My First Linky Thread!

Just some quick links to some stuff.

First, Valtin has a diary that points to the retribution our “not fascist’ government is carrying out.

Which links to this very worthy cause.

Second, it’s on the Rec List, but the widget is very intriguing!

Dennis! No wonder no one takes you seriously!!! What kind of nutcase wants to arrest criminals!

And from TPM…..hope?


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  1. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

  2. Gettin’ all fancy pants linky like in your front page posts.

    What’s going on? Are we gettin’ high falutin’ guests?

    Should I put on some pants?

    Give a friend some advance notice, wouldja?

    • Twank on October 16, 2007 at 22:00

    You’ll understand later.

    (What did Twank say now?  Shit!)

  3. linky. There was a video on the same page which featured an art project called Imagine Peace that he teamed up with Yoko to do. Any pol that quotes John Lennon should get my vote dammit. These assholes running the place sure no how to put the squeeze on, extortion wise, like vote for the only sane guy and you’ll end up with Attila the Hun in a pants suit. Dennis was on Colbert last night and he was good and funny.

  4. just yesterday. He strikes me as the only one running who is actually honest plus he has a sense of humor and dignity – in short supply and going to be needed by anyone who takes that job!

    Plus now that I no longer go on netroots activism blogs, I feel my own brain coming back and free to make my own decisions.

    • pfiore8 on October 17, 2007 at 01:12

    break down barriers people have thinking they’ll waste their vote if its cast for Dennis

    not to vote for him, but break barriers to voting for him… finding ways to break barriers will serve everyone to see things for themselves

    i don’t want one voice, one instrument bleating the same sound and song… i want an orchestra and lots of conductors and i want so many damned things…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  5. Good things happen when I go to the movies.  I’m going again tomorrow to see The Kingdom, when I get home I want this war mess cleaned up 🙂  The new Elizabeth movie was pretty cool.

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