Robert Gates’ New Rhetoric and The Forever War

(10 am – promoted by ek hornbeck)

It’s been said that Defense Secretary Robert Gates is the “anti-Rumsfeld.”  Soft-spoken, open to input from others, Gates’ reputation as a sane voice and a counter to the bellicosity of earlier Bush years is entrenched in any number of newspaper and TV pundit accounts.

But in fact Gates has recently made himself the point-man of what Tom Englhardt has called “the war in the slum cities of the planet.”  Consistently and forcefully, Gates in recent months has argued and cheer-leaded for a global counterinsurgency war; a war extended into the foreseeable future in which America — having no geo-strategic equal — devotes itself to crushing sparks of militant protest wherever they arise.  Gates’ performance has been remarkable in its lack of ideological cover-stories and for its single-minded devotion to neo-imperial power.

That this has gone largely without comment in the press is no doubt due in part to Gates’ mild-mannered reputation and speaking style.  But it is also because Gates’ advocacy of a global war on indigenous populations is a logical extension of values and strategies that have long been accepted as conventional wisdom in Washington.  The right to defend “our interests” around the world has morphed, in Gates’ language, into a war without exit strategies and without end.  Without exit strategies because the planet has no national borders; without end because the American need for the planet’s resources is becoming total and permanent.

What has been called the “Long War” is likely to be many years of persistent, engaged combat all around the world in differing degrees of size and intensity.  This generational campaign cannot be wished away or put on a timetable.  There are no exit strategies.  To paraphrase the Bolshevik Leon Trotsky, we may not be interested in the long war, but the long war is interested in us.

Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY, Monday, April 21, 2008

What is remarkable about Gates’ rhetoric is that it is totally without reference to ideology.  He makes no claims that the United States must “confront radical Islam” or “defeat radical terrorist extremists.”  Gates has no truck with McCain’s repeated metaphysical call to arms in “the transcendent challenge of our time.”  

No.  Gates simply says we must defeat them all, whoever they are, and for whatever reason they rise up.  

Gates openly advocates a realignment of the military away from defense of the United States and towards invasion, occupation, and suppression of small dissident  factions who do not wish to participate in the American world order.  

These kinds of operations are likely to continue because, as I told an Army gathering last year, it is hard to conceive of any country confronting the United States directly in conventional military terms for some time to come.  

The record of the past quarter century is clear – the Soviets in Afghanistan, the Israelis in Lebanon, the United States in Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Smaller, irregular forces – insurgents, guerrillas, terrorists – will find ways, as they always have, to frustrate and neutralize the advantages of larger, regular armies. The good news is that due to the innovation of leaders like Generals David Petraeus, Ray Odierno, and Stan McChrystal, as well as the creativity and commitment of countless other officers and NCOs in the junior and mid-level ranks, our military is adapting and evolving – often re-learning old lessons – to deal effectively these threats. The key is to institutionalize the capabilities built and lessons learned from the ongoing campaigns, as our adversaries – which include nation-states – look to exploit our vulnerabilities and avoid playing to our strengths.

Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, Washington, D.C. , Monday, May 05, 2008

Gates goes so far as to warn military contractors that ignoring military needs in indigenous population suppression is likely to cost those contractors money.

First, I believe that any major weapons program, in order to remain viable, will have to show some utility and relevance to the kind of irregular campaigns that, as I mentioned, are most likely to engage America’s military in the coming decades. In Texas, I had an opportunity to see a demonstration of the parts of the Army’s Future Combat Systems that have moved from the drawing board to reality. A program like FCS – whose total cost could exceed $200 billion if completely built out – must continue to demonstrate its value for the types of irregular challenges we will face, as well as for full-spectrum warfare.

Second, I would stress that the perennial procurement cycle – going back many decades – of adding layer upon layer of cost and complexity onto fewer and fewer platforms that take longer and longer to build must come to an end.

Without a fundamental change in this dynamic, it will be difficult to sustain support for these kinds of weapons programs in the future.

Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The entire military must adopt skills and strategies employed in the past only by small tactical teams in limited operations.

Many of these skills and tasks used to be the province of the Special Forces, but now are a core of the Army and Marine Corps as a whole.

The primary task of the U.S. commissioned officer will likely become the training and commanding of foreign troops fighting against their own populations.

For example, at West Point last month, I told the cadets that the most important assignment in their careers may not necessarily be commanding U.S. soldiers, but advising or mentoring the troops of other nations.

Gates’ assertions ought to be chilling to anyone who both possesses a moral sense and is paying attention.  For the foreseeable future, he is telling us, we will be a superpower devoted to the killing of people who can do no more than cobble together a bomb to put on a curb in their own home town.

There is a strong case to be made that IEDs and suicide bombings have become the weapon of choice for America’s most dangerous and likely adversaries –

In order to accomplish this, we must find and retain just those military personnel who have demonstrated creative expertise in the suppression of indigenous populations in low-intensity conflicts.  The values according to which this is not reprehensible as a general ethic must become “rooted in the institutional culture.”

Going forward we must find, retain, and promote the right people – at all ranks, whether they wear stripes, bars, or stars – and put them in the right positions to see that the lessons learned in recent combat become rooted in the institutional culture. Similarly, we shouldn’t let personnel policies that were developed in peacetime hurt our wartime performance.

One such person is the current darling of Washington.

There is a history here. During the 1980s, a Princeton graduate student noted in his dissertation that, about a decade after the fall of Saigon, the Army’s 10-month staff college assigned 30 hours – about four days – for what is now called low-intensity conflict. This was about the same as what the Air Force was teaching at the time. That grad student was then-Army Major David Petraeus.

Gates’ only concession to decorum is to call all of this “counterinsurgency.”  But that is not much of a concession.  In saner times, the idea that the full might of the most powerful military in the history of the world ought to be devoted to worldwide “counterinsurgency” operations would be instantly recognized for what it is: a statement of crushing imperialism, aggression, and ruthless domination.

Gates has become an open advocate for a forever war on the poor of this world who choose non-compliance with structures of power in their local habitations.  As a way of maintaining hegemony in a world of dwindling resources, this may be the only live option.  But to those who do not wish for hegemony, it ought to be anathema.  

More to the point, the extent to which Gates’ recent turn goes unremarked-upon in the popular press and unrejected by the American people is the extent to which we as a nation have utterly collapsed as a shining beacon on a hill.  The light will have become a baleful warning, a red and flashing achtung.  A planetary distress signal with no one out there to save us.

The depraved beast on the environment, Israel, Jimmy Carter, and Iraq.

The Politico gives us the transcript of the dictator’s latest interview (if, by “interview”, you mean yet another tedious exercise in reportorial fellatio).

The shrub lies about what his regime has done about the environment, acknowledges Global Warming, says others have to do the work on fixing it before the U.S. can even get involved, and lies again about why he’s done nothing.

Q: I wonder if in your eight years in office what the changes have been, in your view, of climate change?

