Cross posted from The Stars Hollow Gazette
Shorty after 8 PM EST, I was watching Current TV‘s “Viewpoint” with Eliot Spitzer when the feed was abruptly terminated and this message appeared on the screen

This channel is no longer available on Time Warner Cable.
to find other sources for similar
I was aware of the news that CurrentTV had been sold to Al jazeera and was under the impression that the current programming would continue for another three months. When the feed stopped, I went to Twitter and found these posts by Ryan Grim
Time Warner Cable is dropping Current for selling to Al Jazeera, according to a Current memo to staff. Wow.
– Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) January 3, 2013
In the interest of disclosure, I contribute to Al Jazeera, but would find Time Warner Cable blocking them to be offensive either way
– Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) January 3, 2013
There was brief mention in the Forbes article that TWC had not approved the deal and would drop “drop Current from its menu going forward. TWC’s 12 million 9 million households represent 20% 15% of Current’s total reach.”
But WOW in the middle of a broadcast at 8 PM..
Up Date 21:18 EST: This explains a lot, from Current TV CEO Joel Hyatt’s memo:
” Getting this transaction done was very difficult. One of Current’s distributors, Time Warner Cable, did not consent to the sale to Al Jazeera. Consequently, Current will no longer be carried on TWC. This is unfortunate, but I am confident that Al Jazeera America will earn significant additional carriage in the months and years ahead. In the United Kingdom, it has become the number three news network (behind the BBC and Sky News). It did that by investing in great programming – as it intends to do in the United States.”
h/t Just Bob