Abortion QuickFlashes from HotFlashReport.com 11/7/07

These and other stories focusing on abortion, reproductive rights, birth control and right wing sexual hypocrisy were featured at the HotFlashReport this week.  Stop by and just read.  Or, sign up for an account in order to comment and post Diaries yourself.

New UK Scientific Study on Effects of Second Trimester Abortions By william harrison
The British Parliament commissioned this study by the Science and Technologie Committee of the House of Commons.  Much like the study that  Repugnican Prez, Saint Ronnie the Reagan, directed the office of his once almost sainted Surgeon General Dr. Koop, to carry out.  Of course, that was never released by St. Ronnie the Reagan, since the almost sainted Dr  Koop was an honest man who refused to lie about the findings.  And then Dr. Koop came out in favor of CONDOMS TO PREVENT AIDS!  And then, Oh MY!  Didn’t the Religi Right kick Koop’s stinkin’ ass out of the Saint’s Club quick!  Oh, and the Koop study was finally released to the MSM by the Democratically controlled US House of Reps with little fanfair anywhere and no recognition by anyone on the part of the radical religious right and in their militant anti-abortion campaigning.

Just Say No to Increases in Abstinence Funds By Religious Institute
Unbelievably, it looks like the Democratically-controlled US Congress is going to agree to the Bush Administrations request for MORE monies for abstinence-only-until-marriage education. The new total in the reconciled appropriations bill is $141 million, $28 million more than it was this year.

Anti-Woman Bills from the Anti-Choice Brigade By ProKanDo
Even before most legislative sessions have started, the anti-choice brigade continues to push for absurd legislation that takes away women’s rights. They are drafting bills and drawing up plans to push during the next legislative session. Will nothing stop these people from throwing women’s rights out the window? And just what exactly are they up to?

Oprah Winfrey shows the Catholic Church how to deal with child abuse By AnnRose
I couldn’t help but be amazed at the Oprah Winfrey press conference this morning about the child abuse alleged at her school in South Africa.  Video is HERE.  Oprah was poised.  She was dignified.  She was direct.  She didn’t sweep anything under the table.  According to the MSNBC correspondent I listened to, she ran a clinic on how a CEO should react to a potentially disastrous scandal.  Unlike…err, well…the Catholic Church.  The same Catholic Church who has covered up child abuse by priests for decades.  The same Catholic Church who put abusive priests back in situations whereby they would have contact with children.

Fox News and Facing Realty: Fair and Balanced! Part 4 By william harrison
What follows is a response to some questions I was posed by Amie of RHrealitycheck.org.  Much of what follows was posted Tuesday, Oct 30, at that site.
Fox News and Facing Reality: Fair And Balanced! Part 3 By william harrison
I watched this tonight (Saturday, October 27) and thought all in all, it was as Fair And Balanced as anything we will ever get from Faux News.  It is very hard to get a hyena to act like a lamb.  I don’t know why anyone would expect anymore of a fox.  I have only a few criticisms to make of this documentary.  First, the 1 to 1 ratio of patients freely choosing to give up a child for adoption to the one choosing abortion care, is off by a factor of about a thousand or more.
Fox News and Facing Reality: Fair AND Balanced! Part 2 By william harrison
Tonight at 9:00 pm eastern time, Fox News will break new ground: a documentary on a controversial and complex subject that from all reviews actually seems FAIR AND BALANCED!  FAIR AND BALANCED!!!  What a concept!  And on Fox News no less.  When I agreed to participate with producer Rachel Feldman (who is responsible for this story and the accolades it is receiving from all critics who have so far reviewed the film) most of the people who think they know me best thought that I had finally lost my last marble.  The one that had been attached with chewing gum and a little rusting bailing wire.  “Don’t do it!” they told me.  “It will be a disaster.”


    • Temmoku on November 8, 2007 at 16:32

    I don’t get cable and would have liked to see the program even though I refuse to watch FOX.

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