Monday Night Frippery

Something I just wrote, a reflection about hippies.

Beat Evolution



obscured them

form trumped



you’d hear

wall street

suit and tie man

saying “far out”

see children

in junior high


blue jeans

and smoking dope

madison avenue

pounced upon it

like hawk on


suburban housewives

viewed sex and

janice in feathers

with dismay

while human


on the haight,

in east village,

on roads

across america

in every small town

beaten and bludgeoned

and fired like ancient


flashing through america

with young legs and

long hair

their stories

still untold.


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  1. … Monday, yah yah.

    • Edger on July 29, 2008 at 05:04

    Sort of… a little.

    Ah, but I was so much older then…

    • Robyn on July 29, 2008 at 05:16

    Having apparently written a few spontaneous poems today, I hope I’ll be able to fins them again.  But I don’t think I’ve got anything right at the moment.

    Maybe this will do:

  2. of how the 1960’s got “de-radicalized” by marketing and consumerism.

    I was born in 1964 so my memories are very vague. But my mother had this black and wide geometric wallpaper in the kitchen that moved if you stared at it to long and after multiple complaints about headaches from guests it got removed. In fact that in itself is proof of how the styles of the sixties that emphasized rebellion got turned into well, wallpaper by 1972.

  3. …like the porcelain fired part but the viewed sex and janice in feathers with dismay is just lovely.

  4. I still don’t know what’s so funny about peace, love and understanding.

    • OPOL on July 29, 2008 at 23:02

    Cool poem.


  5. This was both beautiful and incredibly astute.


    Glad I popped in before work this morning. Made my day, a little truth in the morning.

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