Global Warming My Ass

Halleluja, Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!

WMUR TV  New Hampshire presents a story about the Holy Smokes cigar shop displaying a sign which reads “Global Warming My Ass”.  Well….herrummp…how dare this man.  Is he entitled to his non-conformist opinion?  How dare he have a non-conforming opinion.

I have said before on many internet venues global warming a la Al Gore has nothing to do with saving the enviornment.  It is about establishing a global carbon trading Wall Street in which corporations and governments launder money through.  Here I have to salute the owner of one NH smoke shop for being a kindred spirit, Patriot and a memeber of the last common sense Yankee generation.

Back to WMUR.  This “news” piece interviews a couple of “sheeple” who find the sign “more humor than anything else” yet the producers of a “news” program know better.  The talking head ends the piece with the comment.

“It is not known if there are any local sign ordinances”.

A hint, a hint for you fellow brownshirts, in you support of fascism.

For a look at the five brownshirt rating system see

Eric confines it merely to right wing political stuff yet I submit it applies to a far wider spectrum.

WMUR “News” making fascism subliminally acceptable in this “post 911 world”.

Five brownshirts!


  1. I tried to get Eric a job on the Kerry Campaign…lol.

    They weren’t too excited about the proposition.  But he was very cool about the entire thing.  Amazing guy.

    Australia is already doing something similar to what you are talking about.  Homeowners are putting up alternative energy systems and are selling the credits to larger corporations, much of the alternative energy gets wasted in the process.

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