It is wrong to threaten the Universe, I see this now.

Yesterday I was exceedingly rude to our wonderful, and btw, quite good looking in those lovely shoes, Universe!

I would like to, at this point humbly apologize to the Universe and ask it what it is drinking and could I possibly buy it a fresh one and by the way I’m very sorry, please excuse me, I will be happy to not GBCW and keep writing essays and diaries, and whenever you see fit to hook my power up and give me lights and a refrigerator and a blessed ceiling fan and even…..gasp…..air freaking conditioning I will be more than grateful and promise to never be such a sodding wanker again, thankyouverymuch!

Until then I shall most humbly and in good spirits resign my self to living in the dark and the heat and the internet cafe and buying ice everyday and being grateful that I DO have gas to cook on and water….most of the time.

I shall certainly not feel sorry or myself as to the fact that not only does my new blog not need me, or that perhaps (sniff) it is actually better off without my silliness and offbeatish contributions. Nor will I lament the fact that I will be publishing the launch of said blog from an internet cafe and not from my hot, dark refrigeratorless…..but lovely, little bungalow.


Instead I shall give thanks!

After all, I would not have met nearly as many people or explored my new town half as much if I had instead been able to lay out in my hammock on my serene little patio or lounge in bed reading the blogs or sitting in front of the open windows in my living room behind the nearly solid wall of flowering bushes looking out on the mango trees and avocados in my back yard. While drinking cold beer from my refrigerator under the peaceful whirring of the ceiling fan and playing with my dear friends while attempting to change the world.

So….Universe, I am grateful for what I do have and will no longer threaten to withhold my blogging charms from you as I did yesterday. I LOVE you Universe, those shoes are really incredibly cute! Have you lost weight?

Oh and if you happen to have a moment to spare….no big deal you understand, just perhaps if you have a moment or two in your busy schedule of spinning galaxies and making sure the pulsars are on time and such and keeping mankind from destroying itself as much as possible…..


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    • robodd on September 11, 2007 at 18:51

    Btw, hope you’re not paying that landlord too much rent.  Any thought of bypassing the Universe and getting a generator or a hotel room until the landlord (and the universe, I suppose) gets stuff together?

  1. Sorry that the electrical devas are still messing with you. I just wanted to take the time to thank you for starting this blog, and I thank the Universe that I found it. You all have done a great job.

    • melvin on September 11, 2007 at 19:10

    I’ll trade ya straight across, without the electricity.

  2. I would just love a 24 hour coffee kiosk at my hospital so I don’t have to drink the icky budget non-fair trade coffee or spend all my money bringing it in only to have evil co-workers drink it all. But, universe if the coffee kiosk is not available that whole world peace thing would also be fine and dandy.

  3. 😉

    take care of yourself.  have fun.

    mangoes, huh?

    we’ll be here when you get back….

  4. awwww buhdy – this makes me sad.  Do you want to postpone the launch?  I don’t think it matters one way or the other… 

    We want you to come out and play! 

  5. or is the print getting smaller?

  6. I’ve tried fixing it.

  7. Let’s see if I can post a comment now.

  8. pf8,

    You didn’t close your superscript with <⁄sup>.  This not only made the page look funny, but prevented me from commenting in this diary.

    The only solution was to delete the offending comment.  I’m sorry.  It was not at all a disciplinary action.

  9. Been getting the no subject error message, too.

    Thanks, Buhdy, for this lovely gift, and for bringing these great people together.

    If I start paddlin’ and bring you a generator, can I sleep in a hammock under your palm trees?

  10. Not working for me, but I have a history of breaking things.  Who should I ask for help?

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