The delegate count got to New York where Senator Hillary Clinton asked Speaker Nancy Pelosi to suspend the rules and nominate Barack Obama outright. It’s official. Howard Dean said expect the unexpected with Hillary Clinton. That’s an understatement.

Pelosi just announces Obama accepted the nomination.

The Pepsi Arena is going wild. The Big Tent is going wild.

It’s done. It’s all over.

… now back to some Fat Tire Ales.

Correction: Here’s what Chris Grotke, friend and co-founder of IMO his words were accurate with what happened.

They were going through the usual roll call vote with states saying a few words about why they were great and who they would cast ballots for. Clinton was around 300 or so and Obama was at about 1500 – still a ways to go to the 2200 or so needed for the nomination Illinois had passed, presumably so that they could be the ones to put him over the top later.

They weren’t on New York. They were on New Mexico, and NM was about to cast their votes when they suddenly yielded to Illinois, who had passed earlier. Then Illinois yielded to New York.

The delegates got excited when they saw Shumer and Clinton making their way to the New York delegation.

At that point, New York got into the action and said a few words before giving the floor to Clinton. She then said that for the sake of unity, and for victory, she was making a motion to suspend the roll call vote and accept Obama by acclamation.

Pelosi guided them through the voice vote and that was that.


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    • ctrenta on August 28, 2008 at 01:38

    …. expect the unexpected from Hillary Clinton. That was an understatement.

    I need another Fat Tire Ale.

  1. Amazing moment.  

  2. Funny to see everybody over here. Have another Flat Tire. My sister’s there and she’s completely whacked out.

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