THE SHRUB: I think it’s been more clearly defined as a problem. But what hasn’t changed is the realistic notion that new technologies are going to be the solution, and the fundamental question is how do you grow the economy at the same time, and at the same time encourage new technologies. And my administration has done more for the new technologies necessary to change our lifestyles without sacrificing wealth than any other administration.

Q: For the record, is global warming real?

THE SHRUB: Yes, it is real, sure is. But the solutions — having said that, the solutions have got to be measured and realistic — you can’t have a solution to global warming unless China and India are part of any international pact. It’s one of the reasons I didn’t accept what’s called the Kyoto Protocol, and therefore was labeled as anti-environment. I’m a realistic guy. If the major emitters of greenhouse gases are not a part of a solution, then those who are part of a solution are acting in a way that’s simply not going to — it will affect their own economies, but it won’t affect the overall global warming issue.

So, yes, I put forth a very realistic, straightforward program that makes sense.

Q: Acknowledging those constraints, you’re an oil man — some people say that climate change, global warming could have been your Nixon-to-China. Do you wish you’d done more?

THE SHRUB: I did what I think is necessary to actually work, Michael. I mean, I could have signed a — I could have supported a lousy treaty and everybody would have went, “Oh, man, what a wonderful sounding fellow he is.” But it just wouldn’t have worked. I don’t think you want your president trying to be the cool guy and not end up with policies that actually make a difference.

So the policies I’ve outlined are policies that will actually make a difference: nuclear power for generating electricity; battery driven cars; ethanol. There’s a variety of initiatives — clean coal technology — all of which will help us sustain our economic vitality and at the same time be better stewards of the environment.

Of course, it all makes sense now.  The shrub didn’t want to try to be cool by doing anything about the environment, and that’s why his regime has sat on its ass and done absolutely nothing to help solve the problem of Global Warming.  Wow, how enlightened he has made us plebeians!  All this time he was sacrificing his “coolness” for us!

On Jimmy Carter:

Q: President Carter recently told Charlie Rose the next president could change America’s image in 10 minutes. Here’s what he said: “I think the next president could change the image of this country around the world in 10 minutes by making an inaugural speech that would start off and say, ‘As long as I’m president we will never torture another prisoner, as long as I’m president we will never attack or invade another country unless our own security is directly threatened.'”

THE SHRUB: Yes, well, what he ought to be saying is, is that America doesn’t torture. If the implication there is that we do now, then he’s wrong. And you bet we’re going to protect ourselves by the use of military force. What he really is implying is — or some imply — you can be popular; if you want to be popular in the Middle East just go blame Israel for every problem. That will make you popular. Or if you want to be popular in Europe, say you’re going to join the International Criminal Court.

Popularity is fleeting, Michael. Principles are forever.

Uh-huh.  The boy who has instituted a policy of torture by the U.S. against prisoners in our custody is telling a former president to lie.  Never mind that, under the shrub, the U.S. is torturing prisoners, and that the shrub and his flunkies ordered it.  Because he doesn’t like being called out on it, he wants Jimmy Carter to lie and say we don’t.  What a fucking piece of shit the shrub is.  Because, you know, even though the shrub doesn’t care about being popular, he still doesn’t want to be known as the dictator who turned the United States into a country that is now on other nations’ lists of countries that torture prisoners.  The boy who has no principles is telling a former U.S. president, essentially, that he is trying to be popular by blaming Israel for everything that goes wrong in the Middle East.  The boy who hasn’t seen a law he couldn’t break is telling us that joining the International Criminal Court is just some sorry attempt to be cool with the other kids on the playground.

Q: You’re headed later today to the Middle East. The prospects for brokering peace between Israelis and Palestinians look bleak. I wonder what the best is you can hope for, and why should Americans back home care about your efforts over there?

THE SHRUB: It’s a great question. Americans at home ought to care for the advance of free societies throughout the Middle East, after all, this is the center of anti-Americanism and hatred. In other words, the people that attacked us on 9/11 came from this part of the world. By far the vast majority of people aren’t haters, and by far the vast majority of people don’t hate America. But there are enough to be able to recruit if forms of government repress people. In other words, if there’s hopelessness — there’s nothing more hopeless, by the way, than becoming a suicide bomber. And yet, these ideologues require hopeless situations.

So it’s the advance of freedom throughout the Middle East which ought to be interesting — which ought to say to the American people it’s the best way to keep us secure.

No, we have seen — we’ve witnessed this type of history before, Michael. In Europe it was the advance of freedom that now makes Europe whole, free and at peace. But that wasn’t the case throughout the 1900s. In Japan, democracy came along and that enemy of ours is now an ally. In other words, freedom is transformative. And the big challenge in the 21st century is to advance freedom in the Middle East, for our security.

And you said about the Israeli-Palestinian issue? It’s been tough for a long time. But I do believe we’ve got — we’re on the right track to defining a Palestinian state, what it looks like, so that the moderate people, the reasonable people in the region have something to be for.

So giving Israel a blank check to murder Palestinians, keep them mired in a perpetual state of apartheid (thereby perpetuating the hopeless situation that makes it easy to recruit them to strap bombs on their bodies and blow up Israelis), all this is just part of the plan to bring peace, eh?

Q: Mr. President, turning to the biggest issue of all, Iraq. I wonder if you — various people and various candidates talk about pulling out next year. If we were to pull out of Iraq next year, what’s the worst that could happen, what’s the doomsday scenario?

THE SHRUB: Doomsday scenario of course is that extremists throughout the Middle East would be emboldened, which would eventually lead to another attack on the United States.

The biggest issue we face is — it’s bigger than Iraq — it’s this ideological struggle against cold-blooded killers who will kill people to achieve their political objectives. Iraq just happens to be a part of this global war. Iraq is the place where al Qaeda and other extremists have made their stand — and they will be defeated. They’ll be defeated through military action, but they’ll also be defeated as this young democracy takes hold. They can’t stand to live in a free society, that’s why they try to fight free societies.

The United States pulling out of Iraq or pulling out of the Middle East or not maintaining a forward presence would send all kinds of signals throughout the Middle East. And it would shake everybody’s nerves, and it would embolden the very same people that we’re trying to defeat.

What’s you just read is the dictator of the United States threatening the country with a terrorist attack if the next executive pulls our nation out of Iraq.  On whose watch was the 9/11/2001 attack carried out?  And who let it happen, even though they knew something was up?  The shrub and his flunkies, that’s who.

The boy thinks we are stupid, that we’ll believe his lies, and even if we don’t, it doesn’t matter because there’s no way he’s going to face punishment.

stop worrying about the truth…

Afterall, it might not even exist. The truth might just be another seducer, another liar, another sad end to your day.

The truth brings conflict. war. It demands fidelity and adherence. The truth trumps freedom and tortures free will. Could be the only true truth is the only thing we all share…. death. But after that, some of us turn to dust. Others go to heaven. Or Nirvana. And then there’s the matter of those virgins… would they be vestal then???


Back up. Let’s take another look at this idea. Truth.

