Crossposted from WWL, The Wild Wild Left, my wee blog! ๐
Put your head under your desk in the cover position.

Anyone who hasn’t read Seymour Hersh’s “Preparing the Battlefield” may wish to do so before kissing their ass goodbye under said desk.
Or give a listen to “Fresh Air.”
Fresh Air from WHYY, June 30, 2008 ยท Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh believes that the United States may be closer to armed conflict with Iran than previously imagined. He writes about Congress’ funding of covert military operations in the upcoming issue of The New Yorker.A regular contributor to The New Yorker, Hersh exposed the Abu Ghraib prison scandal in a series of articles published in the magazine early in 2005.
During the Vietnam War, Hersh was the first to report on the My Lai massacre. He has been the recipient of the Pulitzer Prize, five George Polk Awards, two National Magazine Awards, and a dozen other prizes. He is also the author of eight books, including Chain of Command about Abu Ghraib.
Might be the most important 44 minutes of your life.
400 million for covert ops in Iran? Okey Dokey!
Pelosi & other 4 Dems in the gang of 8 who have to approve the Presidential Directive asking for money for covert operation funds (for Iran) caved this go-round.
She said NO amazingly when it came through in 2005. Not now. Why?
Like Prego, baby, we are already IN THERE. (since as early as February, shootings, bombings, but logically it us.)
Special task forces are already there, with covert directives to use “defensive-lethal” methods in highly covert operations there, now with Congressional approval, as opposed to doing it anyway. Congress allocated the money to the CIA the finding with that language, language they always disproved before. Language that made many uncomfortable, but not enough to stand up.
Cheney is running the show, and Bush sees it his legacy to start a third (3RD!!! Fucking 3RD!!!) front in Iran.
Violence has already gone up there, our operatives at work. The operatives have been given a specific list by the VP’s office, including a nuclear physicist to capture or kill. The thinking is, to provoke enough trouble so that the Iranian government does something in response. They want chaos and trouble there to provoke a reason for a military strike.
They want to get the kettle boiling!
……And “The Family”, the PNACers, will be eating cake.
Astonishingly, I am not surprised. I am not surprised in the middle of an unpopular war in Iraq, that we are using spooks to assassinate; nor I am I shocked that Congress is giving it a pass.
Hell, we have been doing it since we born, America.
Like the Zionist who do genocide, we are the colonized who became colonizers. Both equally bloody, both equally insane.
What the fuck? Is this like a mass codependency problem in humanity, where we become our abusive parents?
Some of us grow up, toss off the baggage and learn to be better. Individually, that is. Societally we feed the endless cycle of violence.
The golden rule now?
What the fuck?
Proud of America still?
War, heh heh, more war, baby, lets make a buck! Mine mine mine mine mine mine, its all mine!
I digress.
Bush is rolling the CIA and the military into a complicated escalation to make neither accountable, his last harrah!
I wonder, to those who will say, they are capitulating to not lose the POTUS seat, to look strong on terror; I reply, what makes you think the day after the election they do not try and work toward the next election.

(another sidebar)
I rarely agree with Zoktok aka dhonig lately, but he NAILED it with this one…I call BULLSHIT for a very simple reason (6.43 / 7)
The premise of this essay is that FISA was a fait accompli, and therefore Obama should not have “wasted” political capital on something so trivial as the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.Why was it a fait accompli? Perhaps because 90% of America had no idea just how high and how hard the Government and the phone companies, together, were doing a DP on the American people? And just who happens to have the biggest soapbox in the country right now? Is it Bush, with his lame duck status and 25% approval ratings? No. It is Barack Obama.
So what did Obama do with his great big soapbox, as America was ignorantly getting reamed and fucked at the same time? Was he standing up on that box, using his brilliant skills of oration to eradicate the ignorance, to awaken those very same masses so many are sure he can move come November? Nope. He was hiding behing his status as “the junior Senator from Illinois.”
And THAT is why these diaries castigating people for giving a damn about our rights, even if it means criticizing Obama, are, plain and simple, bullshit
Dead to rights on this point.
Every fucking congressional member in the gang of 8 that capitulated wants change about as much as Obama. They want the seat.
Bush/Cheney want to completely obliviate the Constitution and take over the world.
It would be funny if it weren’t so fucking real.
If we engage in Iran, this phase is over.
Like a terminal patient that feels fine, we need to make a list of things we always wanted to do, do them, then arm ourselves to the teeth if we want to live through it.
Israel is already doing Iran fly-overs.
Cheney says Israel doesn’t have the capability, which sounds amazingly like “Mine, mine, mine, mine!”
Does anyone remember NPSD51?
That’d do it, should Obama, not McBush wins.
Not that Obama despite his “talk first” speech won’t cave….
He saw what happened to Fallon, what happens to anyone who blocks the machine. They cannot be stopped.
There is no chain of command, there is Cheney.
You lose against that.
Major Escalation of Covert Ops in Iran…. 400 million. We are already overstretched militarily, monetarily and resourcily.(Dianism, deal….I’m trying to make dinner and rant, and I couldn’t come up with a word. Yeah “our resources are tapped out” would have worked… but that was then and this is now, and I hate re-writing)
What the fuck do you think that is going to do in our non-existent middle class society? The wrecks are fucked as the reeks wreak havoc.
There is no Political Courage in this day and age; the age of torture and fear.
The military, the other branches and the People will not stand up.
They’ll grab someone, claim he is a nuclear man, and torture him until he swears that is what they are doing.
More War.

Assume the positions baby, its a done deal.
Its the end of the world as we know it.
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these last couple days….
But its time to move on to the real shitz.
And Deep Shit this is.
A nuclear warhead vaporizes metal for a distance of 35 miles.
Water must be distilled before drinking.
“Safe” means a walking distance of three days.
There are zero bicycle tire manufacturing plants still located withing the US. We are going to find out about this I guess.
We need not stock up on guns as they will be plentyful when needed. We are supposed to learn about them.
The Russians save us from the dark side that is now “our” federal government by taking out major cities.
You can take all this for what it’s worth but ain’t is shaping up to be the truth.
Relevant as hell:
Which do you choose?