The Striking Resemblance of Iraqi’s and Mexicans to Human Beings

I have been surfing the net as it were recently and I started googling images. After awhile I started to notice the striking resemblance that Iraqi’s and even Mexicans have to human beings.

Here is a picture of two Iraqi’s. Apparently the bigger Iraqi one has given birth to the smaller Iraqi one.

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Compare that photo to this:

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Notice the resemblance?

Here is another example of one of the Iraqi’s I came across googling around.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Compare that photo to this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Again, do you see the strikingly similar features.

Compare, however, this photo:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

  to this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

…and again we are back in more familiar territory.

Here are a couple of photos of Mexicans that I came across. They appear to be smaller and younger than many other Mexican ones.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Compare the photo of Mexicans to this: All 3 Mexicans combined could not equal this. Nevertheless,  there are striking similiarities in appearance

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
(The above photo is of the beloved Candy Crowley)

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What does it all mean?

I wonder if someone else has done some research on this subject. I of course am not suggesting that there is any reason to treat Iraqi’s or even Mexicans any different than we have in the past. That would be like suggesting this than we stop killing cows and deprive ourselves of eating steak because cows too have two eyes, a mouth and nose.

But I find it interesting nevertheless that they look so much like we do. And I wonder what that’s all about.

I’m hoping some people here might have some answers. Or maybe I’m just spending too much time letting my mind wander. If I am, just tell me and I’ll shut up about this. I know it is a little bit of a trivial pursuit on my part and more important things are going on in the world than these seemingly strange patterns of resemblance that probably have only occurred to my warped mind,  but I guess I just have a trivial and curious nature.

If someone else has some photos to share that either bring out the resemblance that I’m trying to point out, or if they have photos that show the lack of resemblance, I think, in the interests of dialogue it might be thought provoking.


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  1. homology? 

    No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 


    • Slugbug on November 4, 2007 at 23:27

  2. Get outta town ya crazy tin foil hatter!

    That’s just nuts!

    • Edger on November 5, 2007 at 00:04

    It’s a disguise.

    They do it so they can sneak in and make money to send home so more can buy disguises and sneak in, and talk in code to scare the crap out of bedwetting wingnuts.

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