Tag: voter suppression

Shut Up Just Send Money

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is not happy with corporate CEO’s voicing their dislike of GQP voter suppression bills. He wants them to shut up but don’t stop sending him money. Cancel culture much?? After Decades of Raking in Corporate Cash, McConnell Tells CEOs Mildly Defending Voting Rights to ‘Stay Out of Politics’ by Jake …

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Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – American Ninja Warrior: Democracy Edition

Bill Maher, host of HBO’s Real Time, addresses voter suppression, a strictly Republican tactic, in his New Rules segment. “Elections were meant to eliminate candidates not voters.”

So It Begins… Race-Based Voter Intimidation In Wisconsin

-Sorry this is short. This is sort of just happening.

Finally actions are beginning to be taken to stop Republicans tactics in Wisconsin in their tracks — Wisconsin Jobs Now Director Mike Lauer has just filed a complaint with the Government Accountability Board against Alberta Darling, We’re Watching, and their various associated allies, friends, and stooges unveiling Republican bullying tactics that go considerably farther then what was previously known. Including allegations that african-american voters on August 2-4 were “unlawfully followed, trailed, surveilled and otherwise intimidated and coerced voters from freely exercising the franchise” while engaging in early absentee voting.

The complaint (.pdf here) is really quite something and deserves to be read immediately. Vans were observed “Obtrusively following, trailing, and electronically surveilling” black voters, Wisconsin Jobs Now and similar outfits also received the same treatment being trailed and filmed by agents. Can you even imagine being a black woman, in an unfamiliar neighborhood, being stalked, trailed, and photographed by white men? What a terrifying experience, AND a clear violation of State Law if their ever was one.

“no person may personally or through an agent make use of force, violence or restraint in order to induce or compel any person to vote or refrain from voting at an election; or by abduction, duress or any fraudulent device or contrivance, impede or prevent the free exercise of the franchise at an election”

Stop Scott Walker. Please remember to assist in every way you can tuesday to help get voters to the polls.

Gov. Scott Walker says the Wisconsin National Guard is prepared to respond wherever is necessary in the wake of his announcement that he wants to take away nearly all collective bargaining rights from state employees.

Walker said Friday that he hasn’t called the Guard into action, but he has briefed them and other state agencies in preparation of any problems.

When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross — Sinclair Lewis