Tag: bwahahahahahaha!

Bill Maher DESTROYS teh Birthers: Sentient being vs the Lizard People

Fucking hysterical. Bill, as only he can, sets the record straight.

   Luaghing it off has also been the reaction from the Democratic leaders, proving that Democrats never learn.


    This birther stuff might be a deluded time wasting right wing obsession, but so was whitewater, and look where that ended up. Liberals said ” oh, what are they gonna do, keep expanding the case until they impeach the Preisdent over a blowjob?”

   Bill Maher rocks. He used the example of the swift boat lies that cost Kerry the election because of how stupid the arguement was, and look what that got him. A war hero losing based on cowardice at war to a numb nuts fake cowboy who never served at all.

   Yes, the birther issue is a waste of time, stupid and embarrassing, but we have to smack it down, over and over, otherwise it will become a bigger waste of time, and any progress you might have hoped to get out of Obama will get sidetracked totally. For all of Obama’s shortcomings, the only thing worse than not enough is nothing at all, and that is what we will get if you don’t knock the shit out of this nonsense right now.

  Some people might say, ” let the GOP run with this, it’s their problem. ”

  I say no. We have to share this fucking country with them, troglodites that they are. Their problem IS our problem, and ignoring it won’t make it go away. You want proof of that? Just look at Dick Cheney.

  More from Bill.

    This birther stuff might be a deluded time wasting right wing obsession, but so was whitewater, and look where that ended up. Liberals said ” oh, what are they gonna do, keep expanding the case until they impeach the Preisdent over a blowjob?”


    Dummies talking to other dummies.


    It is so important that we, the few, the proud, the reality based, attack this stuff before it has a chance to fester and spread. This is not a case of Democrats versus Republicans, it is sentient beings versus the Lizard People. And it is to the Lizard People that I offer this deal, I will show you President Obama’s birth certificate when you show me Sarah Palin’s high school diploma.

   I don’t know which part I appreciated more, the Reality based part, or the part where he calls them Lizard People.

   I can only say this in conclusion. After onloy 6 months out of power, this is where the GOP and Conservatives are. Insane, not to be negotiated with, they are like the meth addict who sees Streisand faced spiiders crfawling on them.

  It is going to be a looooonnngggg 4 years.