Tag: George Washington University

GWU Edu. NSA: The CIA’s Vietnam Histories

On the heals of  What were they hiding? concerning the torture policies of the cheney/bush administration/CIA/Private Contractors/Military, the George Washington University National Security Archives brings a slew of documents on the CIA and Vietnam conflict years, before our invasion, during and after.

What were they hiding?

Their arguments have always been, and continue to be especially from their propaganda machines, TV and Radio, that what they did was cleared by the administrative lawyers, as I heard one say this morning “Highly experienced Lawyers!”, and they were are then legal!

The George Washington University National Security Archives have posted up the reports, side by side, from the Bush administration, in May 2008, and the newly released same report from the Obama administration, August 24th 2009.

Court Grants National Security Archive Motion – WH E-Mails {UpDated #2}

The following was in the e-notice sent out by The George Washington University – The National Security Archive which is what can be found also on the page link to the announcement.

For Immediate Release:

January 14, 2009

To Search White House Computers and Preserve E-mails