Tag: department of labor

Watch Your 401k

When looking for help like the Joslin Rhodes financial services, it’s important you do your research into the company to ensure they are reliable and have your best interests at heart. If you just get help from the first company you find, you may find they’re only in it for themselves. The Department of Labor …

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Elation to Confusion to Elation Again: The Obama Appointments roller-coaster when it comes to energ

We wait and watch, with baited breath President Obama’s decisions about who will serve in senior positions in the Administration.  

When it comes to the critical issues of climate change and the creation of a clean energy future, some appointments have created great elation, fostering hope for Change toward something better.

Euphoria has, more than once, shifted to confusion with appointees whose devotion to and experience for creating a sensible path forward remain (generously speaking) open to question.

That confusion (dismay even) can shift quickly, as it did today.

Yesterday, we had news of three absolutely stunningly impressive appointments when it comes to the arenas of science, global warming, and energy.  

Today is a day for great elation and Hope.  Let us hope that tomorrow provides reason for more elation.