Writing in the Raw: Bring ’em Home, Obama

You don’t need to “refine” your position on Iraq.

You don’t need to leave “residual forces” in Iraq.

You don’t need to visit Iraq to “consult” with Bush’s highly decorated lap dog:

General Petraeus

A lap dog with decorations is still a lap dog.

Stop posturing, stop pandering, start keeping your promises, Obama.

Bring ’em home . . .  

If you love this land of the free

Bring ’em home, bring ’em home

Bring them back from overseas

Bring ’em home, bring ’em home

Bring ’em home, Obama.  

They’ve suffered long enough . . .

crying soldier

Bring him home.

Bring them all home.

It will make the politicians sad, I know,

Bring ’em home, bring ’em home,

They wanna tangle with their foe,

Bring ’em home, bring ’em home.

They wanna test their grand theories

Bring ’em home, bring ’em home,

With the blood of you and me,

Bring ’em home, bring ’em home.

Military Family

We’ll give no more brave young lives,

Bring ’em home, bring ’em home,

For the gleam in Bush’s eyes,

Bring ’em home, bring ’em home.

You want to move to the center, Obama?  


Constitution Background

Move to THAT center.  

You want to fist bump someone?

Fist bump the Founding Fathers.

Bring them home.

Bring our soldiers home.

Bring America home.


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    • RiaD on July 4, 2008 at 04:34

    bring all our sons & daughters home….

    excellent essay!

  1. and I’m sure it was no accident he did this today, before a 3-day weekend.  Are we so stupid he thinks we’ll forget by Monday?  Disappointing and insulting.  

    • Robyn on July 4, 2008 at 04:50

  2. Powerful and moving Rusty!!

    • Edger on July 4, 2008 at 05:22

    Isn’t Obama, or Petraeus, going to ummm…. win…. something or other… first?

    At least that’s what all the other bush supporters always said. :-/

  3. doesn’t it?  Makes me want to scream, or cry, or both at the same time…

    What I’m trying to focus on is this:  President McCain vs. President Obama — one won’t bring them home; one might bring them home. As President, one won’t respond to pressure from the left, the other might.

    IMHO, it’s politics–and the GOP’ers are on the attack.  McCain’s new campaign manager was trained by Rove, & he’s already spreading stories in the newspapers.  The swiftboaters have “found a loophole” in the Campaign finance law that will allow them to finance a whole mountain of smears.  And the media is still caught up in their collective swoon over St. John the “hero’s hero” that they won’t allow a word of criticism of him cross their lips.  It’s a cesspool out there.

    • Alma on July 4, 2008 at 06:01

    Like you all haven’t heard that before.  ðŸ˜‰

    I was actually expecting him to go to the center on some things, but not on bringing troops home.  Its bullshit, and I hope he decides to stick to bringing them home right away.

    Politicians.  There has to be a huge spot in hell reserved for them.

  4. Come home.

  5. …a great WITR.  Wish I’d gotten here earlier to participate in the comments.  I was reading lots of seriously depressing stuff on some other serious news sites.

    I’d rather just sing, chant, “Bring Em Home!”

  6. Obama isn’t bringing any troops home…He’s going to REDEPLOY….you better listen to the language and send many to Afghanistan.

    The War in Iraq …the insurgency will not stop until the evil americans are gone….that’s it.

    He isn’t bringing anybody home…He’s going to CONTINUE BUSH”S POLICiES…I’ve been saying that for a long time…and now people are starting to wonder.

    He’s Pro Capitalist…Milton Friedman variety

    Pro War …votes to fund wars

    Pro Fisa

    Not entirely Anti Abortion

    Against Gay Marriage

    Pro Israel …Period…(his words)

    What’s liberal about that?

    When is it going to occurr to people that you have two right wing candidates running for president…both supporting domestic and foreign facism?

    • geomoo on July 4, 2008 at 19:21

    Beautifully done.  You are a writer, friend.

    The constitution is the center.  Brilliant.  Every day I feel like writing a new essay that says hey, let’s drop all this left-right crap and make common cause in support of the constitution.  All other issues go on hold.

    Do you mind if I appropriate that idea–the constitution is the center?

  7. Yes, that “GD piece of paper” has been sorely overlooked and its pages tattered from abuse and neglect.  We need to have it gone over thoroughly and completely restored and, maybe, add some safeguards to protect it from future abuse and neglect!

    Maybe, when more Americans suffer the consequences of all that has happened these past near eight years, they will join in to aid and abet the recovery of our Constitution.  Right now, there is still way too much apathy on the part of Americans, generally.

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