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An Idea for Change

I’m an avid reader of political blogs and information sources.  My approach to reading is to sincerely try to understand the issues and use different sources to confirm my conclusions or beliefs.  I read many sources, but mostly center to left.  I try to look past the soundbites, speeches, and photo ops that politicans give to support their policies.  I try to analyze the issues in a theoretical sense to try and find the root cause and underlying faults.  

The “idea” is to find a way for the serfs, and I don’t use that pejoritively, from both major parties in particular, to join together in a common cause and reform the power structure in the U.S. and it’s place in the world.  The reason is the belief that the system currently in place does not allow someone as capable as President Obama, perhaps the best bet we could have for a President, to make the changes truly necessary for our country and the world.   Based on my informal research, it appears there are many people on these democratic blogs that agree with my way of thinking.  Of course there are many who don’t, at least not in total.  

The key would be to find enough common causes to enable a joint effort.  In following the economic crisis, I’ve seen some indications that could be a common cause.  If anything can bring the people together it’s the fear of having no jobs, food, and shelter.  Many on the right are fearing the Obama administration because they think he’s going to turn us into a socialist or even communist state.   Many on the left fear the Obama administration is continuing, and even escalating, the chasm between the rich and everyone else.   Outside of the ridiculous claim that Obama is going to give all the lazy people money so they don’t have to work, maybe there really isn’t much difference in those views.  

There are many other issues the right and left could agree on under the right circumstances.  I know many people on the right who are just as concerned as the left about health insurance, continued Native American exploitation, continued U.S. imperialism, Social Security and Retirement, Drug laws, Civil Rights, gun control policies, sensible immigration policies, our prison system, the Military Industrial Complex, and others.  

I believe there is much common ground for most Americans.  The key is knowledge.  I’m a 54 year old Vietnam Vet.  My brother is a 53 year old non-vet.  He voted for Bush twice.  I love him like, well, a brother.   But my brother is one of those.  We look alike, act alike, have many of the same mannerisms and weird connections.  I cringe when I see some of the comments on these sites relative to those that are different in their views.  Many of us have relatives who do have those different views.  My brother owns almost 200 guns, I’ve never owned a gun in my life.  My brother believes Obama is going to turn us into that “communist state” where our rights are further eroded (since my time in the 60’s, they have definitely been eroded), and the country will fall apart with riots and TEOTWAWKI (The end of the world as we know it).  I believe the country is controlled by a power elite that seeks to engineer our lives in the manner they believe is best.  Engineer the world, all 6+ billion people.  

So when we talk, there really isn’t much difference in our views.  Except I have to explain to him the truth as I’ve read it.  He’s not into reading the variety of information I read and he knows that and appreciates my informing him.  The more we talk, and its been mostly thru the internet because we live in different cities, the more we agree.  He’s got a large circle of like minded friends who I am now forwarding my comments and opinions to, and they are enjoying the repartee.  

We talk about helping Obama enact his policies.  I’ve seen enough politics in my time to realize things aren’t going to change unless something out of the ordinary happens.  The only answer is the people.  The Bush years woke most people up.  The people rose up and elected someone who promised change.  Most people don’t listen far beyond that.  “Change”, that’s what they heard and that’s what they voted for.  The first major change they’re seeing is 12 trillion dollars given to bankers and wall street, and the talk of a new monetary sytem, devaluing the dollar.  Add to that the escalation of the Af-Pak “whatever it is” (war?) and people from both sides are seeing the change may not be coming.

I don’t believe working toward keeping the democrats in power is going to solve our problems.  I believe we need something much more.  Many on the left recognize the need for citizen action.  Many on the right do also.  We need each other to make it work.  The key is to find the common causes and work together.  I know that’s a tough task, but I don’t see how else it can be done.                

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