Tag: Michael Kinsley

Environmental Injustice: Those who would Pollute Poor People because their Lives are Worth Less.

This column by Michael Kinsley in the Washington Post today is immoral crap. In an effort to defend the indefensible, Larry Summers 1991 writings suggesting we off-source pollution to poor countries, this jerk fully endorses polluting the poor overseas, and implictly, at home.  It is the antithesis of environmental justice.  

If an industrial plant that causes pollution is going to be built somewhere, it ought to be built where life is worth less.

Revisiting One Lawrence Summers Controversy

This diary is not about Larry Summers and whether he should be Treasury Secretary.  It is about this asshat, Michael Kinsley. The smarmy obscenity of his writings reveals a person without conscience.  Karma will get his ass one day.    

More, after the fold.

(also on Dkos: http://www.dailykos.com/story/… )