Update 23:45: The Ohio 12 special election results have changes and the gap between the two candidates has narrowed to 1564 votes. From the Cincinnati Enquirer, this is what to expect: 1,564: Balderson’s margin of victory in the unofficial, final results Tuesday 3,435: The number of provisional ballots to be counted. These include people who …
Tag: Missouri
Jun 10 2014
Hellraisers Journal: Trial of Joe Hill, IWW Singer & Songwriter, to Begin Today in Salt Lake City
-Mother Jones
Friday June 10, 1904
From the Kansas City Star: Mother Jones Heads East to Speak in Kansas City on Sunday

“Mother” Jones to Speak at a Picnic Mary G. [sic] Jones, known as “Mother” Jones, will speak at Budd park Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. “Mother” Jones once lived in Kansas City and had a dressmaking shop, but in recent years has devoted her attention to Socialism and has been active in big strikes as a crusader. She will talk on the miners’ strike in the Cripple Creek district. There will be a picnic in connection with the meeting Sunday afternoon.
Kansas City Star
(Kansas City, Missouri)
-of June 10, 1904
Mother Jones
Dec 29 2012
Local skirmishes for equality
Nomi Michaels Devereaux had walked from the Jewel Osco grocery store in Lakeview, IL with her boyfriend. They stopped and she waited while he went into a friend’s home to pick up a game system. While she was waiting, and holding six bags of groceries, she was approached by police who removed the groceries and handcuffed her. Then they took her to a police station, where she was forced to remove her bra in front of men…who then mocked her.
Later she learned she had been arrested for solicitation.
She responded in a way that few transwomen do. She reported the incident. That report eventually resulted in a new general order for Chicago police. The order, among other things, says that transpeople should not be subjected to searches any more frequently…or more invasively…than nontransgender people. It also insists that transgender identity is not by itself evidence that a crime is occurring.
The phenomenon of police wrongly assuming that transwomen are engaged in sex work is known as walking while trans.
May 27 2011
Eric Cantor Blocks Tornado Relief
This story is usually attributed to HuffPo around the internet, as if Arianna’s cash-cow featured actual reporting, but the real source is the ultra-right Washington Times…
And for those weasels it was really all about a “learning experience.”
“Cantor learns DeLay’s lesson on disaster spending”
“House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said Monday that if Congress passes an emergency spending bill to help Missouri’s tornado victims, the extra money will have to be cut from somewhere else.
“If there is support for a supplemental, it would be accompanied by support for having pay-fors to that supplemental,” Mr. Cantor, Virginia Republican, told reporters at the Capitol. The term “pay-fors” is used by lawmakers to signal cuts or tax increases used to pay for new spending.
That stands in stark contrast to then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who six years ago stumbled when, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, he said emergency spending would be tacked on to the deficit.
At the time, Mr. DeLay said the GOP, which had controlled Congress for most of the preceding decade, had whittled the federal budget down so well that there wasn’t room to cut enough to pay for the billions in hurricane-related spending.
“It is right to borrow to pay for it,” he said, adding that cuts could “attack the very economy” that Republicans were trying to bolster.
He took flak from conservatives who said after years of expanding budgets under President George W. Bush, Republicans in Congress should have turned to cuts before deficit-spending.”
Mar 16 2008
Congressional races round 2: Mississippi, Missouri, Montana
Continuing through the alphabet….
Mississippi has 4 representatives: 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans
The filing deadline was Jan 11, and the primary was on March 11
Missouri has 9 representatives: 5 Republicans and 4 Democrats
Filing deadline is March 25, primary is Aug 5
Montana has one representative, a Republican
Filing deadline is March 20, primary is June 3