On Superdelegates, Michigan and Florida.

Ok…let’s see a show of hands!  

How many of you dislike the Superdelegates for the Democratic Convention? Hmmm…let’s see…yep, it looks like a clear majority of you.

Here’s the next question: How many of you want to see the Michigan and Florida delegates, as chosen by their primaries, seated at the Democratic National Convention? Just as we could have guessed, very few of you!

Next: How many of you don’t support sitting the delegates because it would be changing the rules in the middle of the game? Ah…most of you! Kewl!

Next: How many of you want to keep Super Delegates because getting rid of them would be changing the rules in the middle of the game? Hold on…I see lots of hands kind of going up and then coming back down. It shouldn’t be that difficult.

Let’s get back to that one in a bit. Let’s try this: Super Delegates are a bad idea. Hands? Virtually all of you.

Ok, changing the rules in the middle of the game is a bad idea. Hands? Once again, almost all of you.

Should we seat the Michigan and Florida delegates as voted for in the primaries? Almost none of you…good.

Should we not seat them because it would be changing the rules in the middle of the game? Once again…most of you.

Should we allow Super Delegates at the 2008 Democratic National Convention? Most of you, no.

Should we allow Super Delegates because not doing so would be changing the rules in the middle of the game? Hmmm…looks like you’re still having trouble answering that one.

We’ll come back to it later.

Originally posted here: http://rjones2818.blogspot.com…


  1. It’s been fascinating reading about Super Delegates for the past week or so.

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