
Meteor Blades brings it up with a blurb in the Open Thread…..

Linking to this excellent post on the Group News Blog….

Wherein the comments contain this link to The Dark Wraith…..

Where we find this graphic…


Which I think is something that we need to express in as many different ways and as loudly as is possible.

Responsible blogging practices would probably demand that I condemn the inherent violence contained in the image.

Fuck that.

Glenn Greenwald points out that the dog whistles are already blowing. Passive and reasonable polite civility is not going to cut it as the RW goes down for the count….they WILL pull out all the stops on the Mighty Wurlitzer of Hate. It is after all, all they have left of their otherwise bankrupt philosophy and agenda. It will be interesting to see how Obama responds. Unity and hope just ain’t gonna fly with these folks


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  1. Photobucket

  2. Freedom is much, much better.

    I hope people don’t make the mistake of thinking if some folksy charmer like Huckabee wins the Re-Pub nomination that it won’t be a dirty fight. Southern politicians are masters at it especially at talking in cultural codes about touchy issues. About say…. race? If Obama does win the nomination he better have a suit of amour and a swift tongue, my guess is he has thought about all this and is prepared.

  3. Jonah Goldberg. and dangerous. trying to manipulate reality of the future before it happens.

    now would be a good time to stop sounding like all politicians do. now would be a good time to do what LC implied Obama was doing… reframing parameters and the debate.

    it would really be the time. for all of us.

  4. and while I understand the feelings behind the graphic, I think if it gets widespread attention, it will prove harmful to Obama’s campaign.

    IMO, it just feeds into scary black people meme that the right is already pursuing.

  5. that hits the nail on the head.

    And another whew…the basics of the News Homepage are up.  There is a submission form for anyone that would like their blog to be considered for inclusion:


    submission: http://howod.com/news/submissi

    It’s in beta form, there are some small issues but it does what it was designed to do.

    Now I’ll get back to promoting Docudharma.

  6. http://www.senate.gov/legislat

    Obama-patriot act renewal-Yea

    That and step into the way back machine Sherman as we travel back in time to another memorable period in time, the Nov 7 elections.  Note the galactic let down three days later when Pelosi says impeachment is “off the table”.

    A betrayal of my trust is as “forever and beyond” as a ban from dailykos.

  7. ..because none of these thoughts went through my mind while

    he was talking.  I was just enjoying a pretty darn good speech.  And then yesterday I got the first piece of crap email slamming Obama.  Will any of us live long enough to see the end of this shit?

  8. Lysistrata will be a kindergarten homily.

  9. …it’s a slow saturday :}

    I agree with you about civility but I think we’re already past that; the seemingly civil are in a bubble surrounded by a few short acres of complacency and miles of human misery.  

    All art is powerful, even bad art.   Worse, this isn’t bad art; it taps into genuine rage.  The problem with such mottoes is that they have a regrettable way of coming to pass, and each side is equally capable of blowing shit up or worse, until pretty much everything is about blowing shit up and that, almost always, sucks.  There are a wealth of places which have sucked that way for a long time.   I think we should be working to convince people that blowing shit up is a terrible idea.  Pretty much without exception.

    …end concern trolling :}  

  10. for so many reasons….

    what if the only way to hold onto power is to keep fear alive……

    the enemy without or the enemy within?!?……

    the enemy without is in place……

    iran is unavailable…..

    pakistan treacherous…..

    the enemy within seems like it may be the next play….

    but who will it be….

    it will appear to be a loose cannon…..

    plausible deniability….

    all the pieces are in place…..

    the stage is set….

    the camps, the mercs, the patriot act……

    the lights go down, the curtian is rising….

  11. Slightly.

    “We WILL blow your shit up” might resonate better…making it personal.

  12. I really dislike the graphic, because I really dislike empowering evil forces.  I also remember Bobby and MLK and Malcolm as if it were yesterday.  But I object to this graphic because it buys into and accepts and articulates pervasive fear.

    Put another way, if we think there is a serious threat of this nature, we have an obligation to do what we can to thwart it.    And we don’t do that by threatening to do something more destructive after evil befalls us.  And we don’t do that by talking about how much we’re afraid of it.  Those things just empower evil.  And empowering evil makes it more probable.

    I also think the graphic is cynical.  Of course there are those who object, sometimes violently to change.  There always will be forces of darkness and evil.  But we’d rather light a candle than curse (and be afraid of) the darkness, I hope.  We’d rather struggle than spend out time wringing out hands about how much evil people dislike us and our program.

    Nobody in the civil rights movement put up a poster like this one of MLK.  And doing so would have been unthinkable.  Not because there was no danger, but because that’s not our emphasis.  It cannot be our concern, either.  Our emphasis has to be bringing our dreams into reality, not reacting to the Bull Connors of the world and their programs of repression and spoliation.

  13. Michelle Obama on this one, especially in minutes 1-3 of this video:

    • shpilk on January 6, 2008 at 06:59

    but I cannot say it didn’t enter into my mind. I’ve seen too many already; something inside my head screams “this cannot be allowed to happen!”, yet whether it’s Hillary or Barack, I worry.

    A lot.

  14. I’m fucking tired of seeing a television screen full of right wing conservative white men running for President.

    Probably not a responsible blogging practice to mention that.  

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