Woman to Carlos Mencia: i feel sorry for you. You are not touched by Jesus Christ.

Mencia to Woman: Look at me… i am not touched by Jesus Christ?

Listen to me. I’m a beaner… a long time ago i used to pray to moon, the stars, the earth, the air, the sun, the water, and fire… and you showed up with… a bible and permission from god through the pope and the vatican to kill “savages” that did not believe in your bible and message. Not only did you kill my people, not only did you eradicate my people, kill my culture, and take my gold, but my people are the only people who name their kids Jesus.

The truth is i’ve been inundated with propaganda. There is no climate change. And do i really think it’s promoting freedom if i rail against one percent controlling the world’s wealth and resources? Isn’t that communism? what the fuck. People can’t have freedom if they aren’t free to accumulate wealth… and, btw, George Bush is an honorable man. heh. Realize i’m writing this on 14 May 2008. yeah. Okay, then.

How can i claim the truth? What i believe, even if i prove it in spades, doesn’t dent their truth. Truth is impervious to facts, common sense, and common decency. Fear makes its own truth. So does god. Love. Hunger. Anger. All these things seem to put truth in conflict with what theevolutionarysieve might call actuality. Seven years of sifting through a small fraction of the available information, propaganda, editorials, theories, and ideas and analysis of how and why we went to Iraq… how our Constitution was subverted… elections stolen. Seven years of working on this puzzle, trying to fit pieces into relationships and context. Trying to find the truth. At some point, small vignettes begin to emerge. And the whole picture gets clearer. Iraq or FISA are merely pieces of this puzzle, and the picture emerging is a story about power, not truth. Or maybe power is truth.

Power… monolithic and vague is, we’re led to believe, out of our reach; defining truth, out of our jurisdiction. Power is a mythic force, forging impenetrable armor around the company, the church, the government, the army…  It is hard to deconstruct an institution…  and the fall guys are almost always someone like us…  yeah. Like the army grunts who took the blame for America’s torture initiative. Yeah. Power gets to dictate truth.

There is method to the madness of power. This ancient credo that might is right is ultimately about entitlement. It is having the resources to deny consequences, even reality and further, actuality. The primary thing is not I think, therefore I am; it is I have power, therefore I can do whatever I please.

As one of the of the 6.7 billion citizens on planet Earth, I plainly see that all of us will be faced with challenges of untold depths. That is my truth. Neither George Bush, my brother-in-law, or his neighbor Dan share this version of the facts. In fact, they, the three of them, are pretty sure that if we drill in the arctic, Americans will have oil for another 30 years. Really? Do Americans own that oil then? Does that oil go to the direct benefit of Americans? Now that I think of that, I wonder if anybody every asked those questions.

I also wonder… when facts are under attack, can truth be reliable? And without truth, can facts be reliable?  

Heh. In my world, oil will be an afterthought as we fight over water rights.  It is already a world where the Chinese River Dolphin has disappeared, even as polar bears are drowning. Deforestation of the Amazon rain forest has again accelerated as we grapple with the processes that deplete nutritional value in our food. There is the weight of untold stories on us, from DNA-altered crops to changes in our global wind patterns. Bizarre weather, interrupted migratory patterns, and the mystery of disappearing honeybees are, as the saying goes, just the tip of this iceberg.

How do we begin to bridge an understanding of the magnitude of our actions (the ability to extrapolate that to billions of individual actions) in relationship to an entire planet? If we are to resurface old progressive arguments to articulate them with world wide symbolic power, we must listen to different voices and perspectives, and to thinkers not yet chained to old ways of thinking.

Set yourself free, then. From truth. From gravity. From the last bit of connective tissue that ties us to the Clan, the Neanderthal. It is time for a different time. If only… we can let go of the truth. It’s a little like letting go of god, isn’t it?

Happy Mary Seacole Day–The Mother of Social Justice Nursing

Today, May 14th, is the 119th anniversary of the passing away of Mary Seacole, the Mother of Social Justice nursing.

RNs now celebrate Mary Seacole Day as part of National Nurses Week-and as the day we honor the social justice aspect of the work of nurses.   Mary Seacole remains an important inspiration for the national nurses movement being built by CNA/NNOC (California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee), which focuses on improving patient care and safety in hospitals and on bringing this country the guaranteed, single-payer health care that our patients deserve.  

…cross-posted at the Guaranteed Healthcare Blog

Mary Seacole’s  vision of caring equally for patients regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, or social class established the ideals  social justice nursing, and her belief that bureaucracy should not interfere with patient care is as relevant today as it was during her lifetime.  Moreover, her career laid an important foundation for nursing practice theory, and many procedures she helped develop continue today.

Mother Mary, as she was sometimes known, lived an extraordinary life that touched many patients.   She was born in  1805 in Jamaica of mixed-race descent, and overcame both racism and sexism in a career dedicated to advocating and caring for patients in dire circumstances.  Her own mother was a Creole healer, who passed her skills on to Mary.  After spending many years establishing hospitals in the Americas and dealing with a cholera epidemic in Jamaica, she was blocked from joining the nursing efforts of Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War, due to racial discrimination.  As Mother Mary wrote:

Doubts and suspicion rose in my heart for the first and last time, thank Heaven. Was it possible that American prejudices against colour had some root here? Did these ladies (at Florence Nightingale’s hospital) shrink from accepting my aid because my blood flowed beneath a somewhat duskier skin than theirs?

But nurses are nothing if not resourceful, and, rather than give up, Mother Mary travelled on her own to the war, and practiced nursing under incredible conditions-in the heat of battle, on the battlefields, rather than miles away, where the British hospitals were.  She founded her own nursing corps and her own hospital to deal with the needs of her patients.

Although Mother Seacole was forgotten for many years, this kind of heroism could not be repressed forever, and she was recently voted the Greatest Black Briton. In addition, the headquarters of the Jamaican Nurses Association is named after her.  Today, May 14, on Mother Seacole Day, part of Nurses Week, RNs across the world celebrate her values and her achievements.  

Happy Mary Seacole Day!

Panda Party

h/t Cute Overload

Some good news out of China …


Giant Pandas survive earthquake

Authorities confirmed Tuesday that captive animals in two of China’s major panda reserves were alive, according to Xinhua, China’s official news agency.

The Wolong Giant Panda Reserve Center in southwest Sichuan province is home to about 86 giant pandas, who were reported safe Tuesday.

