(11 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
Barack Obama campaigned Thursday in Española, New Mexico.
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At a rally there, he responded to McCain’s weak call to fire Christopher Cox, SEC chairman, and former Republican congressman from California.
Reuters reports, Obama implies McCain is ranting:
Why just stop at firing Cox as one symbolic scapegoat?
Yeah! Obama is spot on here. It is the conservatives’ failed ideas and failed policies that have gotten our economy in this mess.
The AP has more:
“Don’t just get rid of one guy. Get rid of this administration. Get rid of this philosophy. Get rid of the do-nothing approach to our economic problem and put somebody in there who’s going to fight for you.”
John McCain has been puffing his chest saying if he were president, he’d fire Cox. Of course, what McCain doesn’t seem to get is the president cannot fire the SEC chair.
From ABC News, McCain Flub? Republican Says He’d Fire SEC Chair as President.
while the president nominates and the Senate confirms the SEC chair, a commissioner of an independent regulatory commission cannot be removed by the president.
From time to time, presidents have attempted to remove commissioners who have proven “uncooperative.” However, the courts have general upheld the independence of commissioners.
“The president does not have the formal power to fire the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission”.
So, two-for-one. Hard hitting words from Obama while McCain continues to rant and make gaffes.
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From the Boston Globe, Obama continues Hispanics push:
The crowd of 9,500 people was greeted warmly by New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who assured the audience “that Obama believed in family and in religion.”
Obama drifted from his prepared remarks to appeal directly to the Hispanic community:
“To The Hispanic community, I want you to start actually voting your numbers,” he said. “Right here in New Mexico, you’ll be the difference-maker. Don’t stay home. Just remind yourself: Si se puede! Si se puede!“
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After his speech, Obama greeted his supporters gathered in the Plaza de Española.
Cross-posted at Daily Kos.
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knows about as much about the job of president as Palin knows about the job of vice president.
Responsibility #1: Find out what the hell you’re talking about before you shoot off your mouth.
…on to possible swing votes & old high school friends (central California Republicans) who may be disillusioned and questioning.
Thanks, Mag!
OMG thank you!
McCain team includes 83 Wall Street lobbyists

might want to look into hiring Obama’s writers.
On Monday it was
Then yesterday it was
And finally, another line from today
Good stuff!!!!!!
at what ‘prosperity’ that trickle-down, look-the-other-way crowd has brought…..
for losing his mind. It was just a little thing anyway. So small he’ll act the same without it.
From Wonkette this afternoon…