Tag: Political Immorality

Your political careers

–cross posted at Daily Kos

You, the 535 members of Congress – I’m talking to you.  You, President Obama, I’m talking to you too.  And you, the people who think the futures of you in Congress or you, President Obama, is so deathly important that you have to be defended to the death, I’m talking to you, as well.

Your political career is not more important than the Gulf.

Your political career is not more important than the killing of civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Your political career is not more important than the thousands or millions of people who will die between now and when Health Insurance Reform is supposed to clean up the country.  And your political career is not more important than a public option to ensure all people can get decent affordable Health Care.

The Insurance Companies are not your constituents.  The People are.

Your political career is not more important than those of the thousands of honorably serving GLB veterans serving in the military.

Your political career is supposed to be about the People.

There are people who care more about your political career than the species that will die in the Gulf.  There are people who care more about your political career than the lives lost and the livelihoods lost and to be lost because of the excrement smearing of a whole section of the planet by soulless people who don’t give a shit if the whole world dies, as long as they can have their creme brulee and if they can continue to party with bigwigs in Washington.

There is one word, and only one word, for those who care more about any one of you than any one of these things.