Free Burma Day Oct 4 – Please Blog for Freedom

(Go on…click the graphic. Free Burma. One voice counts.

– promoted by exmearden

Cross-posted from DailyKos

See Not So Far Away – by Rusty1776

Free Burma!

Make a Difference – Make Yourself Heard – Hit The Icon – Do It Now

ABITSU (All Burma I.T. Students Union) and Free-Burma.ORG have designated October 4 as
Free Burma Day.

The aim is to bring attention to the cause of the Burmese people by channeling global internet traffic for one day to one site to register protest.

Given the role of bloggers in reporting on the situation, international media attention is now focused on the power of blogs so we politely request your support of this action without fail.

Non-Violence – The Way of Buddhists, the Way of Burmese

Take just 2 minutes to understand the power and problems of non-violent protest in better words than I could ever conceive.

Aung San Suu Kyi on Non-Violent Protest

As Aung San Suu Kyi persuasively argues, the path of non-violance is best, but it can only be effective if it has the support of masses of people.

Today, the Burmese people need your help – everyone’s help – to send a message to the world we do not accept the violance the Myanmar Government Junta has visited upon these peaceful people.

This message may not reach the Junta directly, but it can reach those organizations that facilitate the Junta by business or aid. It can reach the UN and and ASEAN and the Governments who have diplomatic influance.

But it will only be meaningful if the voice of thousands or millions speak together – please add your voice now.

What To Do

First Choice – One Blogpost for Burma

The most preferred action is you dedicate your blog exclsively to channeling traffic to Free-Burma.ORG by posting an icon on your masthead or a redirecting traffic automatically. (links for instructions below).

Then, you suspend all other blogging for the day so all visitors find just the Free Burma message to ensure they take action reflexively. This will be most effective.

Second Choice – Blog & Banner

We realize not all bloggers will be willing to take such a strong step, or not all people who want to help have blogs, so a second choice is simply to post the Banner near your masthead, or to make Diaries/Posts (such as this) containing the banner to draw more people.

To get instructions, banners and code, go to Free-Burma.ORG – One Blogpost for Burma

Thank you for your help – one small action times many makes humble people powerful.


Too much has been written already. I leave you simply this:

Learn More – Some Essential Burma Links

Ko Htike’s Prosaic Collection – lead blogger in the Free Burma Movement

Burmese Bloggers W/O Borders – Burmese Support Group

C-box BBS – the always open line to Burma news

ABITSU – All Burma I.T. Students Union

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thank You kindly for your support.


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    • koNko on October 4, 2007 at 17:57

    Please hit the banner to link to Free-Burma.ORG to register your protest and link your blogs, Diaries or comments today.

    Every hit is a good deed done.

    Thank You.

  1. We’re trying!

  2. anyone anywhere who sits down and says enough are the monks. We will all share their end if we don’t stand up and be counted for the best of humanity. To ignore this is to participate.

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