The CIA Needs To Turn Snitch!

Yeah, yeah, I know, That is about as likely as Britney getting voted Mother Of The Year! But with actual investigations at least being waved around by the FBI and DOJ, not to mention Congress….they seem to be getting a tad nervous.

Add in the various abuses and misuses of the CIA by Bushco…from blaming them for the trumped up intelligence used to invade Iraq to outing Valerie Plame, to being told that torture was legal and to waterboard and otherwise torture terror suspects (including Jose Padilla, a US citizen) the CIA has taken it up the wazoo from Bushco repeatedly and continuously since the Bush lads stole the Presidency. And now their hated arch-rivals the FBI are going to be let in to the inner sanctum to investigate THEM???

I mean, they are not totally evil, right?


With the real (?) possibility of agents and officials taking the fall for torture that the WH (Hi Dick!) specifically authorized and ordered, one has to wonder how much they will take before striking back at the Dufi that have put them in this position. Porter Goss in his tenure as Director reportedly did his best to politicize and probably purge the CIA, installing “Bushies” in top positions, which means there are some pretty bitter high level folks who have been fired and smeared out there. The total number of members of the intelligence community that have royally screwed has to be huge…add in lower level folks like Sibel Edmonds and there is a real ticking time bomb ready to go off….and Jack Bauer is, to Bushcos regret, a fictional character. He won’t save them no matter many how many hours he has.

There are real career professionals, people who really care, out there. Even though the CIA has been responsible or been the agent for some of the worst shit America has pulled since WW2, they can’t ALL be complete scumbags. If the excrement really does strike the whirling blades and agents and higher ups start going down and taking the rap for Bushcos crimes…..after being their whipping boys for seven years, I really wonder if some of them will get together and blow the whistle. If that happens it gives that much more credibility to the masses of other whistle blowers as well and perhaps we could see some real action.

One thing is for sure…the CIA is NOT happy. And if the CIA is not happy, shit usually happens. Yeah, yeah again, most likely not going to happen, besides the political and legal realities involved, there is also the Cowboy Code Of Honor…. it would take a LOT to get the CIA to squeal on a sitting President. But o add to this baseless and ridiculous speculation, what if they used…instead of blatant whistleblowing….some of the agencies bag of tricks against Bushco to take them down in less obvious ways?

Are you listening guys? C’mon, are you gonna let these two-bit government gangsters keep punking you? Where’s your pride? Where is your allegiance to country over politics?


A blogger can dream can’t he?


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  1. Photobucket

  2. this kind of “story” as deliberate psy-ops, the product of some marketing specialist in the Pentagon or perhaps any number of alphabet agencies charged with “intelligence gathering”.  Downing street,Harriet Meyers,Fitzmas…..

    The possiblity also exists that public exposure, I mean even Katie Couric says so, would explode the heads of “normal” comatose Americans thereby enabling the complete destruction of America.  I think they might even want that at this time.  They may be saving it to inject during a more proper “news” cycle.

  3. thrilled at the Plame outing  either. One reason I doubt it is Poppy was their leader. Maybe instead of overt whistle blowing they will use their covert undercover methods and do some damage on Bushco. As for loyalty to country over politics their loyalty seems directed too only the dark side. They don’t call them Spooks for nothing. Here’s hoping they get pissed for damage to the Company.    

  4. This is going to be an ongoing story, the legacy of the Bush/Cheney administration.  It probably won’t be resolved for years, a generation maybe, but the story will come out eventually.  I think this is why we need Hillary in the White House.  She will help it along. She will help us get to the bottom of what has been going on for the past 7 years.

  5. Well the CIA got the Games section right:

    • CASH – How many taxpayer dollars can you secure without being held “accountable” by Congress? Current high scores are said to be in the billions!

    • OMEN – Can you see into the future and get it wrong? Scenarios include the Fall of the Wall and Iranian Embassy.

    • COUP – Instigate ‘regime change’. Scenarios include Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, and Chile.

    • WIPE – Stop ‘undesirables’ like Patrice Lumumba and Che Guevara from influencing the masses.

    • MULE – Fund off-the-book ops by smuggling drugs and selling them to ‘undesirables’.

    • LIFT – Pluck ‘undesirables’ off the streets of foreign lands. Can you find the Easter Egg that will let you go domestic?

    • GUSH – Instruct ‘undesirables’ how to swim and talk at the same time.

    • SPIN – Interpret the intelligence so the elite can make “slam dunk” assertions about threat levels. Can you win the Medal of Freedom?

    • HEAD – Can you parlay your way from the head of the CIA to the presidency?

  6. Nemesis, writes that the CIA is the president’s secret army. In the end he or she is the person they work for and take their orders from.

    If this is true we can extrapolate a lot of information from that single fact.

  7. and what would you do if you found out that when they turned “snitch” it did not matter? if you are christian in action and want to turn “snitch” (how about patriotic whistleblower instead?) you have very few options and they involve losing your employment because they snag your clearances “tickets”…commensurate work can be difficult to replace if everything you have ever done is national security and your resume looks like someone spilled whiteout on it. and then you have these narrow options, one of which is the IG (political appointee…crooked, look it up) or you could go to the house or senate intell committees but even then it is very dicey. this is not just a matter of sending a memo. what it really disturbing is when a loyal patriotic christian in action does actually blow the living f*ck out of every whistle they can get their hands on and within 48 hours two different cabinet secretary offices and the minions of Dark Lord Cheney start calling for cleaners then you know the whole thing is a waste-o-time. I think things have gone past the point where anything Sibel could say will cause any discomfort to the criminals because they are running the show, they won, there is no prosecutor in place to handle the Level One, 5-star Crime Wave that has been going on. Sure you can make a big splash and be on 60 minutes one day and the front page of the post the next and then the nyt and all that but at the end of it if you are not blonde sexy and married to an ambassador you could find your tax returns suddenly audited, your identity stolen and credit cards maxed and somebody left a dead bunny on the hood of your car. and what do they do next, oh yeah if you ever go canoeing by yourself in the winter you get to be dead of natural causes. Rule of Law? Straight-shooting prosecutors? Whistleblowers? Please. Remnant memes of a bygone day, now a fantasy wish list. The System Lords Won. But even they can’t stop The Collapse that radical jihad and Chinese Party a-go-go and Nigerian rebels and French suburban teenagers are busy working up. My goal is to find a good framework  from which to watch it all fall apart.

    My advice is stop waiting for the cavalry cuz it aint comin. If obama puts in good us attorneys who wont play ball with the Money, then there is a shot a few of these bastards will see some time behind bars but not a lot.

    • Zwoof on January 8, 2008 at 10:40


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