Staff and critters at neighboring Chengdu Panda Breeding and Research Center were also reported safe, according to a spokesperson for the Atlanta Zoo, which has two pandas on loan from the wildlife reserve.


~~~Do not Rec the Pony Panda Party.  This is Open Thread.~~~

Planet Shit Dispatch: White Trash For Hillary Edition

Clinton Scores West Virginia Landslide!

The bitter and recalcitrant Hillary Rodham-Clinton’s whopping 43 percent win in the West Virginia primary despite the category 5 spin doesn’t mean jack fucking shit. Consider that the mountaineer state’s demographics, the sort of folks that Clinton aide Mickey Kantor so eloquently refers to as “white niggers” make the longtime GOP red state base denizens of peckerwood nation down south of the Mason-Dixon Line look like a fucking master race by comparison. These hard-workin’ (when they are able to even find jobs that haven’t been offshored) white voters are as easily duped with allegations of secret Muslim conspiracies, anti-Americanism by a ‘darky’ who refuses to wear a flag pin or hold his hand over his heart during the ridiculous fucking Stalinist pledge of allegiance and actually gives a rat’s ass about economic conditions in such capitalist desecrated shit holes like West Virginia rather than engage in laying stink bait about guns, gays and God.  

Yessiree Bob! West Virginia is Clinton Country and could be the capital of the New Dixiecrats that Hillary is running hard to be the queen of. The ultimate statement on the sort of demographic that the Clintons curried such favor with is exemplified by famous figures such as Lynndie England and the rest of the Class of Abu Ghraib Prison who no doubt were heroic figures to many of the backwoods, barefoot hicks who prowl the Appalachians huntin’ for varmint to eat.

The Clinton spinners, surrogates, Hillemmings and morons on loan from Rush Limbaugh will roar into Kentucky to score another massive ‘win’ with a similar demographic and then keep moving the goalposts all the closer to that crucial Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting on at the end of May. In perhaps one of the most nauseous displays of pandering and disingenuous bullshit that I have ever personally seen (and in these fucked times that speaks volumes) Clinton hack Terry McAuliffe took to the Sunday morning bloviation circuit with his magnum opus of flim-flamming and ass kissing taking place on Tim Russert’s ‘Press The Meat’. McAuliffe spun, contradicted, dissembled, shamelessly kept invoking Russert’s beloved dad ‘Big Russ’ and in an amusing moment had the tables turned on him when his own words were turned on him while trying to make a case to steal all of the Florida and Michigan delegates. Russert (redeeming himself in a very small way for devoting a full 20 minutes of a recent Obama interview to ridiculous questions on the Reverend Wright ‘controversy’) sprung a passage from McAuliffe’s own book on him.

MR. RUSSERT: A change. Also, Hillary Clinton, back in October, said, “You know, it’s clear, this election they’re having [in Michigan] is not going to count for anything.” Now, it’s counting for a lot.

I turn to the bible, “What a Party,” Terry McAuliffe.

MR. McAULIFFE: Good man, good man.

MR. RUSSERT: Your book.

MR. McAULIFFE: Yes, sir.

MR. RUSSERT: And back in 2003, this was a discussion…


MR. RUSSERT: …you had with Carl Levin, the senator from Michigan.

MR. McAULIFFE: Yeah. Yeah.

MR. RUSSERT: “I got a call on February 1, 2003, from Carl [Levin]” … senator from Michigan, “[who] told me they were going to hold the Michigan primary before New Hampshire, which would have led to complete chaos. … `If you do that, I will take away 50 percent of your delegates,’ I told them. They thought I was bluffing. But it was my responsibility as chairman to take action for the good of the party, and taking away half their delegates was well within my authority. … `You won’t deny us seats at the convention,’ [Levin] said. `Carl, take it to the bank.'” They’ll “`not get a credential. The closest'” thing you’ll “`get to Boston,'” the convention city, “`will be watching it on television. I will not let you break this entire nominating process for one state. The rules are the rules.'”


MR. RUSSERT: Chairman McAuliffe.

MR. McAULIFFE: You bet.

MR. RUSSERT: So now, Chairman Dean is saying the rules are the rules.


MR. RUSSERT: Michigan broke them, they’re not going to be seated. Maybe they’ll get half. Would you accept that?

MR. McAULIFFE: Well, first of all, that’s now out in paperback, I want you to know. But second, I would say the rule is 50 percent. That’s the point I’d like to make. I had the right, the party, to take away 50 percent. The party took away 100 percent of the delegates. The rule is 50 percent. Had they only taken away 50 percent like the Republican Party did, Tim, you and I would not be having this conversation today.

MR. RUSSERT: So you would accept that as a compromise, half the Michigan and half the Florida delegates?

MR. McAULIFFE: We certainly might, you bet. But in fairness, the Rules and Bylaws Committee will meet on, on the 31st to make that decision. The issue is 50 percent. They took away 100 percent. He can’t deny that a million-75 people showed up in Florida and 600,000 showed up in Michigan. They voted, they were certified by the county and the state. These people voted. We have to win these two states in, in the general election. It’s important, Michigan and Florida.

MR. RUSSERT: But you’d take half.

MR. McAULIFFE: Well, I’ll–we’ll let the Rules and Bylaws, it’s up to them to make that decision. But the rule is 50 percent. Had they done 50 percent, Tim, you and I wouldn’t have this conversation today. They took away 100 percent.

It was the best thing I’ve seen on that silly assed beltway elitist’s show since Senator Jim Webb smacked down John McCain’s butt-buddy Lindsay Graham last year, his Gomer Pyle singsong cracking as Webb put the boots to him on the great General Petraeus dog and pony show.

So the endless primary season goes on, and on and on and on. The joint neocon effort to paint Mr. Obama as a Muslim has crossed over into the New York Times with neocon icon (he wrote the bible on how to stage a coup d’etat) Edward Luttwak’s piece “President Apostate?” that is spreading like kudzu weed throughout the right-wing blogosphere and will be used to further the whisper campaign against Obama and strike terror into the hearts of the idiot white trash in places like West Virginia, Kentucky (the incest capital of the western world) and other enclaves of ignorance and racism that should have been stomped out long ago. Gas is at 4 bucks a gallon, food prices are spiking and the masses of asses insist on fighting vicious wars of attrition over bullshit cultural and racial wedge issues while the country is looted and sold off to foreigners for pennies on the dollar. Then again the white picket fence world of idyllic nostalgia that never really existed outside of 1950’s propaganda television shows touting the nuclear family and nonexistent virtues is still the world that most of the indolent bitter white folk like to imagine as they cling to their guns and religious malarkey. Whitey is losing and losing precisely because of the ignoramuses who remain enshrouded in their warm and cozy impenetrable cocoons of denial.

A few years back I had a perfect example of why this once great country is now circling the drain delivered directly to my front door. If you love Chinese food you have to truly appreciate the difference between the great discovery of that rare really great ‘takee-outee’ emporium of great Chinese food and the slop that passes for it.The Chinese owners of the restaurant who had owned it for years through which the consistency was absolutely impeccable for a non standardized chain eatery and who were able to deliver the freshest, hottest, most tasty and authentic heaping portions of egg foo yung, pork fried rice, moo goo gai pan, szechuan beef and lo mein while making enough of a profit to remain in business suddenly sold out without warning. Well much to my dismay the product that was delivered by the new white boy ownership was about as edible as something dug out of a fucking dumpster, run through a food processor and deepfried in motor oil by a poorly trained chimpanzee.

