Tag: Friday Night at 8: Mysticism

Friday Night at 8: Backalley Blogging

I shall first note the irony of backalley blogging on the front page of a blog.  There, that’s done.

Sometimes while prowling back alleys you find things that don’t bear the light of day, brass ritual cymbal turns out to be a trashcan cover, exotic seafood dinner is really rotten fish guts.

Yet perhaps there’s some truth to these lies.

Here in NYC the sun has gone down.  That’s the time to prowl.

Ever watch the old teevee show Bewitched?  All those times Samantha would do her magic and poor Gladys Kravitz or Larry or whoever witnessed these feats would have the most puzzled odd look on their faces, reality had shifted for them and they were stunned (well except for Gladys, who had her suspicions!).  And then either Samantha or Darren would cook up the most unbelievable alternative narrative to explain what had happened, it would be accepted, and normality would resume.

The audience of course was in on the joke, and we all knew WE’D never fall for that lame explanation.