Pony Party: Walk Pictures….

This house right next door to us has been abandoned for years and supposedly the will /deed was unclear and so the heirs are fighting over it. Nobody lives there but people show up to hunt…. I am not sure what style one would call it…. perhaps supreme redneck?


A horse across the road. I don’t know him well but he is getting a barn built for him and he has two kids.


A few neighbor dogs who look ferocious but aren’t… my border collie doesn’t like dogs and I was worried she would pick a fight with them. She won’t walk on a leash and escaped out the front gate when I wasn’t paying attention because she was pissed off I was taking Arno out. She has an old injury so normally I don’t take her on long walks.Typically Arno and I walk about three miles a few times a week and for shorter ones other days. Honestly he needs to walk three miles a day every day of the week, he is pretty high energy.




A few random buildings I like…




I covet this pond and the 15 acres it sits on and it is for sale but unless I can pay them in leaves or dog fur I don’t have the money….


Finally, a few friendly neighborhood ponies who live around the corner…





Thanks for looking. Remember, don’t rec pony party, hang out chit chat and then go read some excellent offerings from our recent and rec’d list.


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  1. I might be… my preference is something small and fast…

  2. A blue sky….


    And a quiet street to walk on….


  3. places I’ve ever seen!  Great pics – Thanks for sharing

    a piece of your life, ucc.

    • RiaD on January 6, 2008 at 01:50

    especially the piedmont…. where I’m going back to….tomorrow!!

    and since you shared your envy…

    I looove this barn:


  4. because that furry dog was a keeshond… same as my Bear boy!

    another great batch of pics, ucc!!!

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