Tag: Dante Aligheri

Where the straight way was lost.

(Originally posted at the Great Orange Satan)

There is no doubt that the policies of BushCo have gotten us lost deep in the wilderness, a desperate feeling apparently intensified by middle age.  The majority, or at least plurality, of this site’s users is middle-aged, the mean age being around 45 or so.  (I arbitrarily, and some would argue, ruthlessly, divide life evenly into three parts: Youth: 0-30 years; Middle Age: 31-60; and Old Age: 61-90).  Being middle-aged and lost in some Medieval wilderness rings an old bell, doesn’t it? 

Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
Mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
Che’ la dirritta via era smarritta

In the middle of this walk of our life
I came to myself in a dark wilderness
Where the straight way was lost.