The rise in gas prices to close to around the 3 dollar a gallon level likely drove them to do it and they had to be laughing all of the way to the bank every step of the fucking way. In addition to being great cooks they were shrewd business people and understood that profit margins running primarily a delivery based restaurant were going to be dropping like Newton’s Law Of Gravity before too much long. Enter some white chumps with money looking to buy up a successful business and the goodwill that came with it. Of course the quality immediately went straight to hell, the portions shrunk and the prices went up.

You see, with ‘whitey’ and his great free market capitalist ideals the emphasis is never on quality, only profits. That little ‘Chinese’ restaurant was to be out of business by the end of the year, ironically it was the Year Of The Dog according to the Chinese calendar. It is was the only white meat that ‘whitey’ would have been able to make a profit on by that time with soaring gas prices and a declining customer base. The Chinese were smart, once again they beat whitey at his own game. They sold for peak profit at the exact time that their operating costs made it impossible to continue to produce their product in the same manner that had guaranteed their success, and capitalist whitey was left holding a flaming bag of dogshit once again and of course the bag was manufactured in China.

I never personally envisioned that the 21st Century would be one of regression because we are getting far closer to the Flintstones than to the Jetsons in Der Heimat.

I guess that if I had one tip and one tip only to offer the defenders of Pleasantville USA it is this:

Learn how to speak fucking Chinese!

They came waving devalued dollars instead of guns and are now on the way to reposessing the entire fucking country!

Feeling safe at home?

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

Other than my occasional irrational reactions to odd noises that go “bump” in the night, I pretty much feel safe in my home. As a matter of fact, it is a sanctuary for me where I can relax, be myself and get away from the everyday pressures of finding a way to make it in this world. There is a reason why, when we have company, the most welcoming thing we can say is “Relax and make yourself at home.”

Because I treasure the sanctuary that “home” is for me, there are two stories that I have come across in the last few days that have haunted me a bit. They have no real relationship to each other besides the fact that they involve a violation of the sanctity of “home.”

The first is a story from Sadr City, Iraq.

Iraqi security forces, after more than of 40 days of intense fighting, on Thursday told residents to evacuate their homes in the northeast Shiite slum of Sadr City and to move to temporary shelters on two soccer fields.

Sadr City has been a battleground since late March, enduring U.S. airstrikes, militia snipers and gunbattles between U.S. and Iraqi forces and the Mahdi Army, the militia loyal to Sadr.

Already some 8,500 people have been displaced from the sprawling slum of some 2.5 million people, according to the Iraqi Red Crescent. For weeks, food, water and medical shortages have affected about 150,000 people, aid agencies said.

Two soccer fields in east and northeast Baghdad are expected to receive some 16,000 evacuees from the southeast portion of the city where the fighting has been most intense.

Right now the fields are empty, and families have not come.

Um Mohammed, 48, ignored the Iraqi soldiers calling over loudspeakers for residents to leave their homes on Thursday. Earlier this week the Iraqi army dropped fliers around her home that asked residents to turn over Mahdi Army militiamen and cooperate with the government.

“The residents here are laughing at the government,” she said. “Their demands are very strange. Either hand over our sons or leave our houses to live in small tents.”

Um Mohammed will stay in her home, she said, even though her neighborhood is beset by gunbattles and sporadic airstrikes.

“We refuse to leave,” she said. “Our death will be inside our homes.”

Iraqi military orders Sadr City residents to evacuate

The other story is one of undocumented immigrants and the special fear that haunts their lives, even in what should be the sanctuary of their homes.

So tonight, when I lay my head on my pillow to relax and get a good night’s sleep, I will remember the words of my dear but long departed Aunt Ruth. At these moments, she would always remind me to be grateful for a warm safe bed to sleep in. And I’ll count my blessings and pray for those who are not so fortunate.

25 Years – just part of a lifetime

On this day in 1983 I married my best friend after knowing him for 5 years. We are still best friends 25 years later and looking forward to many more. As friends we support each other and care and make the other laugh. We have shared so many things…and watched as the world changed around us, and we changed.

So…just cause I’m in a mellow mood I thought I’d put up a timeline of important things that have happened along this 25 year road out in the world. And I noticed that the more things change, the more they stay the same. This is by no means a comprehensive list…just kind of a ponder at how much really happens in 25 years.

Things we have watched happen:


Sally Ride is first woman astronaut aboard shuttle Challenger

U.S. Embassy is bombed in Beirut

MS-DOS 2.01 was introduced and spouse is using an Apple IIe for his work

Married spouse


Indira Ghandi assassinated.

Union Carbide plant releases toxic gases in Bhopal

Vietnam War Memorial opens in Washington D.C.

AIDS virus is formally identified by French researchers

Apple MacIntosh introduced

Step-son graduates from High School


Ronald Reagan is sworn in for second term

U.S. becomes debtor nation for the first time.

Rainbow Warrior, owned by Greenpeace, was sunk in Auckland harbor.

Commodore released Amiga

Famine in Ethiopia


Chernobyl disaster

Ferdinand Marcos flees Phillipines

Space shuttle Challenger explodes

Iran Contra

MacIntosh 512k introduced

Step Daughter graduates from High School

Moved into current home


Gorbachev campaigns for Glasnonst

Intifada begins in the Israel / Palestine

Rioting in during Haj in Saudi Arabia

OS/2 released by Microsoft and IBM


Pan Am flight 103 bombed over Lockerbie

Soviets leave Afghanistan

Prozac is introduced

CD’s outsell vinyl for the first time


George HW Bush sworn in as U.S. President

Berlin wall falls

Exxon Valdez spills oil in Alaska

Students massacred in Tianamen Square


Hubble telescope launched

Lech Walesa becomes first president of Poland

Nelson Mandela freed

Windows 3.0 released by Microsoft

Step-daughter graduates from college- Phi Beta Kappa


Collapse of Soviet Union

Operation Desert Storm

South Africa repeals Apartheid

Linux Kernel is born


Riots in Los Angeles after Rodney King verdict

Ruby Ridge, ID

Windows 3.1 introduced

Bill Clinton elected U.S. President


Branch Davidian compound raided in Waco Texas

World Trade Center bombing in NYC

“Doom” released

First Intel Pentium processor released

Brady Bill signed into law


Lorena Bobbitt

Nelson Mandela elected President of South Africa

OJ Simpson’s wife found murdered and subsequent trial

NAFTA goes into effect

Channel Tunnel opens

Netscape Navigator becomes windows based browser over Mosaic

Ex-husband commits suicide due to manic depression

Step-Daughter gets married


Ebola virus spreads in Zaire

Gas attacks in Tokyo Subway

Oklahoma City federal building bombing

Yitzhak Rabin assassinated

Java introduced by Sun Microsystems

Sony PlayStation introduced

Husband’s mother dies


Mad Cow disease in Britain

Unabomber arrested

Dunblane, Scotland primary school shooting

Hotmail introduced

Step-Son dies in October in auto accident caused by drunk driver

Granddaughter is born in December


Hale-Bopp Comet

Hong Kong returned to China

Princess Diana dies

Scientists clone sheep

Tiger Woods wins Masters

Husband’s father dies


India and Pakistan test nuclear weapons

President Clinton impeachment hearings

Viagra on the market

Human cloning banned in Europe

Good Friday Agreement is signed between Ireland and England


Columbine High School shooting

JFK Jr. dies

Panama Canal returns to Panama

Stanley Kubrick died

First elections for new Scottish Parliament and National Assembly in Wales

