Tag: obama citizenship

Return of the Black Helicopter Brigades

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They’re Baaaaaaaaack!

I’ve always had a healthy respect for the Black Helicopter Brigades. We haven’t seen them around for a while. Not since the Clintons. They positively, absolutely loved to hate the Clintons. But with the election of one of ‘them’, George W. Bush, the greatest president ever, the compassionate conservative who restored dignity to the White House and spread American Christo-fascist freedom around the globe in a series of cakewalk wars, they went into hibernation or suspended animation or back into their natural state – grey gelatinous couch potato stasis, jerking off to Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter.

But now, they’re back and they got their mojo on to dethrone the Manchurian Muslim before he is able to take the oath of office and turn the keys of the kingdom over to the Muslim god, better known as Satan.

And after years of bitter-sweet calm they’re back with their paranoid fantasies, delusions of grandeur and pit-bull frothing about the end of the world.