it good. on either side. but what makes Obama worth voting for is that we don’t know what he will do. we do know what mccain will do: we’ve just lived through eight years of it. and yet…

and yet. she isolated Clinton for mandating mortgage money be made available for lower income americans so they can afford homes. (poor) people taking mortgages they couldn’t afford. and yet. she does seem to understand that the loans were bad on their face and should have been better regulated. that those at Fannie and Freddie oversold those assets and hid the liabilities. and yet. the victim is again really at the root cause of this. for her.

and yet. she is afraid that an Obama presidency will see the ascendency of people like those black rappers. yeah. she said someone told her some black rappers threatened to jump sarah palin if she comes to new york.

and i try to say to her: aunt kathy, do you think, really think black rappers or poor people caused the financial meltdown in this country? or forced us into an illegal war? the environment? my mind is spinning as i try to control my rising anger at this bias because i know in my heart, she doesn’t see it in herself. she doesn’t hear herself. how can she?

so i begin to realize something. just as i’m about to scream: you’re being lied to, can’t you see how the blame game works… all to get you to VOTE AGAINST YOUR OWN INTERESTS.

no. it hits me hard: she’s not voting against her interests. . . her self. how she thinks about her self and her place in the world. not money or pollution or availability of food. but she is protecting her credibility. it is that self interest that the republicans have learned to exploit.

no matter how badly republicans govern, they understand this: the self image of those they convince to elect them.

not only do we, the left, come into conflict with the political/social points-of-view of the right, but we are perceived (imo) by the them as negatively judgmental of their self view. like we question their integrity of thought… not just their conclusions. like we have made it about smart versus not smart… literary, cultured, art-loving, classical music listening, cocktails at eight versus johnny sixpack and his football and his wife beating and immigrant-hating black-hating god loving.

perhaps that’s why those on the right vote the way they do. because, no matter what common sense may infer, it’s hard to pull the lever for those whom you think are laughing at you… disrespect you.

yeah. maybe they vote a different kind of self interest. and i keep wondering. . . how do we progressives do it better then? i cringe every time i see headlines that scream: PALIN IS STUPID. because, by association, anyone and everyone voting for that ticket must also. be. stupid.

to fill out the point . . .

The Resentment Strategy by Paul Krugman

Aaron Sorkin Conjures a Meeting of Obama and Bartlet by Maureen Dowd

ordinary americans mine, written in June

i think it is possible to disagree politically and come up with workable solutions. the wrench in the works is the perception, on any side, of personal disdain, ridicule, elitism (whatever right/left form it takes), etc.

disagreements are what bring us to the table. disrespect is what keeps us from working together. that’s my conclusion.

if we are going to fight back against the decline of our country and the vampires taking us there, then citizens need to find their way to each other. locally.

that’s the way i see it. and have seen it now for some time.

my mantra:

take back school boards

take by planning boards

take back town councils and committees

infiltrate county political committees

run for state assembly

target important congressional seats in 2010

assert states rights to fight federalism and corporatism

go to work tomorrow and take the highest amount of tax deductions allowed

and instead of giving it to the gov’t, put it in an escrow account (for i’m sure we will have to pay it eventually)

then tax file extensions . . . i think that might send a message, don’t you?

these things are doable. and measurable.

let’s find the outsiders looking to serve, not attain power

. . . smart, politically diverse, citizens

who want a better world for ALL children. not just their own.


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    • pfiore8 on October 7, 2008 at 13:45

    well, i guess that wasn’t as quick as i thought it would be. . .

    • pfiore8 on October 7, 2008 at 13:49

    daily kos

    • Edger on October 7, 2008 at 16:07

    Exploiting that self interest that the republicans have learned to exploit is exactly what Palin is doing, and what McCain was doing when he picked Palin.

    McCain and Palin aren’t stupid in the short sighted sense of the word. They know exactly what they’re doing. Which is stupidity because it’s ignoring the longer term ramifications. Dumbing down society results in (guess what?) more dumbed down people.

  1. “Truth told in kindness can change the world.”  Probably imperfectly quoted, but still something to consider.

    A friend told me recently that he was voting for McCain because Obama wanted to talk away his guns.  That, from a former Hillary supporter and concerning an issue that hasn’t been raised in this campaign, did, for just a moment, appeared pretty stupid to me, and my first response was a joke at his expense.  But I just had to know why he had come to the conclusion that McCain was the one to lead this country out of the mess.  He joined a gun club to get access to a shooting range where he could play with his father’s gun, made friends, there you go.  His focus on the important stuff forgotten, he soaked up their propaganda and tried to pass it off to me.  I’m glad I found out in time.  An exorcism intervention is planned.  🙂

  2. …I know we differ on some of this.  But this seemed really, really true:

    i cringe every time i see headlines that scream: PALIN IS STUPID. because, by association, anyone and everyone voting for that ticket must also. be. stupid.

    I have relatives with similar views.  Part of it…and I hate to say it…is identification with power, just that.  People can be…genuinely good people in many, many ways, and need desperately to identify with the bully, the winner, the abuser.  Part of it is out and out conformity.  Part of it is I think — and yeah, this is bad propaganda that seems to put people down, but part of it is — Lakoff is right, Alice Miller was right, Rokeach was right — people who are brought up to believe certain things about power and emotional truth are acting out of a deep need that has probably been there since they were four.  

    I think some of them will change their minds.  And some of them…well, there are still plenty of fascists in austria.  I think the trick is keeping them under 30 percent.  Really truly.  

  3. Good thoughts and a good message as to where to start to get things onto the right track.  Beginning with the “small” is the way to go.  It is the “smalls” that make up the “large.”  (Crazy way of putting it, I know.)

    But, somehow, I had the notion, maybe, falsely so, that this country was conceived “by the people, for the people . . . ”

    And what about “we are our brothers’ keeper . . . .”

    Biases of all kinds do exist in this country and I will say that the Republicans do a damn good job of making sure that “hatreds” remain alive and well.

    But WE WILL BE FACED with working together, peacfully, before so very long, I believe, as it pertains to our very survival to do so!

    (P.S.  Went to DKos — understand how davidseth feels — I feel that way, too.  Is it some kind of pattern that most commenters simply want to find something to pick on, rather than join in with your thoughts and offer their thoughts?

  4. expensive homes with those sub-prime mortgages!

    Not to mention that the average new home in my neighborhood cost 750,000 dollars! And those are the people(white) who are being foreclosed on!

    Honestly, some people don’t use common sense!

    Hispanics are roughly 14% of the Population; Blacks roughly 12%; Unions less than 12%….and we all know they have destroyed this country. Heck, at their highest they were never more than 34% of the workforce…and the entire population of the US 320,000,000! The Population of AK? about 650,000. That is change we can believe in!

    Or maybe it is Barney Frank’s fault? And the Democrats….yes, it must be them, passing all those pork-barrel bills so thier rich friends can make lots of money!

    Good diary!

  5. My financial planner knew nothing about the proposal and consistent meetings going on to form the North American Union.  We may see the federal government fading away, one can only hope.

    Note to the left of the page that spray your plate can.

    After all we only have to stay under the radar enough to educate the dumbed down masses.

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