Milsevic and four others indicted for war crimes in International Criminal Tribunal

Grandson is born in July


New Millenium Y2K mania

Vladimir Putin elected President of the Russian Federation

6 year old Elian Gonzalez is seized by FBI and returned to Cuba

Israel withdraws from southern Lebanon after 22 years of occupation

George W. Bush selected president by the U.S. Supreme Court


Milosevic surrenders to police special forces to stand trial

Ariel Sharon becomes Prime Minister of Israel from Likud party

Musharraf becomes President of Pakistan

World Trade Center attacked by Saudi Al-Qaeda terrorists

Enron files Chapter 11 bankruptcy after disclosed accounting irregularities

Microsoft releases WindowsXP


All non-Euro currencies ceased in Europe

Queen Mother Elizabeth dies

KKK member Bobby Cherry convicted in 1963 church bombing

Queen Elizabeth celebrates 50th year on the throne

Iraq rejects further weapons inspections, then reopens inspections

Switzerland joins the United Nations

U.S. Homeland Security Act signed into law


Colin Powell address the United Nations regarding Iraq

Global protests of U.S. and Coalition pending actions against Iraq

Turkey’s parliament votes to refuse access to coalition forces into Iraq

U.S. Invades Iraq

Chechnya rebels commit suicide bombing at Moscow rock concert

Massive heat wave causes deaths in England and Europe

Concorde makes its final flight due to safety considerations

Massachusetts Supreme Court rules against ban on same sex marriages


A stampede of worshippers during Haj in Saudi Arabia, near Mecca, kills 251

South Korea clones human embryos

Howard Dean, Wes Clark, John Kerry….and swiftboating

Corruption identified in Iraqi Oil for Food program

10 new members join the European Union: including Poland

Trial of Saddam Hussein begins

“Free Speech Zones” established at Republican National Convention in NYC

Yassar Arafat dies at age 75

Tsunami decimates Indonesia and other coastlines in the Indian Ocean.

Uid SallyCat is born in the blogosphere at DailyKos


George W. Bush sworn in for 2nd term as U.S. President

Kyoto Protocol becomes effective, without U.S. participation

U.S. Supreme Court rules death penalty unconstitutional when crimes committed by minors.

King Rainier III of Monaco dies

Demonstrations in Baghdad by supporters of Moqtada Sadr denouncing U.S. occupation

Pope Benedict XVI is selected at the Vatican

Kuwaiti women granted right to vote

Israel ends unilateral occupation of West Bank and Gaza

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastates the U.S. Gulf Coast

Mubarak wins Egypt’s first multi-party election

Rosa Parks dies at age 92


Coretta Scott King dies

Egyptian ferry capsizes and nearly 1,000 die in the Red Sea

Milosevic dies of natural causes in his prison cell

Democrats elected to control of both U.S. houses in November

Scientists predict that 90% of all maritime life forms gone by 2048

Singer James Brown dies at age 73

Saddam Hussein executed

U.S death toll in Iraq reaches 3,000


iPhone introduced

Scooter Libby convicted of obstruction of justice

Largest provider of sub-prime mortgages files chapter 11

China executes State FDA chief related to substandard medicines and bribes

2008: well it’s still in progress and we shall see….

And there are so many more things yet to do, to see, and to participate in. May we all have a great 25 years yet…and more after that.

Sometimes I feel old andtoo tired to be politically active…but I’m not.

Sometimes I feel wise and sometimes I feel like a fool but it’s all part of the experience.

Mostly I feel blessed with friends and family and the ability to still make a difference, no matter how small.

Four at Four

  1. The Los Angeles Times reports Consumer prices up just 0.2% in April, but there’s a catch. “The government’s main inflation gauge, the consumer price index, rose just 0.2% in April, when adjusted for seasonal changes, the Labor Department reported. Since energy prices normally go up in March and April, the department said, the seasonally corrected index showed energy prices as flat… The government noted that gasoline prices actually rose 5.6% in April, which is about what is expected this time of year. The problem for consumers is that the prices were so high to begin with — the department said that in nominal terms, gasoline prices are up 20.9% nationally over the past 12 months.”

    Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports Food prices see greatest monthly increase in nearly 20 years. “Food prices have risen 6.1 percent in the past three months on a seasonally adjusted annual basis. The one-month rise between March and April of 0.9 percent was the biggest since January 1990, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics… The costs of cereal and bakery products increased 1.4 percent from March to April and have risen nearly 20 percent in the past three months on a seasonally adjusted basis. Prices for fats and oils jumped more than 5 percent in April, on a seasonally adjusted annual basis, and have increased more than 26 percent in the past three months. Prices for sugars and sweets increased more than 10 percent during that same period.”

    The Guardian reports US property foreclosures up 65%. “The wave of misery caused by America’s sub-prime mortgage crisis engulfed more homeowners in April as foreclosures leapt by 65% year-on-year… Banks filed foreclosure papers on 243,353 US properties last month according to RealtyTrac, an online marketplace for repossessed homes. The figure was up 4% on March” and would be higher if not for court backlog.

    The Washington Post adds Standards of living are challenged, burdened by the weight of inflation. “Nearly seven in 10 Americans are worried about maintaining their standard of living… Soaring consumer prices are a major challenge, with many people struggling under the weight of the rising costs of fuel, food and health care… Overall, two-thirds called rising gasoline prices a financial hardship, including a third who said higher pump prices have proved to be a severe burden.” But, “U.S. gasoline consumption has continued to grow gradually over the past five years even as crude oil prices have quadrupled, but there are some signs in the poll that prices have finally hit a level that is altering driving habits.”

    But Wall Street doesn’t notice reality — just some cooked book numbers from the Bush administration. Instead, the Associated Press reports Stocks advance following better-than-expected inflation read. “Stocks steamed higher Wednesday after a better-than-expected report on consumer prices tempered some of Wall Street’s concerns about inflation. The Dow Jones industrial average rose more than 100 points.”

    And the Wall Street Journal gleefully plasters across the front page: Recession? Not So Fast, Say Some. “Economists also cite swift policy responses, including a sharp reduction in interest rates by the Fed — to 2% from 5.25% last September — and the distribution of fiscal-stimulus checks to millions of Americans, as factors possibly easing the downturn.” All that was done was to shift the blame to the next administration.

    I think the problems are just starting,” said Lehman Brothers economist Drew Matus, citing high gasoline prices and tightening lending standards, saying that prolonged stagnation can be worse than a recession.

    Asked in an interview… whether the U.S. could avoid a recession, Gary Stern, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, said, “No,” adding, “But there are recessions and then there are recessions….The average resident doesn’t distinguish between whether the economy is growing half a percent or one and a half percent….It’s more, how does this feel?”

    It feels like the next administration is being set up for very bad things.

Four at Four continues with renewed fears for the Amazon, a contentious objector’s day in court, and the next low-wage stop for globalization.

  1. The Guardian reports Fears for Amazon rainforest as Brazil’s environment minister resigns.

    Fears for the future of the world’s largest tropical rainforest grew yesterday, after the sudden resignation of Brazil’s environment minister, Marina Silva.

    Environmentalists saw Silva, a 50-year-old native of the Brazilian Amazon, as a key ally in the fight against the destruction of the country’s rainforest, 20% of which they believe has been destroyed.

