Tag: New Hampshire Constitution

Kucinich: The other choice! w/poll

Thanks to Iowa, we have the big three having thinned the Democratic field somewhat.  Dodd and Biden, both honorable public servants, have dropped out.  Mike Gravel, my second choice, hangs in there though he’s been thouroughly marginalized.  Bill Richardson will be on the stage tomorrow with the big three, and to be honest, he belongs with them.  From my perspective, electing HRC, BO, JE or BR will pretty much get us the same thing.  The differences among themselves are window dressing, and the differences they will bring to the White House are window dressing.  Yes, better than the Repugs, but window dressing none the less.

Kucinich: Impeachment, The Occupation, The Right to Revolution and New Hampshire! w/poll

Dennis Kucinich, continuing his campaign in New Hampshire and having received the endorsement of New Hampshire State Representative Betty Hall, has announced that he will include George W. Bush in his impeachment resolution!