My thoughts on the Republican Debate

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Republican Presidential Candidate Debate on Faux.

It’s every incestuous red-neck brother sister cousin uncle aunt mother father grandfather grandmother mutual pleasuring you’ve ever considered in the most depraved, obscene, pornography obsessed level of your soul.

They’re annoucing their handoffs in the hall like it’s the Miss America pageant.

Ron Popeil has more creditibility than these blow dried made up empty suits.  All of them.  Like watching a roomful of sixes and threes get it on in a lesbian love fest.

At least Ron has something to sell.  This is slop for pigs, fattening them up for the real bloody slaughter ready to sacrifice their sons and daughters like Isaac to a vengeful God of Rapture and Armageddon to grace the plates of the plutocracy.

These Kleptocrat Klowns bully the bedwetting bozos of their base with the spectre of the scary brown people who want to steal their women and their Budweiser and their guns.

Not necessarily in that order.

Speaking of the New Order these fairy tail fascists don’t give a rat’s ass about your privacy because they like it all naked and sweaty.  These grabass harrasers want to get right in your face with their hot air and pointy fingers.

I can’t possibly keep up with the volume of filth and lies and filthy lies that have spewed forth in vomitous abandon in the last 90 minutes, but what struck me about it the most is that it was funny.

Funny to see these guys at Faux try and pretend that anyone really believes them and that they matter.

This was a joke, beyond Stephen Colbert parody, a fiasco.

Popcorn up for repeats if you can.


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  1. So ek, tell us what you really think.

    • melvin on September 6, 2007 at 04:30

    imitate John Wayne at Iwo Jima: amidst all the blather about staying till we win and the surge is working, not one mention, by any of them, about the wishes of the people of Iraq, who don’t even seem to exist for this crowd.

  2. H&C has live Frank Luntz Focus group.

  3. bleh.

  4. I get my marching orders from the Constitution!

    Ok, I’m done.

    • Robyn on September 6, 2007 at 06:15

    …to be the Republican nominee. 

  5. I’m interested in how Huckabee defended the war.  Not “the war was right and just” but “the war may have been a fuckup but it was our fuckup and we’re collectively responsible for solving it.”  (Bush must truly hate that guy.)  It’s an interesting message — and, while wrong, it’s more intellectually and morally defensible than the abject denial of reality we see from others — and I wonder how it will play.

    If Huckabee’s on the ticket, it will be interesting to see how much Bush will swallow the notion of a candidate saying that he totally screwed up and now we have to clean up his mess.  I don’t think Bush can bring himself to do it.  I think we might be looking at a repeat of LBJ stiffing Humphrey.

    • pfiore8 on September 6, 2007 at 15:12

    swept me right along

    how come you don’t write more op-ed???

    fabulous… but wow… the end. disturbing, true, and a surprise.

    really good ek…

  6. They’re just one big administration already aren’t they 😉

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