    In her resignation letter to president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Tuesday, Silva said her decision was the result of the “difficulties” she was facing in “pursuing the federal environmental agenda”. She said her efforts to protect the environment had faced “growing resistance … [from] important sectors of the government and society.”

    Two other top environmental officials, including Bazileu Margarido, the president of Brazil’s environmental agency, Ibama, also resigned. Sergio Leitao, the director of public policy for Greenpeace in Brazil, said Silva had taken her decision because of growing pressure from within the government to relax laws outlawing bank loans to those who destroyed the rainforest.

    “The government has now made it clear that the idea of development at any cost is what will win out,” Leitao said.

  2. The Anchorage Daily News reports Judge backs US conscientious objector. “The Army should grant conscientious objector status to Michael Barnes, a Fort Richardson, Alaska-based paratrooper who had his request for that designation denied last year, US magistrate John D Roberts concluded yesterday. In a 26-page recommendation to the US District Court, Roberts noted that the Army failed to show ‘any basis in fact’ to support its decision to deny Barnes’s petition to be honourably discharged due to his religious beliefs… A native of Portland, Oregon, Barnes, 26, said he enlisted in the Army for five years in March 2005 with the idealistic goal of ‘defending freedom and helping other people in countries no one else would help’.”

    “How would I justify to the Lord that participating in war is serving him?” Barnes wrote. “I cannot. War is evil, and nothing but evil comes from it. Many of those who participate in it lose their souls along the way.”

    “Only 1 in about 10,000 soldiers files a request to be recognized as a conscientious objector, according to Army records. About half of all requests are denied.”

  3. Spiegel Online reports Globalization’s victors hunt for the next low-wage country.

    What can Western companies do when China’s factory workers start demanding better wages and conditions? Easy — just transfer production to a cheaper country. China’s loss is Vietnam’s gain…

    Costs are on the rise everywhere. The labor shortage has made production more expensive, as workers can now command higher wages. A more stringent labor law, more expensive raw materials and the revaluation of the Chinese yuan against the dollar have also contributed to rising costs. Inflation recently climbed to 8 percent. China’s role as the ultimate low-cost production location is fast becoming history…

    What is most surprising about this exodus is that no one in China is concerned about the departure of these sweatshops. There have been no major protests or desperate appeals from politicians. On the contrary, the change is intended.

    China’s planners know that their country has no future as a low-cost producer. Following in the footsteps of Japan and South Korea, they are converting their industrial base, hoping to catapult Chinese industry to the high-tech level. It is a change that Beijing’s communist strategists are promoting as energetically as only dictatorships can…

    Hundreds of companies have already had to close their factories in China’s Guangdong province. In return, hundreds have launched new operations in countries like India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia… Often it is the Chinese who develop factories in these countries…

Between Two Worlds

I am an optimist, but by no means a blind optimist. There are very bad people doing very bad things in this world…one could even use the word evil, depending on how one defines evil, one could possibly even say there are evil people in this world.

(e·vil    Pronunciation[ee-vuhl)


1. morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil life.

2. harmful; injurious: evil laws.

3. characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous: to be fallen on evil days.

4. due to actual or imputed bad conduct or character: an evil reputation.

5. marked by anger, irritability, irascibility, etc.: He is known for his evil disposition.

Ok………………..there are evil people in this world!


Ok, not only are their evil people….


But for a while there, the whole nation and many others fell under their evil glamour. A descent into evil was embraced and even celebrated. But now, brothers and sisters, we are beginning the slow crawl back up the slippery slope. The face that evil has hid behind, The Republican party, and their candidates are being crushed and repudiated ….with more humiliations galore to come!

26 Reasons Why November Could Be a Tidal Wave

MS-01: The Backbreaker

GOP getting crushed in polls, key races

And even though our government has been corrupted by the Forces Of Evil to the point where it is about to let obvious War Criminals skate for their crimes…

DOJ: The Weak Link In Preventing Tyranny

Harriett Miers says her clash with Congress will outlast Bush

There are hopeful glimmers from overseas

Italian PM may be drawn into CIA abduction case

Revealed: torture centre linked to MI5

Has evil been defeated?

No way Jose!

Do we need to take hope and inspiration and fuel from the few sunbeams breaking through the clouds?


You bet your wide bloggers ass we do!

The tide is turning, it VERY much looks like we have beat back the worst they have to offer and that people are coming to their senses a bit…at long last. No one knows what new world will be created from the ashes of the old (whatever it is, WE won’t be fully satisfied with it anyway, lol! That is not in our nature, Keep Yelling!) but a new world is coming. Let’s do what we can to help shape it!



Target for the We Are Not Stupid campaign!

More on the Maddow Movement tomorrow.

Re-establishing the Rule of Law for the Ruling Class

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

We have come to a place unimagined even by Orwell who got so much right.  


Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

George Orwell

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

George Orwell

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.

George Orwell

We are a nation raised on bullshit, an artificial reality-defying plastic fantasy land, a diseased Disney World on crutches where everyone is a potential millionaire, where you can have anything you want for a small finance charge, where all you have to do is work, consume and watch American Idol, and never mind that nasty global warming business or the poisons in your food, or our crumbling infrastructure, and here you at least have a vote that kinda sorta counts, but just remember – it’s off to jail with you if you don’t fall in line.

According to the lawsuit filed at U.S. District Court in Denver, Howards and his son walked to about two-to-three feet from where Cheney was standing, and said to the vice president, “I think your policies in Iraq are reprehensible,” or words to that effect, then walked on.

Ten minutes later, according to Howards’ lawsuit, he and his son were walking back through the same area, when they were approached by Secret Service agent Virgil D. “Gus” Reichle Jr., who asked Howards if he had “assaulted” the vice president. Howards denied doing so, but was nonetheless placed in handcuffs and taken to the Eagle County Jail.

Arrest over Cheney barb triggers lawsuit

We have the world’s largest military and we have used it ruthlessly, irresponsibly, immorally and illegally.


“I want you to feel that Iraqi life is precious.”

~ Baraa Sadoon Ismail, 29, a father of two, severely injured by American gunfire while driving to a relative’s house

What we see now is an affront to anyone who ever believed or hoped for America to be a great nation.  Our every value has been betrayed.  The Republicans have had their way with us for 30 years.  It should now be obvious to everyone that their way was the wrong way.  It is so blatantly obvious that I cannot fathom the fact that some Americans still self-identify as Republicans.  If the Democrats had done half the damage that these enemies of humanity have done I would have long ago fled the party and cursed them for all of my days.  How does anyone get off claiming that putrid mantle – Republican?  How can anyone bear the shame of it?  What these guys have done isn’t pretty.  I expect that when the chickens come fully home to roost that you won’t be able to pay someone to claim any association with Republicans.  That’s the way it should be now – but the awakening is slow.  Just wait.

