Author's posts

Do You Want Action On Torture? Then You Must Act!

Do you want action on the issue of the Bush Administrations apparent State Sponsored Torture program? It is an easy enough question, but you should consider it. Not, do you think it will happen or should happen, but do you want it to happen? Knowing the answer to this question can inform your next steps, so even if you think you know take a couple of minutes and really think about it.

Cross Posted At Square State

Friday Constitutional -Bonus Addition!

Crossposted on Square State

Happy Friday and Welcome to a bonus installment of Friday Constitutional! This is the Dog’s seemingly never ending series about the Constitution of the United States of America. Up to now we have focused on reading and giving a layman’s interpretation of the Constitution. This week we will take a slightly new direction we will talk about some of the influences of on the construction of the Constitution itself. Specifically we are going to look at what role the governance of the Iroquois Confederacy or the Huadenosaunee had on the structure proposed and ratified by the Constitutional Convention in 1787. For those that have not been following this series and who are interested in the previous installments, you can find them at the following links;  

Campaigning 101- Finding Your Win Number

Welcome to the Dog’s on going series about campaigning from the point of view of the Candidate. If you have been following this series or if you are a candidate or thinking of being one, you might have noticed that we have not talked too much about how you are going to actually win. As everyone knows you need to get more votes than your opponent, but that is not enough to actually design a plan to get those votes. The place that you need to start is the Win Number.  

Weekly Torture Action Letter: If We Don’t Do It, Others Will

Welcome to the fourth in the Dog’s ongoing letter writing campaign diaries. This has two purposes. First off it is designed to, on weekly basis send the President, the Attorney General, the Justices of the Supreme Court, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid a letter every week discussing one aspect of why we must investigate, indict, and prosecute those that ordered torture and those that carried it out. The other purpose is to provide those that would like to join the Dog in this effort a letter that they can cut and paste or a topic to use as the jumping off point for their own letter.

This week we will make the point that if the United States does not fulfill our obligations, some other country will.  

The Final Friday Constitutional – Amendments 26 And 27

Crossposted on Square State

Happy Friday and welcome to the last of the Friday Constitutionals (Wow, that is surprisingly hard to write!)! This is the final of the Dogs 21 week series on the Constitution of the United States. For those of you just coming in, where have you been the last five months? In any case this series takes a layman’s look at the founding document of our nation and its system of laws. If you are interested in the previous installments of this series, you can find them at the following links:  

On Being A Better Democrat

This post is really for all the Democrats out there. Independents (or as we call them in CO Unaffiliated), Progressive, Liberals or other folks are welcome to read and comment, of course, but it is pointed toward those that identify themselves as Democrats. Markos Moulitsas the redoubtable Kos himself has pushed the idea of electing better Democrats as a part of his mission. It is a good mission to the Dog’s way of thinking but the better Dems has to not only extend to those we elect, it has to extend to those of us in the Party as well.

Crossposted at Square State

Sensible Regulation For “Too Big To Fail” Companies.

Crossposted at Square State

There is a lot of talk about the way which we need to go in order to fix our current very serious problems in the financial sector and the economy in general. There can be very little doubt one of the major causes of our crisis is the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999. Now the Dog knows that some of his reader’s eyes are going to glaze over when the old hound starts to talk about economic policy, but he promises not to make it too dry and boring. Besides, none of us can really have an informed opinion if we don’t wade through this stuff.  

Weekly Torture Action 3 – “Criminalizing Policy” Letter

Welcome the third week of the Dog’s letter writing campaign about torture. This is a small effort to keep the decision makers of our nation aware that we as a people will not and can not simple draw a line under the State Sanctioned Torture policy of the criminal Bush administration. The basic premise of this series is that the Dog will write a letter every Monday to the President, the Attorney General, and the Justices of the US Supreme Court, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid, reminding them of one or another point about the State Sanctioned Torture policy of the last Administration. Those that wish to join the Dog in this endeavor are more than welcome to cut and paste the entire thing or write their own on the topic of the week.  

Friday Constitutional 20 – Amendments 24 And 25

Crossposted on Square State

Happy Friday and welcome to the penultimate Friday Constitutional! This is the Dog’s series looking at the United States Constitution from a layman’s perspective. For those who like to have access to the entire series, all of the previous installments in this series can be found at the following links:  

How To Talk About Torture With Those Who Don’t Care

A bloggy friend of the Dog’s called Lady Libertine recently asked a question that has been haunting the Dog ever since. It is a pretty simple question; how do we who take the issue of our apparent State Sponsored Torture program seriously get others to do the same? It is one of the tragedies of America in the 21st Century that we know from public statements about it that the United States has, at the very least, tortured three of our prisoners in the Orwellianly named War On Terror. From recent International Committee of the Red Cross report that was leaked it is almost certain we have tortured other prisoners as well.  

Torture Weekly Action – Rule of Law Letter

Welcome the second of the Dog’s weekly letter writing series about torture. The idea behind this series is to get as many people as possible sending a weekly notice that we as a people have not forgotten nor will forget about the Bush Administration’s torture program, nor our responsibility as nation of laws to investigate, indict and prosecute these most heinous of crimes.  

Friday Constitutional 19 – Amendments 21, 22 And 23

Happy Friday and welcome to the 19th installment of Friday Constitutional! As nearly everyone that is reading this knows by now, this is the Dog’s series looking at the Constitution of the United States. For those that missed any of the other installments or are coming in now, you can find all of the previous installments of this series at the following links (the Dog just realized that the links for this series are longer than some folk’s essays. What does that say about the Dog?):  

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