Tag: Marwan al-Shehhi

Planning Xmas Terror From Ass-Hole of Nowhere

(Wikileaks transcript of CIA intercept translated from Arabic by Jacob Freeze)

“Marwan! Let us plan how strike America! Xmas terrorisms I am visualize!”

“Excellently you is think, Mohamed! Plan, then fly most direct New York outgoing nearby Hamburg International Airport!!!”

“No. Got to plan Xmas terrorisms from ass-hole of nowhere!”

A nest of al Qaeda in the Nari District of Kunar Province, Afghanistan

“Where what? Say to me not you is meaning back of beyond aka Naray (Nari), on no road nowhere no electric nothing Afghan crevasse/jumblejumble, where those there indigenous human him only got beans for eat/sell!”

Planning Xmas terror in Nari Kunar!

“How go thou in/out, Mohamed?”

“Fly Hamburg Karachi, Karachi Kabul, Kabul Jalalabad, buy donkey, walk/ride 34 days.”


“Got to meet there with al Qaeda mastermind!”
