Tag: Daikundi Province

Yet Another NATO Massacre in Afghanistan

From the Guardian…

Nato and Afghanistan government launch inquiry after planes fire on convoy of vehicles, killing at least 33 people.

Zemeri Bashary, an Afghan interior ministry spokesman, said the airstrike hit three minibuses on a major road near the Uruzgan border with the central Day Kundi province.

Bashary said the 42 people in the vehicles were all civilians.

Last Thursday, an airstrike in the northern Kunduz province missed the insurgents it was targeting and killed seven policemen.

And so far Operation Moshtarak has killed at least 19 civilians in Marjah.

And of course NATO didn’t explain how anyone could even think that you can tell the difference between civilians and insurgents inside three Afghan mini-buses, traveling down a dusty road.

This most recent massacre occurred in Daikundi Province..,

Afghanistan-Daikondi copy

And it isn’t exactly the garden spot of Afghanistan…

Day Kundi 2

But the narrow valleys of Daikundi Province are full of almond groves, and sometimes life can be beautiful, even in Afghanistan, after so many years of war.

Day Kundi 1