As it sinks in just how royally screwed we are, most everyone will eventually wake up, way too late but at least they’ll be awake.  We may then have an opportunity to do something about it all.  We may then have the will to act.  Let’s hope we can shape that and keep it from becoming an ugly thing in itself.  With luck we will begin the hard work of fixing America – but first things first.

We need to implement the rule of law for our ruling class.  It seems to me that the way to do that is to render justice beginning with the arrest and indictment of the war criminals in our government, starting with the so-called President and including those who enabled and supported them.

Thousands of people have been tortured in our names, millions murdered.  

Our nation has been plundered, gutted, and sold out from under us.  Hard times are coming to us all.

Our world is about to get much smaller, our alternatives fewer, our food much more expensive and our jobs even shakier than we have become used to…all a direct result of the wrongheaded and disastrous policies and the willful wrongdoing of the Republicans.  The damage they have done is incalculable.

That’s why John McCain has a snowball’s chance of winning this election fairly.  People are beginning to awaken to the stark reality we face.  

The Republicans do mean to steal it however.  They have gotten very good at this and the Democrats have laid down for it time and time again.  Their election theft machine was never dismantled.  It is still in place.  They have the patented Diebold in.  They will steal it – if we stand for it.  Mark my words.

“Anyone with access to the election software of a major voting machine vendor can change the outcome of a national election and determine which party will control Congress. Election fraud can now be committed on a national, not just a local, basis.”

Barbara Simons,  Past President

Association for Computing Machinery

I think we all know who has access to the election software of major voting machine vendors.

The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is “committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.”

The Aug. 14 [2003] letter from Walden O’Dell, chief executive of Diebold Inc. – who has become active in the re-election effort of President Bush – prompted Democrats this week to question the propriety of allowing O’Dell’s company to calculate votes in the 2004 presidential election.


People don’t want to accept the fact of massive and widespread voter fraud and election theft because the implications are too frightening.  Sorry to burst anyone’s bubble, but I have been bashed repeatedly over the past two years for talking about Republican election theft at DailyKos, accused of sporting tinfoil chapeaus and etcetera, but guess what – I was right.




Rove’s long drive to destroy the Alabama governor resulted in the theft of the 2002 election for Republican Bob Riley. Here Siegelman describes that theft–which took place primarily in Baldwin County–and also talks about his handling of that matter.

So far, the mainstream press coverage of Don Siegelman’s ordeal has pointedly ignored the theft of the 2002 election. Clearly, Siegelman himself does not regard that theft as a side issue, but as a major crime, and one that is quite relevant to his whole story.

Mark Crispin Miller

Watch a fascinating 2 part interview with Don Siegelman where he talks about the election that was stolen from him.

As some of you may know, Don Siegelman is an old friend of mine.  My rock solid faith in him anchors my conviction that the Republican election theft machine is all too real – and has survived the half-hearted scrutiny it has received.  It remains in place and is the greatest existing threat to our democracy other than the Republicans themselves.

Until we re-establish the rule of law for the Ruling class our government will be run by thieves and we will not address any real issues in any meaningful way for as long as that is true.  


We need to render swift and stern justice by arresting and trying all those who have committed war crimes in the name of the United States of America.  This is the only way we can both meet our solemn obligation to the rest of the world and serve notice that criminals in government will no longer be tolerated.

We need to outlaw all but the most benign forms of lobbying and make it a serious felony for any elected OR appointed official to lie to the public.

We need to ruthlessly root out all forms of corruption, close all legal loopholes, restore the Constitution…and SIMULTANEOUSLY… stop the war, implement strict greenhouse emissions controls, reform the media, begin the dismantling/re-purposing of the Military Industrial Complex, and address all of our other very pressing and very real problems.

No more made up wars, no more propaganda, no more lies, no more spin – nothing but truth, justice and hard work cleaning up the Republicans’ crap.  And they have left tons of it for the rest of us to deal with.  

Time to get to work.


Ironing boards for peace

San Francisco organizers are taking it to the streets — their ironing board, that is.

Here’s what they’re suggesting as an Iraq Moratorium activity on Friday, the ninth monthly Moratorium action:

Make a difference – join us in neighborhood outreach! Stand at an ironing board at a busy location with a partner to help you and speak to that frustrated, angry person who doesn’t know what to do. Get them to write a message on a postcard to their congressperson or presidential candidate. It’s fun, people are so appreciative and eager to speak out! In an hour or two you will reach 50+ people. Please help, choose a time and location of your choice, we have materials! Locations: Golden Gate Park, City Hall, Farmer’s market, 9th and Irving, City College, Tenderloin and more.

One woman who’s tried it out lately says that is an effective way to engage people and get them to do something.  Why an ironing board?  They’re portable, quick and easy to set up, and allow people to write standing up. If you need an ironing board check out websites similar to ( if you’re interested in reading some reviews about ironing boards.

Progressive organizers have spent many hours over the years sitting behind tables filled with literature, signs, petitions, and buttons — so many that the act of sitting at such a table has developed into a verb.  They call it “tabling.”

One of these days, will we be at a meeting where we hear talk of “ironing boarding?”

The ironing boards are but one facet of plans for Iraq Moratorium #9 on Friday, as evidenced by more than 100 events listed at the Moratorium website.

Cincinnati’s Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center will sponsor half a dozen neighborhood vigils in different parts of the city on Friday night.  

In Manitou Springs CO, Iraq Veterans Against the War will sponsor “Words of Resistance,” an evening of poetry and spoken word from Iraq veterans, and a chance to share your own as well.

In Naples FL, a group of military veterans and spouses from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and parentswho have sons in Iraq will hold a roadside vigil.

In Chicago, it’s Art Against war, with a night of music and poetry at the Heartland Cafe.

And in Laramie WY, there will be a vigil on the corner where there has been a vigil every Friday since January 2003.  In Lansing MI there’s been a Friday vigil at the State Capitol since September, 2001.  Oak Park IL has more than five years of vigils as well.

There’s a full list on the website, along with some ideas about what you can do as an individual if you can’t find or attend an action where you live.

The whole idea is to do something — anything — to show your opposition to the war, whether it’s wearing an armband or writing your members of Congress or donating to a peace group working to end the war and occupation.  Or get out your own ironing board and do some outreach.  All it takes to have an action is two people and a sign.  Or maybe one person and an ironing board.

Friday’s the day.  Please do something.


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