Tag: bank mutiny day

International Bank Mutiny Day

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

– Mohandas Gandhi

 Watching this great country being slowly crushed into a third-world plutocracy by the greedy and powerful is probably the most infuriating event in my life. Good people are being impoverished while bad people buy our government.

 What makes it worse is seeing both of the political parties compete in demonstrating their sycophancy to Wall Street money. It makes elections virtually meaningless.

 It’s enough to make a person surrender to despair.

 But then I remember something important – the money that Wall Street uses to buy our government is our money. The power that Wall Street wields only exists because the people allow it.

  All power originates from the people and we can take it back as easily as it was stolen from us. We can do it without firing a shot or shedding any blood.

 The example for how to it is about to be set in Europe.